Dogs, like humans and other animals, are susceptible to cancer. Cancer is a group of diseases caused by the uncontrolled proliferation of cells. This uncontrolled cell growth produces excess tissue known as a tumor or neoplasm.
Malignant tumors have the ability to disperse diseased cells to other parts of the body, which makes them tremendously dangerous, they are called cancerous tumors. For their part, benign tumors are not cancerous because they do not spread diseased cells to other parts of the body. However, they may need to be surgically removed when they interfere with normal body functions.
In this article on our site we will detail with you everything you need to know about cancer in dogs: the different types that exist, the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
What is cancer?
This disease begins at the cellular level when a genetic error occurs in transcription. A cell that should carry out a certain function stops doing so and begins to multiply uncontrollably, generating excessive tissue.
There are about a hundred different types of cancer that can affect our best friend and they all manifest themselves in a different way. However, cancers are divided into two types, oma (benign) and carcinoma or saccharoma (malignant). The basic difference is that a benign tumor reproduces excessively without affecting other organs, while malignant tumors can affect the entire body.
What are the most common cancers in dogs?
- Skin cancer
- Breast cancer
- Cancerous tumors of the head and neck
- Lymphoma
- Testicular cancer
- Bone Cancer
The causes of cancer do not have a specific theory, however, there are factors that can aggravate this situation such as inbreeding, exposure to toxic products or extreme solar radiation.
There is also a predisposition in elderly dogs, dogs suffering from poor living conditions or those suffering from serious and untreated illnesses. A quality diet, excellent care and proper sanitation somewhat reduce the development of this disease.
Which breeds are most predisposed to cancer?
- Boxer
- Golden retriever
- Labrador retriever
- Dogs
- Mastines
- Saint Bernard
- Bulldog

Cancer Symptoms in Dogs
A cancer usually goes unnoticed until it reaches a considerable volume. This is when most owners are alerted to an abnormal situation, either by behavior or by the appearance of lumps.
Strictly follow the vaccination schedule for dogs, and go every 6 months to the vet are excellent ways to detect as soon as possible a possible cancer. Older dogs and puppies should be able to go to the specialist more regularly, every 4 months.
Below we detail some of the symptoms that can mean the appearance of cancer:
- Pain
- Discomfort
- Vomiting
- Crying
- Abnormal swellings
- Abnormal Lumps
- Ulcers that won't heal
- Loss of appetite
- Weightloss
- Frequent bleeding
- Smell of putrefaction in some area
- Reluctance
- Apathy
- Behavior change
- Difficulty performing physical exercise
- Stiffness in some part of the body
- Difficulty to swallow
- Difficulty breathing
- Difficulty urinating
- Difficulty passing stool

Cancer Diagnosis in Dogs
Cancer is common in dogs, being more frequent in dogs over 10 years old. However, its diagnosis is not always easy since the symptoms can go unnoticed in the early stages of the disease.
Blood tests, X-rays, routine veterinary exam, and ultrasonography may provide circumstantial evidence of cancer. However, a reliable diagnosis often requires a biopsy.
Biopsies consist of a small extraction of possible cancerous tissue from the animal that is subjected to analysis. Only the veterinarian is the professional who can offer us an accurate diagnosis of this disease, indicating whether it is a benign or malignant cancer.

Treatment of cancer in dogs
Cancer treatment in dogs should be recommended and followed by a veterinarian This treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy. Since these treatments are often specific and complicated, the involvement of a veterinary oncology physician may be necessary. The treatment to be followed will depend on the type of cancer our pet is suffering from and its physical location.
The consequences of cancer in the dog can vary In some cases dogs may simply not experience any physical ailment but in others cases can cause pain and discomfort in the animal. In these cases, the use of medications or homeopathy products for dogs with cancer is highly recommended to try to minimize the dog's sensation of pain.

Cancer prevention
Cancer prevention is very difficult, as its causes are often unknown However, good dog care and check-up Routine veterinary care help maintain the pet's overall he alth. Early detection of cancer is essential to be able to treat the disease as soon as possible, preventing it from progressing until it spreads throughout the body.