Nymph Body Language - Complete Guide

Nymph Body Language - Complete Guide
Nymph Body Language - Complete Guide
Nymph Body Language
Nymph Body Language

Nymphs or carolinas are birds belonging to the cockatoo family, which are characterized by their sociable, intelligent and affectionate natureThese birds also have a very complex body language, which is necessary to understand if you have this bird as a pet.

In this article on our site we want to explain how is the body language of nymphs, since knowing your bird is necessary to May she be he althy and happy with you, because only by knowing what your nymph wants to convey to you will you know how to relate better to her and give her the best care.

Signs that indicate a nymph is happy

There are several signs that together can make you understand that your nymph is happy. These signs are the wagging of the tail swinging it from side to side as if it were a dog, it will look at you attentively and with interest in what you do, keeping the head high and crest raised too. In the process, she may whistle or sing to express her glee and jump towards you

How to know if a nymph is afraid?

When a nymph feels threatened, it is very unlikely that it will stay still, as its first reaction will be to fly away as far as possible, while she will scream in desperation However, if she is cornered, for example if she is locked in the cage, she will dilate her pupils looking at the element at that he is afraid, he will have an agitated breath and will be restless trying to flee, hitting himself against the walls of the area in which he is.

Because of all of the above, it is important that you be careful when choosing where to place your nymph's cage, because if it is close to any noise that frightens it or within reach of something and/or someone who disturbs it (other animals, children, etc.), could easily be injured if they hit the bars.

Why doesn't my nymph stop screeching and snorting?

A nymph that hisses, screeches and emits other signals such as flapping its wings, biting or dilating its pupils is very likely is angry or feels threatenedThere are two main reasons why a nymph might be aggressive. First, it could happen because she is threatened with no possibility of fleeing, she considers that she has no choice but to defend herself against her alleged aggressor. For example, if a nymph is afraid of someone and that person puts her hand inside her cage, she might end up biting him because she is cornered.

The second reason why your nymph might be aggressive is to protect something and therefore prevent you from or another nymph take it away. Now, how to know that your nymph is aggressive because of this? What is the body language of an angry nymphet?

Signs of an angry nymph

When a nymph is aggressive she will dilate her pupilsin the same way she would if she were afraid. At the same time, she will keep the head downand the crest loweredback of the head her. You will also notice that she quite possibly puffs up by ruffling her feathers, opening her tail feathers and flapping her wings wildly as screechesshowing you her anger

Also, a very curious behavior of this bird is to keep away from its territory those it does not accept, hanging upside down with outstretched wings, similar to a bat.

Finally, if your nymph is upset because, for example, you have inadvertently hurt her by caressing her, it is very likely that she will tell you by giving you nibbles, not painful, and leave because you prefer to be quiet.

Signs emitted by a nymph to attract attention

As we have discussed, nymphs are social animals that love to interact with others. The care of her caregiver is a need that must be covered, otherwise, your nymph will take care of reminding you to be there for her insistently calling your attention and in various ways.

When your nymph wants to get your attention, apart from emitting a wide spectrum of sounds to get you to notice her, she will performother curious behaviors such as:

  • Hit and throw objects with the beak
  • Follow you everywhere by flying or hopping
  • Snaking from side to side with head
  • Spreading its crest, wings and tail
Body language of the nymphs - Signals that a nymph emits to attract attention
Body language of the nymphs - Signals that a nymph emits to attract attention

Importance of nymph grooming

Nymphs are very hygienic animals if they are happy and he althy. For them, grooming is a way of taking care of themselves and preventing diseases, as well as a routine that allows them to keep their feathers in good condition and ready for flight.

During preening, carolina combs feathers from base to tip with bill, removing feathers from entire body. This apparently simple procedure has a very complex and useful function in the background, it is to distribute the natural oils that are secreted by the uropygeal gland (located at the base of the tail), whose function is to protect, waterproof and keep the feathers flexible.

Thus, within the behavior of the nymphs we also find the mutual grooming when they live in a group. This mutual grooming is a behavior that nymphs perform when they are friends, washing and combing each other's hair with great care. But why is this behavior important within the body language of nymphs? Because if your nymph trusts you, she she will ask you to pet herand help her comb her feathers. How? She will come up to you a few times and lean on your hand

Nymph Body Language - Importance of Nymph Grooming
Nymph Body Language - Importance of Nymph Grooming

How do you know when a nymph is relaxed?

When your nymph is calm, you will see how she will remain with the lowered crestand with the calm eyes, may even keep them half open. In addition, it is common to see them perform stretches with their wings, keeping them fully extended, and bask in the sun if they feel like it.

Normally, when a nymph is relaxed she will also groom herself or ask you to pet her. In the process he can even fall asleep by hiding his head inside her dense plumage.

Now that you know the body language of the nymphs, each one of the signals they emit and why, you will be able to understand your little friend much better to cover all her needs. Likewise, to learn how to care for a Carolina nymph correctly, don't miss this video.
