How much water should a dog drink a day?

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How much water should a dog drink a day?
How much water should a dog drink a day?
How much water should a dog drink a day?
How much water should a dog drink a day?

Keeping the dog well hydrated is essential for good he alth or to prevent heat stroke in summer, for example. Many people wonder how much water their dog should drink a day, not knowing if they drink too much or too little.

Don't know if your dog drinks enough water? Do you think you may have a he alth problem? Keep reading this article on our site to find out more about your dog's water needs and discover how much water a dog should drink a day:

How much water is needed for a dog?

It's not easy to know the exact amount a dog needs to drink per day, as there is no "perfect" figure. Your dog should have fresh, clean water available 24 hours a day to hydrate whenever he wants, that's the main thing.

But if we want to go into details, dogs generally need about 70 milliliters of water per kilogram of weight on a daily basis, although this figure will vary enormously depending on the time of year, the reproductive state, the exercise carried out, etc. Typically, dogs drink 40 to 100 milliliters of water for every kilogram of weight.

The problem appears when we observe our dog drinking too much or too little, it is then that the owners notice their dog's hydration needs. Below we explain the most frequent diseases related to water consumption, so you know how to warn them in time.

How much water should a dog drink a day? - What is the amount of water needed for a dog?
How much water should a dog drink a day? - What is the amount of water needed for a dog?

Diseases related to water intake

Below we will mention some diseases related to water consumption that can alert us that something is wrong:

  • Polydipsia: the dog shows excessive thirst, so we will observe that it ingests large amounts of water and other liquids. It is common in diabetic dogs, intoxicated dogs or the use of certain medication. It is usually accompanied by polyuria, urination of large volumes of urine.
  • Adipsia: the dog barely drinks water, it shows lack of thirst. It can be caused by hydrocephalus, cerebrovascular problems, congenital anomalies, injury or tumor in the hypothalamus, etc.
  • Potomania: the dog consumes water excessively and compulsively, as a result of a mental problem. Unlike the two previous ones, it is not a symptom, but a disease itself.

These are some of the pathologies that we can observe when consuming too much or too little water. Next, in case of dehydration, we will explain how to evaluate a dog that is not hydrated:

How do I know if my dog is dehydrated?

Water gives elasticity to the skin, therefore, we can tell if our dog is dehydrated by gently pinching the skin on his neck, that is, to the area of height at the withers. If the skin quickly returns to its normalposition, it is well hydrated, but if it doesn't, it is probably dehydrated. You can also detect this problem if your gums or tongue are dry.

If we also observe that he is apathetic, vomiting or diarrhea and other abnormal symptoms, do not hesitate and Go to your veterinarian to perform a general exam.

How much water should a dog drink a day? - Diseases related to water intake
How much water should a dog drink a day? - Diseases related to water intake

TIPS to hydrate a dog

If you notice that your dog drinks little water but you have ruled out any pathology at the vet, it may be interesting to assess some options to ensure that he receives enough water. Here are some tips for hydrating your dog:

  • Offer him wet food occasionally, either as a reward or extra to his diet. This type of food contains around 70% moisture, perfect for hydrating the dog in the hottest seasons.
  • Renews his water on a regular basis to make it palatable to him.
  • Substitute snacks for dogs with vegetable snacks, whether carrot, pumpkin, apple or sweet potato. Boil them to increase the amount of water.

Is the dog's water bowl important?

Believe it or not, the trough is something very interesting to take into account. Remember that you should not look at the most beautiful, but at the most hygienic:

  1. Plastic drinking bowl, we all know them, they are cheap and easy to wash but they can produce certain allergic reactions or expel toxins.
  2. Ceramic sprue, they have enviable designs, but cleaning will be more complicated. They can break easily, which is a risk.
  3. Stainless steel drinker,is the most resistant of all, if we find a good quality one it will keep the water free of toxic substances They are also very easy to clean.

We recommend buying stainless steel drinkers, which although we won't find very attractive designs, we will keep our dog he althy.
