Types of colic in horses

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Types of colic in horses
Types of colic in horses
Types of colic in horses
Types of colic in horses

Colic is one of the most frequent pathologies and, unfortunately, the most serious in horses. When the term colic is used, reference is being made to a pathology that affects the intestine of any species, including man. In a general and broad way it is defined as a painful access, located in the intestines and is characterized by violent cramps, pain, sweats, etc. In the horse it manifests as acute abdominal pain and depression, being a true emergency situation, so the veterinarian must be notified urgently and the situation explained.

In this article on our site we are going to detail both the causes and the symptoms of colic in horses, as well as the different types of colic there are and the treatment to cure them.

What is the origin of colic?

A colic is a syndrome that can have multiple origins, so it is technically said to have a multifactorial etiology. However, indistinctly there is a common denominator in the origin of colic in horses, which is inadequate care for the horse

What types of colic can occur in horses?

Different types of colic can be observed in horses, including:

  • Flatulent colic It is produced due to the great accumulation of gases due to bacterial fermentation in the intestine. It gives rise to a great distension of the gastric and abdominal wall. The animal usually suffers a great acute pain and it usually occurs before high intakes and without feed control.
  • Obstructive colic This type of colic is usually due to an obstruction in some part of the digestive system, especially natural constrictions. It is due to the ingestion of poor quality straw that is poorly digestible by the animal, or to the ingestion of foreign materials, such as wood.
  • Spasmodic colic. It is mainly caused by ingestion of cold water or due to infectious processes that cause diarrhea.
  • Ischemic colic. It usually occurs due to decreased blood supply to the abdominal wall caused by parasites, the most common being strongyles.
Types of colic in horses - What types of colic can occur in horses?
Types of colic in horses - What types of colic can occur in horses?

Symptoms of colic in horses

Depending on the type of colic, some symptoms outweigh some symptoms than others s, although it is difficult to know the type of colic from the symptoms observed.

In the case of flatulent colic, the heart rate is between 70 and 90 beats per minute (when normal values in a he althy horse are between 28 and 40), the animal does not want to stand, there is an absence of sound in the intestines and profuse sweating. In obstructive colic, a more severe colic than the previous one, the heart rate is higher, the horse stops defecating and the flank is looked at. While in the case of spasmodic colic, the horse's guts rumble, he scratches, looks at his flank intermittently, and the heart rate is between 40 and 65. Finally, in ischemic colic, the heart rate can become very high. high and reach up to 150 beats per minute, the horse sweats profusely, there is depression and can go into shock.

Once the symptoms of colic in horses have been detailed, we see how to identify whether or not it may suffer from this condition, we must pay attention to the animal's heart rate and observe if it has difficulty defecating, depression etc In the end, it will be up to the vet to determine what type of colic you have and how to treat it.

Types of colic in horses - Symptoms of colic in horses
Types of colic in horses - Symptoms of colic in horses

How is colic treated in horses?

Of course, the best treatment for colic in horses is for it never to occur or to minimize the chance of suffering from it. To prevent colic in horses, it is recommended:

  • Take care of the horse's mouth by filing the teeth (always done by a veterinarian).
  • Provide the animal with clean, warm water.
  • Manage good quality forages.
  • Have a food routine.
  • In animals that are loose in sandy areas, give them a special oral gel on a regular basis, so that they expel the sand they may have eaten.
  • Deworm the animal regularly (under veterinary supervision) and follow the vaccination plan.
  • Keeping a clean bed.
  • Reduce the animal's stress.
  • Move horse daily.

In the event of suspecting that the animal is suffering from colic, it is necessary to immediately notify the veterinarian and follow the advice that this provide. However, it is always recommended to implement the following measures:

  • Remove the feed from the horse and leave water available.
  • If the horse has fallen down, try to pick it up. A good tip is to move it but without tiring it.
  • Any other recommendations made by the vet.

The curative treatment of colic depends on the cause that produces it. Only 10% of colic needs surgery, so the general treatment for colic in horses performed by the veterinarian is usually:

  • Nasogastric tube. It reduces stomach tension, as it allows the gases formed there to be evacuated and a stomach lavage is performed.
  • Rectal palpation. The veterinarian inserts his arm through the animal's anus and rectum and cleans out the last portion of the intestine.
