Is the spider monkey endangered? - THREATS and CONSERVATION PLANS

Is the spider monkey endangered? - THREATS and CONSERVATION PLANS
Is the spider monkey endangered? - THREATS and CONSERVATION PLANS
Is the spider monkey in danger of extinction?
Is the spider monkey in danger of extinction?

For decades, scientists have warned us about the alarming situation that animal biodiversity is suffering on a global scale, since more and more species are in serious danger of extinction and not for natural reasons, but caused by humans. A very affected group is that of primates, so on this occasion, from our site, always concerned with disseminating and educating about it, we explain if is the spider monkey in danger of extinction or no, what are their main threats and if there are conservation plans. Don't miss this interesting information!

Endangered spider monkey species

Yes, spider monkeys are in danger of extinction, but it is important to know that we are not talking about a single species. The genus defined as Ateles, which corresponds to a group of primates, specifically brings together seven species commonly known as spider monkeys, which are grouped into the so-called New World monkeys, so that they inhabit the American continent.

Let's find out below which spider monkey species are in danger of extinction:

  • Geoffroy's Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) This species is native to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama. It is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as in danger of extinction, with a declining population trend. Six subspecies have been recognized momentarily, while further studies are in progress.
  • Common Spider Monkey (Ateles belzebuth). This type of spider monkey lives in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Its classification, like the previous one, is in danger of extinction and its population trend is also considered to be in decline.
  • Black Spider Monkey (Ateles paniscus) This species, native to Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname, is considered vulnerable and, although its condition is not yet in danger of extinction, its population is in decline and it seemed important to us to consider it.
  • Brown spider monkey (Ateles hybridus) The brown spider monkey lives in both Colombia and Venezuela and is the species that has a status more dramatic, as it has been classified as critically endangered. About 80% of the population of this species has been lost in the last 40 years.
  • White-faced spider monkey (Ateles marginatus) The IUCN lists the white-cheeked spider monkey as endangered, due to which is added to the other species mentioned so far. This animal is endemic to Brazil, restricted to an area of the Amazon of that country, on which, in fact, studies are lacking to better understand the species.
  • Black-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps) The species is distributed in Colombia, Ecuador and Panama, recognizing two subspecies: A. f. fusciceps, which is endemic to Ecuador, and A. f. rufiventris, which lives in Colombia and Panama. It is also classified as endangered.
  • Peruvian or black-faced spider monkey (Ateles chamek) This type of spider monkey has a distribution range that occupies Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. Similarly, it is considered endangered because the population decline is estimated at at least 50% in the last 45 years.
Is the spider monkey in danger of extinction? - Species of spider monkey in danger of extinction
Is the spider monkey in danger of extinction? - Species of spider monkey in danger of extinction

Why are spider monkeys endangered?

There are several reasons why spider monkeys are in danger of extinction. Let's find out what they are:

  • One of the main reasons, as in the case of the black-faced spider monkey and the white-bellied spider monkey, among others, is huntingdirectly with weapons to be consumed as food.
  • On the other hand, the transformation of the ecosystems where spider monkeys live for the development of cultivated spaces also significantly affects the population decline of species, such as to grow soybeans, whose harvest is used in large proportion to feed livestock that will be used in meat production.
  • The cutting down of the trees where the spider monkeys feed and develop has also had a considerable effect so that the populations have decreased so much in the last decades.
  • Various species of spider monkeys are commercialized to be sold as pets or to zoos and, in no case, are these animals to be domesticated. They should only be received for recovery or healing purposes and always by specialized people. These animals must live in their natural ecosystems.
  • The reproductive process of these monkeys works against them for the recovery of the species, since they mature sexually late, they have long gestations, generally only one calf is born per gestation and they have long periods between one gestation and another.
  • The expansion of cattle ranching, hydroelectric construction, highways, mining and associated works have also significantly affected the habitat of spider monkeys.
Is the spider monkey in danger of extinction? - Why are spider monkeys in danger of extinction?
Is the spider monkey in danger of extinction? - Why are spider monkeys in danger of extinction?

Spider monkey conservation plans

Now that we know that the spider monkey is in danger of extinction, some species even in critical danger, it is logical to ask ourselves if there are conservation plans to avoid its disappearance. Among the spider monkey conservation plans we can mention:

  • Various species inhabit protected areas, such as national parks, nature reserves, ecological reserves and ecological stations.
  • They have been included in one of the appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), that regulates the commercialization of biodiversity.
  • In some regions, the creation of new protected areas has been promoted that coincide with spaces where groups of spider monkeys live.
  • Enforcement of laws within protected areas has been encouraged to really stop the hunting and capture of spider monkeys to the aforementioned purposes, since it is common that in these countries, despite the existence of protected areas, the fauna continues to be in serious danger of being killed and captured.

Despite the fact that no species of spider monkey is within the category of extinct, in certain areas these animals have been completely extirpated, which alerts us to the serious situation that they are generally suffering as cluster. In this sense, the application of more drastic and effective measures is urgently required to be able to recover the populations of spider monkeys throughout their range of distribution.

In addition, you can also help spider monkeys, and other animals in danger of extinction, by taking small actions. Do not miss this other article where we explain how to protect animals in danger of extinction.
