Why is the giraffe endangered? - CAUSES

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Why is the giraffe endangered? - CAUSES
Why is the giraffe endangered? - CAUSES
Why is the giraffe endangered?
Why is the giraffe endangered?

The giraffe is one of the most popular African animals in the world and, like many other animals, this species joins the list of animals in situation of vulnerability, despite the efforts made by organizations around the world.

Why is the giraffe in danger of extinction? On our site we will explain the causes that are causing a serious threat to the species, some actions that must be taken to avoid it and much more about one of the most curious animals on the planet.

Giraffe Characteristics

The Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is one of the most popular African animals, probably because of its extremely long and powerful neck, the result of centuries of evolution. In fact, her neck was Charles Darwin's key example in expounding the Theory of Natural Selection

Nevertheless, besides the neck, the giraffe also stands out for being the tallest land animal in the world, as well as for being one of the heaviest, as some specimens exceed1,500 kilos We are also talking about herbivorous animals, which feed mainly on tree leaves. They are gregarious animals, living in groups, and there are several subspecies , which are distinguished by their coat patterns.

Also discover: How long is the neck of a giraffe?

Why is the giraffe endangered? - Giraffe Characteristics
Why is the giraffe endangered? - Giraffe Characteristics

Is the giraffe endangered?

Yes, the giraffe is in danger of extinction In addition, the number of individuals in the wild has been decreasing in recent decades. According to data provided by the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the population has declined from 1985 to the present day. As a consequence, the number of giraffes has decreased by 35% to 40%

For all these reasons, if in 1996 it was considered a "Least Concern", since 2016 the giraffe is listed as species "Vulnerable " mainly due to the fact that the threats to the species have intensified in the last 30 years, which leads to its disappearance if the appropriate measures are not taken.

Is the black giraffe endangered?

Once again, we must point out that yes, the black giraffe is in danger of extinction However, it is essential to point out that the giraffe black is not a subspecies, but a spontaneous coloration of the coat that is shown in some specific individuals by dominance in genes. Also, males' fur tends to darken as they age, other so-called black giraffes.

How many giraffes are left in the world?

Taking into account the rapid decline of this species, How many giraffes are left in the world? The IUCN has exact figures on population decline: it is estimated that in 1985 there were 163,452 giraffes in the world, of which 114,416 were adults capable of reproducing. However, it is currently estimated that only 97,562 giraffes exist, of which 68,293 are mature giraffes.

Giraffes are distributed in different parts of the African continent, but the variations in their population are not stable, that is, some giraffe populations maintain a stable number of individuals, while a few increase, but most of them are in decline This is why the giraffe is in danger of extinction.

Why is the giraffe endangered? - How many giraffes are left in the world?
Why is the giraffe endangered? - How many giraffes are left in the world?

Why is the giraffe endangered?

Considering the drastic decline in the giraffe population, one wonders what causes them to be in danger of extinction. Below, we detail the main reasons:

  1. Loss of their habitat: It is no secret that human action on different ecosystems has caused their gradual deterioration. There is not a single corner of the planet where this does not happen. Giraffes have also suffered from the deterioration of their habitat due to livestock activities, mining, deforestation and the increase in the human population, which brings with it the expansion of villages.
  2. War conflicts: There are currently various conflicts in Africa, such as the Somali Civil War, the Chad-Sudan Conflict, the of Nigeria, the civil war of South Sudan or the Second Civil War of Libya. Violent activity also affects the fauna and flora of these countries.
  3. Illegal hunting: Illegal hunting is one of the greatest threats to wildlife worldwide. A few unscrupulous people are capable of destroying the surviving specimens of some species and the giraffe is among the animals affected by this situation. Giraffe hunting has been carried out for "sport" since the 19th century, although today it is considered illegal. They are hunted for the different uses that are given to their skin, muscles and bones.

How to protect the giraffe?

In view of the accelerated decline in the population, in the countries where giraffes live there are various programs aimed at their conservation. However, the measures need to be more drastic to be really effective.

It is necessary to relocate many of the specimens of giraffes in protected areas, since many of them still live in the wild, which increases the risk of being attacked by hunters or affected by civil conflict. In addition, soil and natural habitat recovery programs must be implemented to reverse the effects of ecosystem deterioration.

In the same way, the education of the populationis required, because only by creating awareness about the importance of respecting the wildlife, a change in mentality will be achieved to protect all species.

Don't miss our article about giraffe curiosities!
