How to cut a cat's hair at home - 6 steps

How to cut a cat's hair at home - 6 steps
How to cut a cat's hair at home - 6 steps
How to trim a cat's hair at home
How to trim a cat's hair at home

Whether it's because of the heat or because it's too long and tangled, it's time to cut it! Cutting your cat's hair can be a relaxation therapy, or on the contrary, it can be a drama. A cat with he althy and well-groomed fur is a happy cat.

This is a key moment in which your pet places all its trust in you so that you can fix its most precious treasure: its fur. For this reason and to create a better bond with the animal, it is important to learn to master the art.

If you want to know How to cut a cat's hair at home? Continue reading this article on our site where we will give you the step by step and the best techniques so that you and your feline companion have the best experience.

If your cat is still a puppy, you have a golden opportunity in your hands to start to get him used to in this sense, and that with the time, the whole routine of haircutting and maintenance, becomes a pleasant and special moment. The best time to do this is at the beginning of the summer season to help keep you cool when temperatures rise.

If, on the other hand, your cat is already an adult and this is your debut as a groomer, you must be very patient, careful and delicatethroughout the process. Remember that there will be scissors and/or clippers in the environment, so safety will be very important, also, you will not want to clip your pet.

How to cut a cat's hair at home - Step 1
How to cut a cat's hair at home - Step 1

The first thing will be to prepare the battlefield. Choose a large place to hold the hairdressing session. A place where you can have space to put all the things without them being piled up, that will help you to be more organized and to move with ease during the whole process. Remember to take as much time as you need. On our site we recommend you to locate yourself in the kitchen, they are usually larger than the bathrooms. Get scissors (various sizes), baby oil, clippers, cloths, brushes, hair clips, combs and any other item you think you need.

Before cutting his hair you should give him a relaxing bath to prepare him for the time of the scissors. Also, it will be a great idea if you take advantage of lowering its claws, if you do not want to end up scratched. If your cat is constantly apprehensive, nervous and even aggressive, consult the veterinarian to administer some tranquilizer before the session.

Place your cat on a towel or cloth, the less hair mess you have, the later cleaning will be more bearable.

How to cut a cat's hair at home - Step 2
How to cut a cat's hair at home - Step 2

Start using your usual comb to untangle the hair, identify its length and remove knots that can be removed without using of scissors. Comb the entire body of the cat until you find the most hidden tangles. All this will help you plan your cutting strategy Very important!

How to cut a cat's hair at home - Step 3
How to cut a cat's hair at home - Step 3

Once you're done brushing, trim down pieces of hair that are too long, trim everywhere there are shallow knots, especially, those complicated places where the electric trimmer or razor cannot access or is somewhat dangerous.

Depending on the area, use scissors of different sizes Complicated areas: ears, nipples and vulva (in case of females) and around the anus. For the knots, remember to loosen them as much as you can and then always cut with scissors, avoid the trimmer. Cut as long as you can.

How to cut a cat's hair at home - Step 4
How to cut a cat's hair at home - Step 4

Now it's the trimmer's turn, a tool you'll use if you want to be more radical when it comes to hair length. It is very important that the cat's fur is not excessively long, otherwise the use of the electric clipper can be very dangerous Before using it, you must trim it properly with scissors.

The trimmers are for the cat's body that run from the neck to the base of the tail, making straight and linear movements. Do not press too much against the feline's skin because it can be uncomfortable and even dangerous, the trimmer will do its job. Again, take your time because the cat may not be a big fan of the noise the trimmer makes.

Try to be organized in terms of the areas you are lowering and go by parts. Make a couple of wider passes, then go over tighter areas, like the tail.

Try to keep the same length throughout the body, except the head, this is a very delicate place where it is not used trimmer, never try to trim and shave your cat's face. For the head and face area, come back with the safest scissors you have. In fact, many hairdressers do not overdo cutting these areas, but keep them a little longer than the rest of the body.

How to cut a cat's hair at home - Step 5
How to cut a cat's hair at home - Step 5

Stop and walk away constantly so that you have a vision of how the cut is going, in this way, you will avoid giving it an extreme shave to your poor cat. Channel your inner groomer and try to do the best job, you will see that when you finish, you will feel proud and your cat very comfortable.

Go over any uneven areas, and finally, brush your cat several times to remove any remaining lint or hair that remains attached to his skin
