Types of therapies with horses

Table of contents:

Types of therapies with horses
Types of therapies with horses
Types of horse therapies
Types of horse therapies

Animals are capable of completely improving human he alth through many ways, in fact, animal-assisted therapies began in England in 1872and it was in 1875 when a French neurologist discovered all the benefits that horses could offer his patients.

This is how equestrian therapies are born, also known as equinetherapy, which have not ceased to be used from their origin to the present day in order to improve the quality of life of many people. Do you want to know what the different types of horse therapies are? Then don't stop reading this AnimalWised article where we delve into this fascinating world.

Equine therapy

The company of animals is associated with numerous improvements for human beings, which is why it is currently possible to carry out animal therapy for the elderly or find a good solution with dog-assisted therapy.

But horses, these animals that arouse so much fascination, also have an important characteristic, and that is that their movement is very similar to the physiological pattern of human walking, that is why they are capable of improving numerous pathologies when these therapies are carried out by qualified professionals.

This is an integral therapy, since it not only improves physical aspects of the human being, but also social, mental and psychological aspects. The different types of therapies with horses that we can find are mainly indicated for the following cases:

  • Muscle coordination problems
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Autism
  • Down's Syndrome
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Parkinson
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Developmental disorders

Within the important field of equine therapy various disciplines can be distinguished, below we will explain what each of them consists of.

Types of therapies with horses - Equine therapy
Types of therapies with horses - Equine therapy

Types of horse therapies

The equestrian therapies that are most used today to relieve multiple ailments are mainly the following:

  • Therapeutic riding: This type of equine therapy goes beyond simple riding as it proposes that the patient be responsible for the different care that the horse needs. Acquiring this responsibility has a very positive impact on the ability to interact and be independent.
  • Adapted riding: This type of therapy is dedicated to those people who enjoy horse riding but who suffer from some type of physical disability and therefore they need the mount to be adapted to their individual needs.
  • Hypotherapy: It is mainly based on the movement of the horse and can be performed with or on it. This type of therapy generates multiple stimuli on the patient to finally improve aspects such as coordination or balance.
  • Therapeutic flipping: In this case, the hair is only mounted on a blanket in order to be able to perform movements on its back. This therapy can not only have physiotherapeutic objectives but also psychopedagogical ones.
  • Social equine therapy: This therapy takes advantage of the affective bond established with the horse to help the patient overcome their conflicts of adaptation and thus being able to better integrate into society.
  • Occupational Equestrian Therapies: They are those that are carried out to favor the labor insertion of people with disabilities.
Types of therapies with horses - Types of therapies with horses
Types of therapies with horses - Types of therapies with horses

The horse therapy professionals

The professionals involved in equine therapy belong to very different disciplines, although the figures that stand out the most are the following:

  • Psychologists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Pedagogues
  • Riding Technicians
  • Occupational Therapists

In order for a person to observe important he alth improvements, it is absolutely necessary that equestrian therapies be carried out under the supervision of these professionals and in a place suitably adapted for this purpose.
