Parts of the body of a butterfly - SUMMARY and SCHEME

Parts of the body of a butterfly - SUMMARY and SCHEME
Parts of the body of a butterfly - SUMMARY and SCHEME
Butterfly Body Parts
Butterfly Body Parts

Insects are the most diverse class of arthropods that exist on the planet, presenting a variety of characteristics and adaptations typical of such a large group. They have conquered countless habitats and, as adults, can move by walking, flying or swimming, depending on the species.

Although they have certain aspects in common, the anatomical, biological and ecological features of these animals differ from one type of insect to another, in this article on our site we want to present you particularly information about theBody parts of a butterfly Read on and learn about the anatomy of these animals.

General characteristics of butterflies

Butterflies, together with moths, are grouped in the order Lepidoptera, a name that refers to the presence of scales on the wings It is common for butterflies to exhibit both flight and attractive coloration, making them eye-catching animals. Some of the general characteristics of butterflies are:

  • They have a complete metamorphosis: so that their life cycle includes the stages of egg, larva or caterpillar, chrysalis or pupa and adult. Find out more about Animals that undergo metamorphosis in their development, here.
  • They are a diverse group: with a wide area on the planet, with the exception of Antarctica.
  • Generally they have diurnal habits: although there are exceptions of species that are active at night, which usually have more uniform colors or patterns and less conspicuous.
  • They have developed various protection mechanisms: such as chemicals, camouflage and imitation, which, depending on the species, they use to evade predators.
  • It is common for other parts of the body to be covered with scales: which come off if the animal is touched. You may be interested in this other article on our site about Animals with scales: names and curiosities.
  • The body of a butterfly, follows the typical anatomy or structure of insects: which consists of a head, a thorax and an abdomen, having in each of these parts, specific adaptations for different functions of the animal. The main organs of the senses and food are located in the first, the second has, among others, the special function for locomotion and the third, for functions such as digestion, excretion and reproduction.

Butterfly Head

The butterfly's head is small, rounded and, as we have mentioned, the sensory organs are located here. Some of the butterfly parts found on its head are:

Pair of compound eyes

In principle we can mention the pair of compound type eyes that are well developed and formed by hundreds of ommatidia that are the units that make up this ocular structure. This type of eyes offers a mosaic vision, which, despite allowing them to capture well the movements in their environment, in addition to colors and certain patterns, not a very efficient view for distinguishing clear images.

Trunk or SpiritTrunk

On the other hand, we found that in butterflies there has been an oral modification, which gave rise to a long sucking proboscis, to the which is usually called spirit. It is the organ used for feeding Also on the head, near the mouth, we find appendages known as palps, which have olfactory receptors, this being a sense specially developed in these animals.


The antennae are another of the structures located on the head of the butterfly. They are characterized by being long, filamentous, segmented in the shape of a club. These have an extremely important role in these insects, since They serve to perceive the environment, they also perform tactile and olfactory functions. Butterflies through their antennae can perceive the pheromones of potential partners. As if that were not enough, the antennae additionally help in the orientation of these Lepidoptera.

Butterfly Body Parts - Butterfly Head
Butterfly Body Parts - Butterfly Head

Butterfly Thorax

Another part of the body of butterflies is the thorax, which corresponds to the median structure of the body and is made up of three segments fused and of chitinous constitution. The parts of the butterfly that we find in the thorax are the following.

  • The first is the prothorax: where the first two legs are located, in addition, the respiratory openings known as spiracles are present; connected with a complex tubular system that participate in gas exchange. Where and how do insects breathe? Discover the answer in this post that we suggest.
  • We find the mesothorax: which is larger, in this are the other two legs of the butterfly, two more spiracles and forewings.
  • Finally we have the metathorax: which contains the third pair of legs and the hind wings.

An important aspect is that the thorax contains strong muscles that allow the movement of the wings. These last structures make it possible for these to be flying insects, and they are covered by thousands of scales, which can have different pigments In this way, they give butterflies their beautiful colors and particular patterns that vary from one group to another.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that the butterfly legs are made up of three segments: femur, tibia and tarsus. These limbs also have receptors that allow them to perceive signals from the environment, such as vibrations, smells and tastes.

Butterfly Body Parts - Butterfly Thorax
Butterfly Body Parts - Butterfly Thorax

Butterfly Abdomen

The abdomen that is characterized by approaching the cylindrical shape and is flexible. It is made up of 10 segments, although the last two are usually modified to form part of the reproductive system. There are also spiracles on the abdomen, which, as we know, correspond to the respiratory system of these insects.

In this third part of the body of a butterfly we have:

  • Continuation of the digestive system: since this would really start from the animal's mouth, which is in charge of processing the mainly liquid food that these insects consume.
  • Circulatory system: made up of a tubular heart, which drives hemolymph, that is, the blood of these arthropods, by a single blood tube called the dorsal aorta. Through this latter structure, nutrients flow to the rest of the body.
  • Excretory system: This consists of a complex formed by the Malpighian tubules that work in conjunction with specialized glands and the rectum, of so that the waste produced is excreted, but in a very efficient way since the loss of liquids is regulated.
  • Reproductive system: which is complex, and varies not only between male and female, but also from one species to another, which it allows only reproduction between individuals that are part of it. In the case of females, this area of the abdomen appears more rounded and thicker than in males, in which it is narrower. The structures that make up this system have particular names, but in general, we can mention that females have ovaries, an oviduct, a genital chamber and an ovipositor duct. Males, on the other hand, have a penis, sperm ducts, and testicles. We leave you this article from our site so you can learn more about How do butterflies reproduce?
