ANIMALS OF AFRICA - Names and Photos + 80 EXAMPLES

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ANIMALS OF AFRICA - Names and Photos + 80 EXAMPLES
ANIMALS OF AFRICA - Names and Photos + 80 EXAMPLES
Animals of Africa
Animals of Africa

The animals of Africa stand out for their incredible qualities, as this vast continent offers the ideal conditions for the development of the most amazing. The Sahara desert, the tropical forest of the Salonga National Park or the savannah of the Amboseli National Park are some of the many examples of the variety of ecosystems, which are the home to the animals of the African savannah, the African Big 5 and many more.

In this article on our site we will talk in detail about the African animals, showing you the we alth of fauna that coexists on the third continent largest in the world, impressive, both in quantity and in singularity. There are three types of animals, depending on their type of diet: phytophagous or herbivorous, zoophagous or carnivorous, and saprophagous animals, which are those that feed on decomposing organic matter.

Below we will detail the most representative African animals, their characteristics or their current state of conservation, don't miss it!

Africa's Big 5

The Five Big Five of Africa, better known in English as "The big five", refers to five species of African animals: the lion, the leopard, the cape buffalo, the black rhinoceros and the elephant. Currently the term appears regularly in safari tourist guides, however, the term was born among hunting enthusiasts, who called them that because of their dangerousness.

The Big 5 of Africa are:

  • Elephant
  • Kaffir Buffalo
  • Leopard
  • Black Rhino
  • Lion

And we can find the Big 5 of Africa in the following countries:

  • Angola
  • Botswana
  • Ethiopia
  • Kenya
  • Malawi
  • Namibia
  • R. D. of the Congo
  • Rwanda
  • South Africa
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

1. Elephant

The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is considered the Largest land mammalof the world. It can reach 5 meters in height, 7 meters in length and about 6 meters.000 kilograms. The females are somewhat smaller, however, these animals have a matriarchal social system and it is an "Alpha" female who keeps the herd together.

But apart from its size, it is the peculiar figure of the proboscid that differentiates it from other herbivorous species. An enormous head and body supported by four pillar-like legs. Well-developed ears, a long trunk, and large ivory tusks distinguish the adult male elephant. The tusks of the females are much smaller. The trunk is used by elephants to pluck grass and leaves and take them to their mouths. It is also used for drinking. The enormous ears are used to cool the pachyderm's body by means of their fan movement.

Although we know very well his intelligence and emotional capacities that make him a very sensitive animal, the truth is that a wild elephant is a very dangerous animal, since if it feels threatened it can react with very sudden movements and fatal attacks for a human. The elephant is currently considered a vulnerable species by the IUCN.

Animals of Africa - 1. The elephant
Animals of Africa - 1. The elephant

two. The Cape Buffalo

The caffire buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is probably one of the most feared animals, for both animals and people. It is a gregarious animal that spends its entire life moving around accompanied by a large community. He is also very brave, so he will not hesitate to defend his peers without fear, being able to provoke a stampede in the face of any threat.

For this reason the buffalo has always been an animal highly respected by the native populations The inhabitants and guides of the African routes usually carry collars that emit a characteristic sound, very recognizable for buffaloes, in this way, by association, try to minimize the feeling of risk for these animals. Finally, we highlight that it is a near threatened species according to the IUCN.

Animals of Africa - 2. The Cape buffalo
Animals of Africa - 2. The Cape buffalo

3. The leopard

The African leopard (Panthera pardus pardus) is found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, preferring savannah and grassland environments. It is the largest subspecies of leopard, being able to reach a weight of between 24 and 53 kilograms, although some larger individuals have been recorded. It is more active at dawn and dusk, as it is a crepuscular animal.

Thanks to its versatility, which allows it to climb, run and swim, the African leopard is capable of hunting wildebeest, jackal, wild boar, antelopes and even baby giraffes. As a curiosity we can point out that when it is completely black, the result of melanism, the leopard is called " black panther". To conclude, we will point out that, according to the IUCN, the African leopard is in a vulnerable state in its habitat and that its population is currently declining.

Animals of Africa - 3. The leopard
Animals of Africa - 3. The leopard

4. The Black Rhino

The black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), also known as the hook-lipped rhinoceros, one of Africa's largest animals, can reach up to two meters in height and 1,500 kilograms It inhabits Angola, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and the United Republic of Zimbabwe, and has also been reintroduced successfully in Botswana, Eswatini, Malawi and Zambia.

This tremendously versatile animal can adapt to desert areas, as well as to more wooded areas, and can live between 15 and 20 years. However, despite this, this species is critically endangered according to the IUCN and has become extinct in Cameroon and Chad, it is also suspected that in Ethiopia.

Animals of Africa - 4. The black rhino
Animals of Africa - 4. The black rhino

5. The lion

The lion (Panthera leo) is the animal with which we close the big five of Africa. This apex predator is the only one that presents sexual dimorphism, which allows us to differentiate the males, with their dense mane, from the females, who lack it. It is considered the largest feline in Africa and the second largest in the world, only behind the tiger. Males can reach 260 kg in weight, while females weigh up to 180 kg. The height at the withers, on the other hand, is between 100 and 125 cm.

It is the females that are charged with hunting, to do so, they coordinate and stalk the chosen prey, being able to reach up to 59 km/hin fast accelerations. They can feed on zebras, wildebeests, warthogs or any other animal. A detail that few people know is that the lion and the hyena are rivals who fight each other for hunting, and although it is generally thought that the hyena is a scavenger, the truth is that it is the lion who often acts like opportunistic animal stealing food from hyenas.

The lion, one of the Big 5 in Africa, is considered to be in vulnerable status according to the IUCN, since its population decreases annually, existing today a total of between 23,000 and 39,000 mature adult specimens.

Animals of Africa - 5. The lion
Animals of Africa - 5. The lion

African Animals

Besides the big five of Africa, there are many other African animals that are worth knowing, both for their amazing physical characteristics as for his wild behavior. Do you want to meet them? Here are some of them:

6. The NU

We found two species in Africa: the black-tailed wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) and the wildebeest white-tailed (Connochaetes gnou). We are talking about large animals, since the black-tailed wildebeest can weigh between 150 and 200 kilograms, while the white-tailed wildebeest has an average weight of 150 kg. They are gregarious animals, which means that they live in herds of a large number of individuals, which can number in the thousands.

We also talk about animals herbivores, which feed on grass, foliage and endemic succulent plants, and whose main predators are lions, leopards, hyenas and African wild dogs. They are particularly agile, being able to reach 80 km/h, as well as being particularly aggressive, an essential behavioral characteristic for their survival. They are considered species of least concern.

Animals of Africa - 6. The wildebeest
Animals of Africa - 6. The wildebeest

7. Warthog

The warthog, also known as " warthog", is the name that refers to the animals of the genus Phacochoerus, which has two African species, Phacochoerus africanus and Phacochoerus aethiopicus. They inhabit savannahs and semi-desert areas, where they feed on all kinds of fruits and vegetables, although they also include eggs, birds and carrion in their diet. We speak, therefore, of omnivorous animals.

They are also sociable, as they share resting, feeding or bathing areas with other species. In addition, we are also talking about a genus of intelligent animals, which take advantage of the nests of other animals, such as aardvarks (Orycteropus afer) to take refuge from predators while he sleeps. Like wildebeest, warthogs are considered a species of Least Concern by the IUCN.

Animals of Africa - 7. The warthog
Animals of Africa - 7. The warthog

8. Cheetah

The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), stands out for being the fastest land animal in the race, thanks to its incredible 115 km/h at distances between 400 and 500 meters. Thus, it is part of our list of the 10 fastest animals in the world It is slender, with a golden-yellow coat, covered by oval-shaped black spots.

It is very light, because unlike other large cats with which it shares a habitat, it weighs between 40 and 65 kilograms, which is why it chooses small prey, such as impalas, gazelles, hares and young ungulates. After stalking, the cheetah begins its chase, which lasts just 30 seconds. According to the IUCN, this animal is in a vulnerable situation because its population is decreasing every day, falling below 7,000 mature adult individuals.

Animals of Africa - 8. The Cheetah
Animals of Africa - 8. The Cheetah

9. The Mongoose

The grated mongoose (Mungos mungo) lives in different countries on the African continent. This small carnivorous animal does not weigh more than a kilogram, however, we are talking about very violentanimals, aggression between different groups being common, causing deaths and injuries in the community. However, it is suspected that they maintain a symbiotic relationship with hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas).

They live in communities of between 10 and 40 individuals, who constantly communicate with each other by growling to stay connected. They sleep together and have hierarchies based on age, with the females managing control of the group. They feed individually on insects, reptiles and birds According to the IUCN it is a species considered to be of least concern.

Animals of Africa - 9. The mongoose
Animals of Africa - 9. The mongoose

10. The termite

The African savannah termite (Macrotermes natalensis) often goes unnoticed, however, it plays a fundamental role in the balance and biodiversity of the African savannah. These animals are especially advanced, as they grow Termitomyces mushrooms for their consumption and have a structured caste system, placing a king and a queen at the top of the hierarchy. It is estimated that their nests, where millions of insects live, help increase soil nutrients and encourage water channeling, so it is not surprising that they are always surrounded by plants and other animals

Animals of Africa - 10. The termite
Animals of Africa - 10. The termite

Animals of the African savannah

The African savannah is a transition zone between the African jungle and the awakened Africans, in it we find a substratum rich in iron, of an intense red color, as well as little vegetation It usually has an average temperature of between 20 ºC and 30 ºC, in addition, for about 6 months there is an intense drought, while in the remaining 6 rains fall. What are the animals of the African savannah? We show them to you:

eleven. The White Rhinoceros

The white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) lives in South Africa, Botswana, Kenya and Zambia among others. It has two subspecies, the southern white rhinoceros and northern white rhinoceros, extinct in the wild since 2018. Even so, there are still two female individuals in captivity. It is especially large, as an adult male individual can exceed 180 cm. tall and 2,500 kg. of weight.

It is a herbivorous animal that lives in the savannah and grasslands. On the run, it can reach 50 km/h. It is also a gregarious animal, which lives in communities of between 10 and 20 individuals, which reach sexual maturity late, around 7 years of age. According to the IUCN, it is considered a near-threatened species, given that there is international interest in the species for hunting and the manufacture of handicrafts and jewelry.

Animals of Africa - 11. The white rhinoceros
Animals of Africa - 11. The white rhinoceros

12. The zebra

Among the animals of Africa we find three species of zebras: the common zebra (Equus quagga), theGrévyi's zebra (Equus grevyi) and the mountain zebra (Equus zebra). According to the IUCN, they are in a situation of least concern, in danger and in vulnerability respectively. These animals, belonging to the equidae family, have never been domesticated and are only present on the African continent.

They are herbivorous animals that feed on grass, leaves and shoots, but also on tree bark or tender branches. Except for Grévyi's zebras, the other species are very sociable, creating groups known as "harems" where a male, several females and their foals live together.

Animals of Africa - 12. The zebra
Animals of Africa - 12. The zebra

13. The Gazelle

We call gacela the more than 40 species of animals of the genus Gazella, most of them now extinct. They live mainly in the African savannah, but also in certain areas of Southwest Asia. They are very slender animals, with long legs and a long face. They are also very agile, being able to reach 97 km/h They sleep for short periods of time, never more than an hour, always accompanied by the other members of their group, which can reach thousands of individuals

Animals of Africa - 13. The gazelle
Animals of Africa - 13. The gazelle

14. The ostrich

The ostrich (Struthio camelus) is the largest bird in the world, exceeding 250 cm. tall and 150 kg. of weight. It adapts perfectly to arid and semi-arid areas, therefore, we can find it in Africa and Arabia. It is considered an omnivorous animal, as it feeds on plants, arthropods and carrion

Presents sexual dimorphism, males being black and females brown or gray. As a curiosity, we highlight that their eggs are incredibly large, weighing between 1 and 2 kilogramsIt is in a situation of minor concern according to the IUCN.

Animals of Africa - 14. The ostrich
Animals of Africa - 14. The ostrich

fifteen. The giraffe

The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) inhabits the African savannah, but also grasslands and open forests. It is considered the tallest land animal in the world, reaching 580 cm. and a weight of between 700 and 1,600 kgThis gigantic ruminant feeds on shrubs, herbs and fruits, in fact, it is estimated that an adult specimen consumes around 34 kg. of foliage per day.

They are gregarious animals, living in groups of more than 30 individuals, also creating very strong and lasting social relationships They generally have a single breeding, although it has also been the case that some giraffes have had twins, reaching sexual maturity around 3 or 4 years of age. According to the IUCN, the giraffe is a vulnerable species, as its population is currently decreasing.

Animals of Africa - 15. Giraffe
Animals of Africa - 15. Giraffe

Animals of the African jungle

The African bush is a vast territory that stretches across central and southern Africa. It is a humid area, thanks to the abundant rainfall, with a cooler temperature than that of the savannah, with a temperature that varies between 10 ºC and 27 ºC approximately. In it we find a wide variety of animals, such as the ones shown below:

16. The hippo

The common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) is the third largest land animal in the world. It can weigh between 1,300 and 1,500 kg, in addition to reaching 30 km/h. It lives in rivers, mangroves and lakes, where it cools off during the hottest hours. The common hippopotamus extends from Egypt to Mozambique, although there are four other species that, together, inhabit a large number of countries in Africa.

They are animals especially aggressive, towards other animals and others of the same species. Precisely for this reason, many people wonder why hippos attack. It is in a vulnerable situation according to the IUCN, mainly due to the international sale of its ivory tusks and the consumption of its meat by the population local.

Animals of Africa - 16. The hippopotamus
Animals of Africa - 16. The hippopotamus

17. The crocodile

There are three species of crocodiles that inhabit the forested areas of Africa: the desert crocodile (Crocodylus suchus), theAfrican slender-snouted crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus) and the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus). We are talking about large reptiles that inhabit various types of rivers, lagoons and wetlands. They can exceed 6 meters in length and 1,500 kilograms.

Depending on the species, they can also live in s alt water. The diet of crocodiles is based on the consumption of vertebrates and invertebrates, although it can vary depending on the species. They have hard skin, full of scales, and their life expectancy can reach exceeding 80 years It is important to know the differences between crocodiles and alligators so as not to confuse them. Some species, such as the African snout crocodile, are Critically Endangered

Animals of Africa - 17. The crocodile
Animals of Africa - 17. The crocodile

18. The gorilla

There are two species of gorillas, with their corresponding subspecies, that inhabit African forests: the western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) and the eastern gorilla (Gorilla beringei). The diet of gorillas is mainly herbivorous and is based on the consumption of foliage. They have a well-defined social structure, in which the silverback male, his females and descendants stand out. Its main predator is the leopard.

They are considered to use tools to feed themselves and to build their own nests to sleep. The strength of gorillas is one of the topics that generates the most curiosity among people. Despite everything mentioned above, both species are critically endangered according to the IUCN.

Animals of Africa - 18. The gorilla
Animals of Africa - 18. The gorilla

19. The Parrot

The African Gray Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) is found in various parts of Africa and is thought to be a particularly ancient species. It measures about 30 cm in length and weighs between 350 and 400 grams. Their life expectancy is prodigious, as it can exceed 60 years. They are very sociable animals, which stand out for their intelligence and sensitivity, which allows them to have the ability to speak According to the IUCN it is in danger of extinction

Animals of Africa - 19. The Parrot
Animals of Africa - 19. The Parrot

twenty. The Python

We close the list of African animals with the Seba python (Python sebae) or African rock python, considered one of the largest snakes in the world. It is distributed in different areas of sub-Saharan Africa and is also considered to be present in Florida, due to the illegal pet trade. This constrictor species can exceed 5 meters in length and 100 kilograms in weight.

Animals of Africa - 20. The Python
Animals of Africa - 20. The Python

Endangered Animals of Africa

As you have already seen, there are many animals in danger of extinction in Africa, but in summary, we offer you a list of some of them:

  • Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)
  • African White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus)
  • African Snout-snouted Crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus)
  • White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum)
  • African wild ass (Equus africanus)
  • Cape Penguin (Spheniscus demersus)
  • African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus)
  • African Damselfly (Africallagma cuneistigma)
  • African Bat (Kerivoula africana)
  • Ghost Frog (Heleophryne hewitti)
  • African Giant Frog (Arthroleptis krokosua)
  • Mount Kahuzi Climbing Mouse (Dendromus kahuziensis)
  • Congo Owl (Phodilus prigoginei)
  • Hippox dolphin (Sousa teuszii)
  • Perret's Water Frog (Petropedetes perreti)
  • Zambezi Flipper Turtle (Cycloderma frenatum)
  • African caecilian (Boulengerula taitana)
  • Amphibian of the genus Caecilidae (Boulengerula changamwensis)
  • Pickersgill's Cane Frog (Hyperolius pickersgilli)
  • Sao Tome Frog (Hyperolius thomensis)
  • Kenya Frog (Hyperolius rubrovermiculatus)
  • African spotted catfish (Holohalaelurus punctatus)
  • Sagala Cecilia (Boulengerula niedeni)
  • Juliana golden mole (Neamblysomus julianae)
  • Clarke's Banana Frog (Afrixalus clarkei)
  • Malagasy giant rat (Hypogeomys antimena)
  • Geometric Tortoise (Psammobates geometricus)
  • Northern White Rhino (Ceratotherium simum cottoni)
  • Grévyi's Zebra (Equus grevyi)
  • African Snout-snouted Crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus)
  • Western Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla)
  • Eastern gorilla (Gorilla beringei)
  • African Gray Parrot (Psittacus erithacus)

Animals of Africa for kids

It is very important that children know the animals that inhabit the planet earth, therefore, we have prepared an image with drawings of the animals of Africa for children, in which you will find: the leopard, the crocodile, the zebra, the hippopotamus, the lion, the ostrich, the snake, the gazelle, the elephant and the giraffe.

Animals of Africa - Animals of Africa for kids
Animals of Africa - Animals of Africa for kids

More Animals of Africa

There are many other animals of Africa that are worth knowing, however, so as not to expand further, we will detail them for you in detail. so you can find out more on your own:

  • Jackal
  • Arruí
  • Chimpanzee
  • Flemish
  • Impala
  • Crane
  • Pelican
  • Stork
  • Rabbit
  • African Porcupine
  • Camel
  • Red Deer
  • African Mouse
  • Orangutan
  • Marabou
  • Hare
  • Ant Legionnaire
  • Mandrill
  • Meerkat
  • African Tortoise
  • Sheep
  • Fox Ears
  • Gerbil
  • Nile Monitor Monitor

And if you've been left wanting more, you can't miss the video on our site's YouTube channel about 10 animals of Africa, where we will show you some of the animals mentioned in action: