How much exercise should a dog get per day?

How much exercise should a dog get per day?
How much exercise should a dog get per day?
How much exercise should a dog do a day?
How much exercise should a dog do a day?

Physical exercise plays a very important role in the daily care of dogs, as it directly influences animal welfare, in addition to help prevent certain behavior problems, such as stress or anxiety. However, it is not always easy to determine what type of exercise is the most suitable for a dog or how we should adapt it to each of its life stages.

In this article on our site we will explain how much exercise a dog should do a day, taking into account the specific needs of each individual Likewise, we will also talk about the walking routine, the types of exercises for dogs that we can practice or how to adjust the time and intensity of physical activity.

Benefits of exercise in dogs

Regular practice of moderate physical exercise helps to prevent overweight in dogs, as well as the diseases associated with it. It also allows the development of proper muscle tone, strong bones and thickening of joint cartilage. [1]In addition, carrying out activities that stimulate our dog's mind using positive reinforcement will allow us to keep his cognitive and social skills active, while improving our bond with him.

It is also essential to point out that dogs with behavior problems will greatly benefit from this practice, as it helps to channel accumulated stress and thus improves the pictures of anxiety, depression or destructiveness among others.

How much exercise should a dog do a day? - Benefits of exercise in dogs
How much exercise should a dog do a day? - Benefits of exercise in dogs

How long should a dog walk a day?

Before delving into physical exercise, we must learn what the dog's walking needs are, since both activities are closely related. How many times should we walk a dog? Ideally, 3 to 4 walks a day, about 15 to 30 minutes each. It is important that during the walk the dog can relieve himself calmly, sniff and interactif he wishes

How much physical activity does a dog need?

Physical activity needs vary greatly depending on an individual's age. Exercise in puppies should be especially moderate and is reduced to walks and games, since at this stage an excess of activity can negatively affect their physical development. Very old dogs and those that belong to the brachycephalic dog breeds will follow the same guidelines, as they constitute a risk group as the appearance of he alth problems due to intense physical exercise is frequent.

We can start exercising with a dog from 12 months, when it is considered fully grown, alwaysgradually , so as not to have a negative impact on their bones and joints, especially if we are talking about large or giant dogs.

Although there are some breeds of dogs that are more active than others, such as the Belgian Malinois or the Border Collie, we should not only focus on this aspect, but on the specific needs of the individual. To better understand our dog's needs, we advise you to follow these five steps:

  1. We will start with short exercise sessions, so as not to tire the dog, learn to know its limits and its response to exercise..
  2. We will practice different activities to discover your preferences.
  3. We will combine exercise with mental stimulation to tire you physically and mentally.
  4. We will avoid those games that cause hyperactivity and anxiety.
  5. We will leave at least one day of the week off.

Once started in a dog sport, we recommend that owners visit the vet every 6 months to ensure good he alth of the dog. dog and avoid some he alth problems that may appear, such as pad wear or joint problems.

How much exercise should a dog do a day? - How much physical activity does a dog need?
How much exercise should a dog do a day? - How much physical activity does a dog need?

What should a dog exercise session be like?

Exercise sessions should always be performed in a appropriate environment that promotes a state of well-being. For this reason, we must avoid playing sports during the hottest hours of the day or on unsuitable surfaces, such as asph alt in the summer months, as it can cause injuries and burns to the dog's pads.

We will start by carrying out short sessions of about 10 minutes, so that our dog begins to get used to practicing regular physical activity. We can progressively extend the time, always according to the dog's acceptance and tolerance towards exercise. We will make breaks every so often so that the dog can breathe calmly and relax for a few minutes. During these breaks we will provide you with a shaded area. If we are on a track or circuit we can go out, take a turn and come back.

To finish, we must point out that we should never practice exercise if our dog has not relieved himself previously, also, once the session is over, we must allow him some time to rest so thatrelax before going home.

Types of exercises for dogs

To finish, we will mention some activities that we can practice with a dog:

  • Footing: running at a constant pace is a good way to exercise together with our dog. It can be interesting in adult dogs that have high levels of activity. It should be combined later with mental stimulation exercises.
  • Canicross: is the professional modality of jogging with dogs and is generally practiced in mountain environments. There are regional, national and international championships.
  • Bicicleta: the benefits are similar to those of jogging, however, it is an activity that requires a previous initiation time in the that the basic commands will be practiced to communicate with the dog and be able to move safely and comfortably for both. It is not recommended for dogs with behavior problems such as fear or aggression.
  • Search for the ball or fresbee: before practicing this type of exercise we must teach our dog to fetch and fetch the ball. It is a complete activity that allows the dog to exercise actively, however it can generate stress and anxiety if there are no breaks during the exercise.
  • Nadar: is an option that allows us to fully exercise our dog, while providing an enriching environment and full of stimuli to interact with.
  • Agility: this canine sport combines obedience and physical activity, so in this case we will ensure a good dose of mental stimulation. It helps to bond with the owner and is a great way to get active exercise.
  • Dog training and skills: teaching our dog tricks and various commands helps us keep his mind active. In addition, it allows us to tire it without exercising it intensely. It is highly recommended that all dogs practice sessions on a weekly basis.
  • Propioception: it is usually practiced in specialized centers, such as dog training enclosures, and it is worked with the help of several elements, such as balls, hoops or other surfaces. Through positive reinforcement, the dog learns to avoid or interact with the elements, while gaining self-confidence, learning to practice balance and exercising its senses. It is indicated for dogs with fears, insecurities and other behavior problems.
  • Senderismo: it is a good option for those dogs that do not feel motivated with the aforementioned sports, as it is a much more free and relaxing. The dog will receive a lot of mental stimulation from the environment

Now you know how to assess your dog's needs, what to consider when starting a training session, and some ideas to inspire you. Do you play any sports with your dog? Do you want to leave us your ideas, doubts and suggestions? Then don't hesitate, write us a comment!
