De-escalation and pets – Consequences and recommendations

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De-escalation and pets – Consequences and recommendations
De-escalation and pets – Consequences and recommendations
De-escalation and pets – Consequences and recommendations
De-escalation and pets – Consequences and recommendations

The quarantine to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the Covid-19 disease, has caused millions of people to be confined to their homes. In many of them there are also dogs and cats that, as we will see in this article on our site, can suffer problems when we must separate after confinement.

In Spain, and other countries, the de-escalation process has begun to end confinement in a progressive and safe way. But how does this affect animals? What should we consider? Below, we talk about the main consequences and share our recommendations to achieve a deconfinement with animals without complications.

Pet animals during quarantine

There have been numerous governments that, since January 2020, have decreed measures to contain the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus. Among all, confinement stands out for its impact. Basically, it means that people must stay inside their homes and can only go out to carry out work considered essential, to stock up on food and medicine or in case of emergencies. For their part, the dogs can take their usual walks, but with conditions:

  • The dog must be tied and not let go at any time.
  • The walk is reduced to the time needed to evacuate feces and urine.
  • No contact with other dogs or people is allowed.
  • You can't go to dog parks.
  • We recommend the hours of least influx of people.
  • You have to pick up the droppings and pour soapy water over the urine.
  • Better that the same person always comes out. If the dog's regular caregiver tests positive for the coronavirus, it is advisable to have a he althy person take over.

These rules and the confinement itself, which means that handlers spend practically 24 hours a day with their dogs, have managed to modify the routineof a good number of copies. We may have already noticed that all of these changes are altering the dog's behavior. In turn, cats have also experienced these same changes if they were not used to being accompanied for so many hours. For these animals, in addition, the alteration of their routines has a much greater impact, since they are more susceptible than dogs and tend to get stressed very easily.

De-escalation phases

The de-escalation period has started, again changes are coming that, especially if they are abrupt, can be problematic now that the dog or cat has become accustomed to our constant presence. Dogs that already suffered from some problems may see them accentuated, but they may also appear for the first time in hitherto balanced dogs.

Basically, four phases have been established to start the de-escalation, although some provinces may see some of them altered:

  • Phase 0: time slots for walking, outdoor exercise is allowed with time restrictions, wakes can be held up to 10 people keeping a safe distance, among other measures.
  • Phase 1: meetings of up to 10 people in homes, wakes of up to 15 people, circulate throughout the province (not in all), among other measures.
  • Phase 2: meetings of up to 15 people, wedding celebrations with a maximum of 100 people, it is allowed to move around the province, between other measures.
  • Phase 3: social contact between non-vulnerable people, among other measures.

Regarding animals, such as dog walks, they may be gradually expanded, although we are still waiting for more details. Social contact with other dogs will be allowed in phase 3.

What problems can animals present related to separation after confinement?

Change kills the predictability and control of the environment that cats and dogs need. They cause stress and this is manifested in the development of behaviors that make coexistence difficult. It is not a whim of the animal. He doesn't want to bother us. It is his way of expressing the stress he feels, his way of asking for help.

Dog problems

The most common behaviors that we can observe after confinement are the following:

  • Destrozos: of any object left within reach, from furniture to clothing to shoes or rugs.
  • Urinating or defecating inside the home: even if you have a normal bowel movement outside.
  • Barking and, in general, excessive vocalizations: howling, whining, crying…, any sound that is emitted without stopping.
  • Aggressiveness towards other dogs during the walk: it does not have to be in the form of attacks, it is useful to show your teeth, growl or bark insistently.
  • Aggressiveness towards people: this behavior is the most delicate, since it poses a risk, especially if there are minors at home who also They will be there 24 hours a day. If children should never be left alone with animals, less if we have seen aggressive reactions. In this case, yes or yes, you have to contact a professional.

Smashing, inappropriate elimination, and vocalizations are signs that sometimes appear together in the disorder known as separation anxiety, which it can also cause repetitive behaviors or stereotypies, for example, the repeated licking of some part of the body, which can lead to self-mutilation. Its name refers to the fact that it occurs when the dog is alone, separated from his family. It is related to the feeling of insecurity that he feels when he sees himself alone, without his reference. Do not forget that the dog is a social animal, a pack animal. After confinement, it can appear exacerbated in dogs that already showed some sign compatible with anxiety previously, but it can also be detected in dogs that had not shown this behavior until now.

Cat problems

For their part, the cats probably developed certain problems during the beginning of the confinement because their privacy and their current routine were totally compromised. In these cases, it is not surprising that they exhibit the following behaviors as a result of stress:

  • Urinating outside the litter box: This is one of the main signs of stress in cats. It is not that the animal no longer likes its litter box, but that it feels the need to mark because it considers that it has lost control of its environment and wants to recover it.
  • Vertical scratches on furniture and/or walls: As with the previous point, it is a way of marking to release stress.
  • Aggressiveness: a stressed cat can be more or less aggressive.
  • Stop eating or eat more: Both poor appetite and binge eating are associated with stress.

However, once the de-escalation begins, these animals are more likely than dogs to quickly get used to the “new normal”. Although it is not usual, some dogs may develop separation anxiety, but as we say, it is not the most common.

What about the puppies?

The first months of a puppy's life are not only important due to the rapid physical growth that occurs, but they are also fundamental on a psychological level. It is the stage in which socialization occurs, a fundamental process for the construction of a balanced character in the future. This is based on exposing the dog to numerous stimuli, which will be influenced by confinement. Therefore, when it ends and the dog returns to the street with more noise and stimuli, it can show unwanted behaviors such as fear, aggressiveness or excessive barking, in addition to behaviors such as those we have referred to inside the home.

De-escalation and pets - Consequences and recommendations - What problems can animals present related to separation after confinement?
De-escalation and pets - Consequences and recommendations - What problems can animals present related to separation after confinement?

How to solve problems in dogs related to separation after confinement?

First of all, we must assume that we are facing a problem. It is not normal for a dog to present behaviors such as those mentioned. It is a sign of stress and we have to remedy it. It is normal for caregivers in these situations to be confused. When they detect a wound or vomiting they know they have to go to the vet. But peeing at home, attacking other dogs or spending hours barking is often assumed to be the lesser evil. You don't even know who to turn to. If this is your case, the first step is to have the vet check the dog in case the conflictive behavior had a physical basis. For example, a dog may urinate at home due to a urine infection or a kidney problem. If he's he althy that's when a behavior problem will be considered. In this case, veterinarians specialized in canine behavior, educators or ethologists will be the professionals indicated to solve it. They will give us the necessary guidelines to address the problem. In some cases it will even be necessary to rely on drugs that the veterinarian will have to prescribe.

At VETFORMACIÓN, we also train you in canine ethology through our Canine ethology course, with which you can learn to drive yourself in this type of situation, help other dogs with these problems and make your passion your profession.

Recommendations to avoid problems in dogs during deconfinement

Dogs are the animals most likely to develop separation anxiety once de-escalation has begun. For this reason, by way of prevention, you can already implement measures such as the following with the aim of adapting the dog to the new routine that the de-escalation:

Play with him

Especially for puppies, play is an essential activity. It is a good idea to have a reserve fund of both store-bought and homemade toys. Thus, every day we can withdraw some and offer new ones to keep your interest. You have to play with him, but also give him tools to have fun on his own. In this sense, food dispensing toys are an excellent option, since they allow the dog to entertain itself without us. In addition, these same toys can be used when the animal begins to be alone again.

Encourages exploration

It is a more elaborate form of game to encourage it to maintain plots of independence. At home it can be done through tracking, an activity for which the dog must use its sense of smell. You just have to hide an object, such as his favorite toy, or a prize and encourage him to look for it. It is a positive activity that he can do even in the absence of the caregiver if we provide him with a Kong from which food comes out, we hide pellets of feed around the room or we leave him any intelligence toy. More activity usually means fewer problems.

Discover more benefits of Kong for separation anxiety.

Don't forget the ride

Going for a walk is basic for dogs. According to the de-escalation progress, it is foreseeable that they can increase their time on the street. This activity not only offers them physical exercise, but also provides a mental stimulus, as well as socialization. For these reasons, taking long walks, exercising them and allowing them to explore quietly is essential to improve their well-being.

If your dog is a puppy, take the opportunity to expose him to the maximum of situations and congratulate him when he reacts calmly to encourage that attitude.

Keep the routine

The habits of the dog should try to be kept to the maximum. This is especially important in older specimens, which are more disturbed by the changes and are more likely to become disoriented. Routine implies predictability and, to some extent, control, thus helping to reduce stress. It is not necessary that all the tasks be at exactly the same time, but it is good to maintain the same order. Better if it is the one prior to confinement or the one we will adopt during the de-escalation. Otherwise, the dog may feel lost not knowing when he is going to eat or go for a walk, generating frustration.

If we have to start working outside the home, the ideal would be to gradually modify the dog's schedule until it fits in with our new routine.

Provide a safe zone

Assign him an area of the house where he can feel safe so that he agrees to spend time there. In that place you can't bother him Add activities with which he manages to entertain himself. Food can also be given in that room so that it establishes a positive association with the place. If when you are in it you reward or congratulate, the behavior is reinforced.

It is a good idea that you can protect yourself from outside noise, since the unknown sounds perceived by the dog are a stress factor. In this sense, we can leave a soft background music or even television or radio.

Respect their quiet moments

It is very important to respect our dog's space, schedules and rhythms. Therefore, when he is calm, at rest and calm, it is not advisable to disturb him. In order to foster a positive environment that helps us, little by little, return to routine and regular outings, we must take this recommendation into account. This is especially relevant in households with children.

Make a gradual change

If you have to go back to work, ideally you could Leave the dog alone progressively That is, after being together for 24 hours, if suddenly he is alone for eight hours or more, it is easier for problems to arise. As far as possible, plan the incorporation into work activity. Take advantage of the allowed outings to leave the dog alone for more and more minutes, but gradually go from less to more time. When you get home, if he greets you nervously, ignore him so as not to reinforce that restless behavior. Pet him only when he is calm. This way you will be reinforcing the appropriate behavior.

During those first outings, it is essential that you leave a toy like the Kong so that the dog associates them with positive stimuli Yes, please on the contrary, relate your outings with negative stimuli, as if it were a punishment, the work done will not work because the animal will become stressed, develop anxiety, etc.

On the other hand, it is better that we do not concentrate on activities with the dog during the hours in which we are going to be away, so that it adapts to the tranquility in those moments. While we are teleworking we can close ourselves off in a room, which will serve as a separation from the dog so that it becomes unused to our presence.

Use pheromones

You can buy different products that work through smell in an attempt to appease the dog They can be used in a diffuser, although they are substances that they are also included as treat or feed ingredients. You have to start using pheromones 1-2 weeks before separation. They do not require a veterinary prescription, unlike drugs that, of course, can only be administered by prescription.

Avoid punishment

We always recommend opting for positive reinforcement to educate and train dogs, but right now it's even more important. The punishment will only make the animal stressed, feel insecure and even react aggressively, moods and situations that we want to avoid at all costs.

Reward desired behaviors, give your dog the attention he deserves, be patient and follow all the above tips to carry out the most positive de-escalation possible

De-escalation and pets - Consequences and recommendations - Recommendations to avoid problems in dogs during deconfinement
De-escalation and pets - Consequences and recommendations - Recommendations to avoid problems in dogs during deconfinement

Recommendations for cats during de-escalation

Cats are animals that love to have their own space and privacy. Seeing this compromised during confinement, it is not surprising that they feel some relief once the de-escalation begins. However, this does not mean that some cats cannot suffer from stress or anxiety again, since returning to the previous routine implies a new change from the current routine that it will have cost them so much to internalize. Therefore, at this time it is important to carry out a series of measures and recommendations:

  • Respect his space: keep the space enabled for him during confinement so that he can go there whenever he needs to, wherever you are. home or not.
  • Make sure you have high places: These animals seek to rest in higher areas to better control their environment and avoid being disturbed. For this reason, placing shelves or acquiring scratching posts with several floors is more than recommended during confinement and, of course, after it.
  • Use Pheromones: Synthetic pheromones are effective with dogs, but with cats they are even more effective. These substances provide these animals with a completely relaxed environment, which is exactly what they need.
  • Give him toys to keep him entertained: if your cat is one of those who may develop separation anxiety because during confinement he has attached a lot to you, you must carry out the recommendations offered for dogs, such as the use of intelligence toys or food dispensers.

Both in cats and dogs, foresight and learning to meet their needs are essential.

De-escalation and pets - Consequences and recommendations - Recommendations for cats during de-escalation
De-escalation and pets - Consequences and recommendations - Recommendations for cats during de-escalation

And the other pets?

Other domestic animals such as rabbits or guinea pigs have also been able to suffer stress or anxiety after having seen their routine change once confinement began. During de-escalation, as animals are less emotionally dependent than dogs, for example, it is recommended to carry out the measures mentioned in cats, that is, cover all their needs, offer them a space or shelter where they can go to be alone and relaxed, have toys and respect their pace of adaptation
