Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer

Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer
Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer
Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer
Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer

Cancer is a disease that unfortunately appears more and more frequently in our beloved pets and whose progress and treatment cause great pain and anxiety, both in our pets and in us.

Dogs also currently suffer higher levels of stress and are also exposed to greater amounts of toxins through food and the environment, which explains in part the increase in malignant tumors in dogs. dogs.

There are completely natural therapeutic resources that, combined with conventional pharmacological therapy, can help relieve the dog's suffering, protect its body from the damage caused by chemotherapy and overcome cancer more easily, provided that it have a cure, something that unfortunately does not represent 100% of cases.

In this article on our site we expose the best alternative therapies for dogs with cancer.

Nutritional Therapy

Food is one of the most effective tools to prevent cancer and also to treat it, since therapeutic nutrition will help maintain the animal's immune system in good condition so that it can continue to deal with the reproduction of cancer cells.

On the other hand, nutritional therapy helps our dog not fall into a state of malnutrition while undergoing chemotherapy treatment, allowing to preserve structures as important as proteins and muscle tissue.

In addition, certain nutritional supplements based on vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will be of great importance in minimizing the collateral damage that results from pharmacological treatment.

Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer - Nutritional therapy
Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer - Nutritional therapy


Acupuncture for dogs is a basic pillar in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) applied to companion animals.

Acupuncture bears a very important similarity to other alternative therapies such as homeopathy: it considers physical illness to manifest as a consequence of blocked or disturbed vital energy.

Through the insertion of fine needles into the animal's dermis (at anatomical points known as meridians) the regulation of this energy is sought, as well as stimulating the system immune system of the animal to improve the prognosis and evolution of the disease.

Obviously, as in all the therapies that we name in this article, it must be carried out by a veterinarian who has also been trained in the alternative therapies that he performs.

Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer - Acupuncture
Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer - Acupuncture


Homeopathy for animals is one of the most frequently used alternative therapies in the veterinary field due to its surprising results.

Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the own healing resources possessed by the animal's body and is very useful for achieving the following objectives in the treatment of cancer in dogs:

  • Improve the response of the immune system
  • Improve the body's self-regulation capacity
  • Treat pain naturally
  • Protect the body from damage associated with chemotherapy
  • Improve the dog's mood
Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer - Homeopathy
Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer - Homeopathy


Phytotherapy is therapy with medicinal plants, plants that sometimes act as powerfully as drugs but in a much more more innocuous and respectful with our dog's body.

Medicinal plants can sometimes interact with pharmacological therapy, therefore the veterinarian must choose those that are compatible with the chemotherapy that the animal is receiving.

We can use numerous medicinal plants in the treatment of cancer in dogs, plants with immunostimulant activity, anti-inflammatory and analgesic plants as well as recognized anticancer activity.

Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer - Phytotherapy
Alternative therapies for dogs with cancer - Phytotherapy

Hygienic-dietary advice to prevent cancer in your pet

  • Make sure your dog eats a balanced diet, organic feed is an excellent option
  • Under no circumstances should you give your dog sweet food
  • Your dog should exercise daily, taking into account its possibilities and limitations
  • Whenever possible avoid the use of chemical drugs
  • It covers all the psychological and social needs of your pet to prevent it from showing stress or anxiety
