Most common diseases of fox terriers

Most common diseases of fox terriers
Most common diseases of fox terriers
Common Fox Terrier Diseases
Common Fox Terrier Diseases

Fox terriers originate from the United Kingdom, are small in size and can have straight or wire hair. They are very sociable, intelligent, faithful and also very active dogs, which is why they need a lot of exercise and are very popular pets. In addition, in general, they are dogs in very good he alth and do not have important hereditary diseases, but they do have a propensity to suffer from some he alth problems.

For this reason, if you have or are thinking of welcoming a dog of this breed into your home, it is very important that you know various aspects of its life and that you bear in mind that, even if they are he althy, You should take him to the vet periodically to check his condition. Keep reading this new article on our site and discover the most common diseases of fox terriers

Things to consider if you want to take in a fox terrier

Fox terriers do not usually present serious he alth problems, but they do have a certain propensity to develop some diseases and conditions, especially depending on the breeding lines. For this reason, it is very important that you know what the most common diseases of fox terriers are and that, in addition, you check the breeding line beforehand and that you see the parents to make sure that there is no serious he alth problem that could be present. hereditary.

In addition, it is very important that you always pay attention to possible changes in the appearance of your furry, since anything out of the ordinary will be a sign that your faithful companion needs veterinary attention. It is recommended that we visit the vet at least twice a year and follow the deworming schedule, both external and internal, and vaccination. In this way you will ensure that you provide the best quality of life to your faithful furry companion.

You must bear in mind that, like most terrier breeds, these dogs need a lot of daily exercise, otherwise they can develop anxiety, behavioral and some physical problems.

Most common diseases of fox terriers - Things to keep in mind if you want to foster a fox terrier
Most common diseases of fox terriers - Things to keep in mind if you want to foster a fox terrier

The most common he alth problems in fox terriers

Some of the most common illnesses of Fox Terriers, whether they are smooth-haired or wire-haired, are the following:

Cataracts and lens dislocation

Fox terriers have a significant propensity to suffer from cataracts and lens dislocations and subluxations. Cataracts in dogs occur when the lens becomes opaque due to breakage of its fibers. This eye condition causes the eye to have a whitish or bluish spot and, although they can be caused by other he alth problems, cataracts are usually hereditary. Fortunately, there is both treatment and surgery for this condition.

Dislocation and subluxation of the lens is another eye problem that this breed is easily affected by. Lens dislocation occurs when the fibers break completely and the lens is completely displaced. On the other hand, when there is a subluxation, the lens remains in place, only the fibers break partially and it remains with some movement. There are cases in which treatment can be done to improve the condition of the lens and alleviate the symptoms and cases that require surgery.


Deafness in this breed is a condition that primarily affects predominantly white individuals and is a genetic trait. A dog without hearing ability or with a lesser degree of hearing can lead a completely normal life. If you have a deaf fox terrier, all you have to worry about is knowing what the care for a deaf dog is to offer it the best quality of life.

Dislocation of the shoulder and Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

Shoulder Dislocation in Fox Terriers is one of the most common problems we can see in this breed. It occurs when the head of the humerus moves from the cavity that houses it, and can cause damage to the tendons and ligaments of the joint.

Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, is less common in fox terriers but also occurs. It is the almost complete degeneration of the hip joint that begins with a wear of the head of the femur, causing significant deterioration and inflammation of the joint. It can be detected from an early age and should be treated as soon as possible to relieve symptoms and pain.

Atopic dermatitis

Fox terriers are prone to some skin allergies, allergies in dogs can be due to factors such as food or contact with agents that irritate their skin. In addition, this breed is also easily affected by atopic dermatitis which is a problem of inflammation and hypersensitivity of the skin caused by an allergy, it has no cure and can only be avoided contact with what causes the allergy and treat the symptoms.

Most common diseases of fox terriers - The most common he alth problems in fox terrier dogs
Most common diseases of fox terriers - The most common he alth problems in fox terrier dogs

The most common diseases of wire-haired fox terriers

In addition to the diseases mentioned above, wire-haired fox terriers are prone to other he alth problems that we must pay attention to if we want to foster one. These are the other common diseases of wire-haired fox terriers:

Thyroid diseases

Thyroid hormone imbalances are one of the problems that occur in Wire Fox Terriers. Hypothyroidism, low thyroid hormone, or hyperthyroidism can occur, the opposite case with elevated thyroid production. Both can be treated by a veterinarian.


epilepsy in dogs is a disease that this breed can suffer from. Once detected, this neural problem must begin to be treated immediately in order to reduce the attacks that they may have. In addition, owners must be involved and know how to act when a crisis occurs and follow all the guidelines of their veterinarian.
