Can you cut a cat's hair? - We tell you how to do it

Can you cut a cat's hair? - We tell you how to do it
Can you cut a cat's hair? - We tell you how to do it
Can you cut a cat's hair?
Can you cut a cat's hair?

Is it good to cut a cat's hair?

The hair of our cats serves as a method of insulation and protection against the temperatures and environmental aggressions, so it is recommended it would be not to cut it because this hair delays the absorption of heat by the air pockets that form inside.

By cutting a cat's hair we are unprotecting it from external agents such as wind, lightning, rain and extreme winter temperatures. This does not indicate that it is completely contraindicated to cut a cat's hair, but it is necessary to avoid excessive trimming.

Another important aspect to take into account is whether our cat has a long or short hair, because in cats of long-haired breeds long we have more room to cut the hair and it can even be recommended if they are prone to the formation of knots and tangles and we are not very given to brushing them or taking care of their hair.

It can also be recommended in those dogs with some type of digestive or dermatological problem whose long hair is a risk for the formation of hairballs or trichobezoars or in the hottest times of the year in specimens with dense or longer hair, to remove a layer of heat from above and better tolerate high temperatures.

For this reason, if your cat meets these conditions, the benefits of cutting your cat's hair are greater than the contraindications.

Can you cut a cat's hair? - Is it good to cut a cat's hair?
Can you cut a cat's hair? - Is it good to cut a cat's hair?

How long does it take for a cat to grow hair?

If I cut my cat's hair, will it grow back? Possibly some cat keepers may ask this and the answer is that yes The time it takes for a cat to grow its hair back to its usual length will depend on several factors, so it is very variable.

While there are cats whose hair grows surprisingly fast, there are other cats that take longer, although the average time can be placed between a month and two monthsIt should be considered that in short-haired cats the time it takes for the hair to reach its maximum length is much less than in a long-haired cat, which needs more time for the strands to reach the same volume and length when measuring much more.

You may notice that the new hair growth on your cat has a different color and texture, but this is usually temporary and returns to its usual shape, consistency and color when it reaches a certain or maximum length.

In some cases this hair could definitely change, but this is not usually the case. You often think that your cat's hair is stronger and thicker if you cut it and it grows back, but this is just a suggestion when cleaning it.

When can a cat get a haircut?

Cats can be trimmed when they are already capable of thermoregulation, that is, from the first 3 or 4 weeks of lifeWhat's more, if we get used to them from a young age, the trauma will be much less since we remember that cats are animals that get stressed very easily. In addition, one of the benefits of clipping a cat's hair can be to remove knots of hair, although it would be better to avoid reaching this situation.

Any stimulus they are not used to or any small change in their routine or location of their everyday objects, as well as any kind of strange or extravagant noise can make them lose their calm and show signs of stress.

With the haircut there are associated razor noises and a lot of contact with your cat, something that tends to stress small cats a lot, so it is common for cats not to let their hair be cut or make the process hell. To avoid this stress or reduce it, the ideal is to get your cat used to haircuts from a young age if you want your cat's quality of life and peace of mind not to be affected.

Can you cut a cat's hair? - When can you cut a cat's hair?
Can you cut a cat's hair? - When can you cut a cat's hair?

How to cut a cat's hair?

You should know that to cut your cat's hair you can choose three options: cut it yourself if the cat is used to it, take it to a feline groomer or take him to the vet.

How to cut a cat's hair at home

If you wonder how to cut a cat's hair, you should know that you need a large space and have enough time to dedicate it to your cat. First things first is to bathe it, once clean you should comb and comb it and untangle it if it is a long-haired cat to remove all knots and dead hair

After combing and untangling correctly, you should cut the longest strands of hair with scissors to facilitate the subsequent work of the clipper. You should know that there are certain locations of the cat in which the electric razor is not highly recommended, such as the areas around the ears or the eyes that can be more easily damaged.

You should start shaving from the neck to the base of the tail along the back. If your cat gets nervous, you should do it carefully and never yell at it or force it; if he can't stand it, you should take him to feline veterinary professionals

We tell you more about How to cut a cat's hair at home in the next post.

How to give a cat a haircut at the vet

If you decide to take him to the vet to have his hair cut, you should take advantage of the visit and also do a medical check-up, deworm him and/or vaccinate him according to your cat's needs. Of course, you should know that they are veterinarians and not hairdressers, so you can't ask them for very sophisticated cuts, but if a simple and fair cut so that it's not a disadvantage when dealing with environmental aggressions.

In addition, your cat would be sedated at the vet so that it does not suffer stress in the process, being ideal for the most nervous cats, uncontrollable and skittish.

How to cut a cat's hair at the cat groomer

The feline hairdresser is undoubtedly the best place to cut their hair in a more sophisticated way, they are specialized in combing, bathing and trim the hair of cats, so it is a good option if your cat allows himself to be manipulated and you do not dare to cut it yourself at home or it has a long, complicated and cumbersome coat to care for and you do not have all the time you want for its hygiene.
