Moles are small mammals that, together with the excesses, make up the family of thalpids of the order soricomorphos. Both are very similar animals, however, in this article on our site we will talk about the characteristics and examples of moles
Moles are known for their small size, which can range between 2 and 15 centimeters depending on the species. In addition, they are characterized by the presence of shovel-shaped forelimbs, adapted for digging, large claws and small, unidentifiable eyes that have always made us doubt the ability of these animals to see. You want to know more? Keep reading this article on the most popular types of moles out there!
Types of moles - Photos and examples
In the subfamily of talpins or Talpinae, we can find a very extensive classification of moles, so we can group them into various types or “tribes”Within these, we can distinguish some examples of better-known mole species , although they all follow a similar morphological pattern. They are as follows:
Types of Condylurini Moles
Its representative is the well-known star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) which, as its name suggests, has astar-shaped nose and with great tactile sensitivity for searching for food. Studies claim that this little animal is the fastest-eating mammal due to its high metabolism. In addition, it has the ability, thanks to its large and wide forelimbs, to move very well digging underground or in aquatic environments.

Types of moles Scalopini
Among the types of moles belonging to this group, we can find different species, such as:
- Hairy-tailed mole (Parascalops breweri): Characterized by its dark fur with lighter areas, its pointed snout, and its small furry tail.
- North American Mole (Scalopus aquaticus): it is very similar to the previous one, although we can differentiate it by its browner colors and a somewhat smaller size. bigger, because it can measure more than 15 centimeters.
- Broad-footed mole (Scapanus latimanus): The broad-footed mole is characterized by its robust but small body, its brownish-brown coloration and broad forelimbs.
In the following image we can see a North American mole specimen.

Types of moles Scaptonychini
Includes the species of long-tailed mole (Scaptonyx fusicaudus). This one looks similar to the rest of known moles. However, it is mainly known for its longer tail, devoid of much hair and usually thin.

Types of Talpini Moles
This group includes species such as the European mole (Talpa europaea), the Iberian mole (Talpa occidentalis) and Talpa davidiana, a species of which not much is known today. The European mole and the Iberian mole are practically indistinguishable, as both have a cylindrical body, a pointed snout, a small tail and shovel-shaped limbs. However, they can be differentiated in some aspects, such as the larger size of the European mole, its somewhat wider limbs or its shorter snout.

Types of moles Urotrichinis
Among its representatives we can highlight the species Urotrichus talpoides, endemic to Japan and known for its hairy, medium-sized tail, and theshrew mole (Dymecodon pilirostris) which, as its name suggests, looks very similar to that of a shrew, highlighting its small body size and grayish color.

Where do moles live?
Moles are typical of Eurasian countries and North America. We have hardly ever seen these solitary mammals in the wild, since they spend most of their lives underground digging tunnels up to 15 centimeters deep, where they rest and store food, which is why moles have been thought to be blind, since they do not need the sense of sight to survive. This way of life also offers them greater protection against their predators, as is the case with some birds, although from time to time they may come out of their hiding places to recognize their environment or look for something to eat. We can identify the presence of these mammals thanks to the earth mounds that they form on the ground as a result of the excavation of their tunnels. Therefore, if we see these elevations of the land we can think that we are near the home of some mole and we must respect it.
In some agricultural regions, this animal is not very welcome, as there is a belief that it destroys the soil, preventing the growth of plants. However, others think that moles offer benefits to farmers, since, by turning the soil with their feet, the nutrients needed by vegetables emerge and aerate the ground. In addition, they eat insects, preventing them from damaging crops as well.
But moles aren't the only animals that live underground. In the article on Animals that live underground, we give you some examples.

How do moles reproduce and are born?
Depending on the species, the reproductive months of moles can vary, although they usually include the months between February and May. Females have ovotestis, that is, a reproductive organ consisting of an ovarian zone and a testicular zone (hermaphroditism). In reproductive periods, the first one develops more, so that females can be fertilized by males, and in non-reproductive periods, the testicle develops without producing sperm, but it does produce testosterone levels.
When the female is fertilized, it takes approximately a month to gestate her offspring, which are usually born in the number of3 or 6 and hairless Later, the young spend another month lactating to finally become independent and look for food on their own.