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Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs
Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs

The organism of our friends the dogs is truly complex. In fact, both anatomically and physiologically, it bears important similarities to the human body, therefore, it is also susceptible to multiple diseases.

The inflammation or inflammatory process is not a serious condition or a disease by itself, but it can be due to different pathologies, of such that veterinary supervision will be essential. If you want to complement veterinary treatment and help your dog in a natural and respectful way with his body, in this article on our site we show you which are the best natural anti-inflammatories for dogs

Anti-inflammatory for dogs, is it good?

If your dog suffers from an inflammatory process you will be able to observe the following symptoms:

  • Pain: The dog is showing pain through restlessness, whimpering, or changes in appetite and behavior.
  • Heat: The swollen area shows an increase in body temperature that is perceptible to the touch.
  • Tumor: Refers to swelling that occurs in inflamed tissue and is also easily noticeable on physical examination.
  • Rubor: the inflamed area is red, this being especially visible when the inflammation is accompanied by skin wounds.

As we mentioned initially, Inflammation is not a disease and generally not a serious condition either, but veterinary attention is essential, since it can be caused by a pathology that requires immediate medical treatment, such as canine osteoarthritis in the early stages of progression.

Are there over-the-counter anti-inflammatories for dogs?

Today, we find non-prescription anti-inflammatories for dogs that act as a complement and, in general, are made with natural ingredients. They are not usually harmful, but it is always better to consult with the veterinarian if this product is good for the condition that our dog suffers.

Now, if you don't have these products and you wonder if you can administer anti-inflammatories for human use, the answer is no. It is not appropriate to give a dog anti-inflammatories for medical use without the approval of a professional. Once the cause of the inflammation is determined, the veterinarian will begin treatment. As a complement, we can make use of natural and homemade anti-inflammatories, which act effectively but without causing the typical side effects of some chemical drugs with anti-inflammatory activity.

If your dog is in pain, it's best to Go to your vet so that they can determine the cause of the pain. your dog and prescribe the appropriate medication.

Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs - Anti-inflammatory for dogs, is it good?
Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs - Anti-inflammatory for dogs, is it good?

Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs

Below, we will show you which are those natural anti-inflammatories for dogs that, in addition to being harmless, you can easily administer to treat your furry companion:

  • Arnica Montana: This is one of the best topical anti-inflammatories. You can apply it through a cream that contains arnica plant extract and is suitable for pets. However, we recommend the oral administration of the homeopathic remedy Arnica Monta 9 CH: 3 granules dissolved in 5 milliliters of water, twice a day. You should always administer homeopathy separately from meals.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric is a culinary spice with a multitude of medicinal properties, including being an incredible anti-inflammatory substance. The dose of turmeric for dogs ranges between 15 and 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight and can be added to the animal's food. We recommend buying organic turmeric, as it guarantees a higher proportion of the active ingredient curcumin, responsible for anti-inflammatory activity.
  • Oilfish: the most natural option of this anti-inflammatory for dogs is oily fish, however, we can also offer our animal fish oil nutritional supplements. This type of fish contains large amounts of omega 3 essential fatty acids, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Fish oil can be mixed with your regular food. It is recommended, above all, for elderly dogs and/or with joint problems.
  • Harpagofito: Harpagofito is an anti-inflammatory medicinal plant that can be applied to chronic processes for long periods of time without this implying any kind of collateral damage to the dog.
  • Local Heat: This is the simplest natural anti-inflammatory for dogs, but also one of the most effective. It is enough to apply a thermal bag or hot water bag to the affected area, the heat causes blood vasodilation and consequently reduces inflammation and pain.
  • Valeriana: valerian for dogs is an exceptional remedy and we can use it as an anti-inflammatory when the inflammation is due to a muscular disorder, since that this plant is useful to reduce muscle contractures, as well as the tension accumulated in the muscle.
Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs - Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs
Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs - Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs

Orthosis, the best remedy for inflammation in dogs

The above remedies are not the only homemade anti-inflammatories for dogs that you can use. Currently, we find on the market the so-called orthoses, which are products manufactured with the aim of reducing inflammation, pain and improving mobility of the dog. Therefore, if, for example, you are looking for home remedies to reduce inflammation in a dog's leg, a good complement to veterinary treatment may be the use of a suitable orthosis.

Orthoses for dogs are indicated for all types of inflammatory processes, so they are ideal for cases of osteoarthritis in the joints, injuries to the cruciate ligaments, arthritis or trauma, among many others. If you don't know which orthosis or anti-inflammatory for dogs to choose, here are the most common ones:

  • Knee protector: it is indicated for cases of osteoarthritis, arthritis, patella dislocation, cruciate ligament injuries and tendinitis because it helps both reduce inflammation and pain, which improves the general condition of the dog.
  • Carpus support: is the preferred alternative when surgery is not possible in this area. It is also used for post-surgical treatment or to reduce inflammation and pain due to injuries or trauma.
  • Hip support: the perfect option for cases of hip dysplasia or osteoarthritis in this area because it stabilizes the hip, reduces pain and inflammation. All this helps the animal to move better and work the muscle group involved in an appropriate way.
  • Wristband: protects, treats and prevents, so it can be used both to relieve inflammation in dogs naturally and to prevent an inflammatory process in older dogs.

All these orthoses for dogs can be purchased directly from the Ortocanis online store. They are the original manufacturers of these aids that improve the mobility of dogs with problems of osteoarthritis, arthritis or ligament injuries.

Recommendations for giving your dog natural anti-inflammatories

The natural remedies for dog inflammation that we have shown you are widely safe and do not cause toxicity if administered properly. To apply them responsibly, we recommend that you take into account the following considerations:

  • Use these anti-inflammatories under the supervision of the veterinarian, because although they are harmless, some may interact with certain drugs and it is also necessary individual dose adjustment.
  • To complete the treatment of the inflammation, the dog must rest, so we must make sure that it does not move the inflamed area excessively.
  • If the swelling does not subside in a few days, go back to the vet.

On the other hand, orthoses are also harmless, but it is important to be sure of the cause that is causing the inflammation before using them, since many of them require medication and surgery.

If you're not sure if your dog is in pain, before giving your dog an anti-inflammatory, check out this article on 10 signs of pain in dogs and see your vet.
