CASTRATION Cats - Price, Consequences and Procedure

CASTRATION Cats - Price, Consequences and Procedure
CASTRATION Cats - Price, Consequences and Procedure
Neuter cats - Price, consequences and procedure
Neuter cats - Price, consequences and procedure

Neuter cats is part of the routine of many veterinary centers and has also become a common practice for many keepers, attracted by the advantages of an intervention with important benefits. In this article on our site we will explain in detail what this surgery consists of, what care the operated cats will need, what consequences we can expect, as well as the advantages of this procedure.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about cat neutering, the cost of surgery and much more. We answer the most frequently asked questions so that you can go to the veterinary center with as much information as possible.

Differences between spaying and neutering cats

In general, castration or sterilization are spoken of interchangeably but, in reality, there are differences between the two terms. In this way, to know the differences between spaying and neutering cats, we must know that neutering involves the removal of reproductive organs such as the testicles, uterus or ovaries. Sterilize means to make sterile, which can be achieved by castrating but also with techniques such as vasectomyor the tubal ligation

In this article we will focus on castration, since it is the intervention that is mostly performed in veterinary medicine. Of course, these surgeries can only be performed by a veterinarian, in an operating room and with the animal anesthetized. To learn more about what sterilization consists of, consult this other article: "Cat sterilization - Prices, age and care".

Cat castration: what does it consist of

Once we have clarified that spaying and neutering cats are different surgical processes, let's see what this second operation is like.

Castration in male cats consists of making a very small incision through which the extract the testicles The procedure in females is somewhat more complex, since the incision must open several layers to enter the cavity abdominal and remove uterus and ovaries In some cases, especially in street cats that are going to be released as soon as they wake up from the intervention, the approach is lateral and only the ovaries can be removed. These incisions will be smaller and, due to their location, there will be fewer postoperative complications. However, the trend in veterinary practice is to make smaller and smaller incisions and suture only under the skin. These measures are aimed at achieving a rapid recovery and minimizing complications.

Neutering cats - Price, consequences and procedure - Castration of the cat: what it consists of
Neutering cats - Price, consequences and procedure - Castration of the cat: what it consists of

Age to neuter cats

It is recommended to perform the surgery before the first heat This means operating around 5-6 months in both males and females, although, depending on the time of year, there may be variations. Female cats are seasonal polyestrous, which means that in the season of greatest sunlight, they will be in heat again and again. For this reason, it is important to take into account both the seasonality and the age of the cat. In any case, our trusted veterinarian will tell us what is the best age to castrate a cat, so if we have doubts about when to castrate a cat, for example, the most appropriate thing to do is to consult directly with him. professional.

This intervention is not only carried out to avoid unwanted litters. Neutering before the first heat practically eliminates the possibility of the cat suffering from mammary tumors, a very frequent cancer in them and with a high degree of malignancy. Operating cats early prevents them from starting urine marking when they detect a cat in heat. A cat that has already developed these behaviors can maintain them once neutered.

Neutering a male cat: recovery

Neutering cats is a very quick and simple intervention. Most of the recently operated continue with their routine as soon as they get home. The care after neutering a cat is minimal and we only have to worry about observing the incision to check that it is closing correctly. Since cats groom themselves, at first it is advisable to prevent them from licking the wound, as they could be injured by the scraping effect of their tongue. However, since the incision is minimal and therefore closes quickly, an Elizabethan collar is usually not even needed.

Neutering cats - Price, consequences and procedure - Neutering a male cat: recovery
Neutering cats - Price, consequences and procedure - Neutering a male cat: recovery

Neutering a cat: recovery

The castration of a cat, being more complex than that of a male, will require greater attention during the postoperative period, although recovery is also fast. Normally, as soon as the cat wakes up from anesthesia we will be able to take her home. It is common for the vet to administer medication to prevent infection and pain and for us to continue the treatment at home for a few days.

On the other hand, despite the fact that it is not usual for males to use an Elizabethan collar, in the case of females it is common to have to use it, at least during the first days or while We can't watch it. In addition, it is very important that we check that the healing of the neutered cat's wound is being correct. Any inflammation, redness, suppuration or bad odor is a reason for urgent veterinary consultation, the same as if we notice that the cat is not eating, has a fever or is lethargic.

Advantages of neutering cats

Neutering cats prevents them from reproducing, since the hormones responsible for triggering heat are eliminated. Thus, neither males nor females will show symptoms of heat, which in cats includes marking with very strong-smelling urine, leaks, which can end in accidents or falls, behavioral changes, deafening meows or fights. Fights between cats can transmit incurable diseases such as feline immunodeficiency and leukemia, something that we must keep in mind when making this decision.

In addition, as there are pathological processes linked to these hormones, by suppressing them, we will also avoid them. For example, cats neutered at an early age are practically protected from breast tumors Pyometra, which are uterine infections that can become very serious, is also avoided, benign mammary hyperplasia or psychological pregnancies. In males, the development of testicular pathologies is prevented. Therefore, there are multiple advantages of neutering a cat. Thus, in addition to combating abandonment, we allow our felines to enjoy a he althier life.

Neutering cats: consequences

Now then, if what we are interested in is knowing if there are negative consequences of castration in cats, the truth is that they are minimal. As disadvantages we can mention the risk of overweight, since there is a change in the energy requirements of the animal. For this reason, it is important that we monitor the diet after surgery and that we keep the cat active by offering games and an enriched environment.

Neuter a cat: price

The price of neutering cats will vary depending on whether it is a male or a female, since the complexity of surgery is different. But, in addition, the amount can be very different depending on the town in which we reside. The reference prices for clinicians are set by each College of Veterinarians, hence the appearance of variations between places and even clinics in the same city, since it is a recommendation that each veterinarian will adapt according to their criteria.

Besides, before operating the animal must be checked, ideally performing a blood test and an electrocardiogram. These tests are sometimes included in the price but other times they are one more expense to add to the total amount. As a reference we can expect that the price of neutering a cat will be about 100-200 euros, while the castration of the cat , cheaper, will be around 50-60

Where to neuter cats for free?

Sometimes town halls or veterinary clinics carry out sterilization campaigns in which castrations are carried out for free or at reduced prices. They are usually aimed at stray or homeless cats, but sometimes they also include cats with a home.

Another option, if we want a neutered cat for free, is to go to adopt him at an association, shelter or kennel, which usually deliver them already operated or, if they are still very small, they take care of doing it later. Of course, in these adoptions it is common to have to pay for a microchip and he alth expenses, since the animals are usually delivered with their he alth card up to date.

Castrate cats - Price, consequences and procedure - Where to castrate cats for free?
Castrate cats - Price, consequences and procedure - Where to castrate cats for free?

Myths about cat neutering

In previous sections we have seen the effects that castration produces in cats. These are the only ones, so the rest of the beliefs about it have no scientific basis Statements like that castrating a cat changes its character, makes it useless for hunting, It frustrates him, makes him lose instincts or it's insane that they don't have at least one litter are just baseless myths. In this way, it is not necessary for a cat to breed at least once to be happy or stay he althy, in fact, we have already verified the advantages of not having offspring.
