Can you have a monkey as a pet? - Regulations and details to consider

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Can you have a monkey as a pet? - Regulations and details to consider
Can you have a monkey as a pet? - Regulations and details to consider
Can you have a monkey as a pet?
Can you have a monkey as a pet?

We popularly use the term "monkey" to refer to more than 250 species of non-human primates (apes). Among the best known, we find chimpanzees, gorillas, marmoset monkeys and orangutans. The exotic beauty of these species and their physical and behavioral similarities to humans make many people want to adopt a monkey as a pet and raise it in captivity. However, most are unaware of the risks of this practice…

Wondering if it's a good idea to have a pet monkey? Monkeys are wild animals that are adapted to living in nature, where they find optimal conditions for their physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. In addition, captive breeding of some monkey species is legally prohibited in many countries to combat the exotic pet trade.

Can you have a pet monkey? In this new article on our site, we explain why you should never have a monkey as a pet, read on.

Is it legal to have a pet monkey?

Currently, monkeys are protected by the CITES convention (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora Silvestres), a convention created by the UN to regulate trade and combat illegal trafficking of animals. However, each country may have its own legislation regarding domestic farming of exotic or invasive species.

In countries like Chile, having a monkey as a pet is illegal and owners can suffer severe financial pen alties. However, in Spain, it is possible to adopt a monkey, but the legal origin of the animal must be demonstrated with the corresponding documentation.

Obviously, adopting a monkey from an unknown source, or through individuals or on the Internet, is not recommended in any country. Most of these animals are hunted, suddenly removed from their habitat and their community, and imprisoned in appalling conditions until they are resold on the black market of animal trafficking. In addition, by adopting a monkey with unknown origins, we indirectly contribute to promoting animal trafficking.

Why is keeping a monkey as a pet illegal in many places? Basically, to protect the monkeys themselves from the abusive practices that are frequent in the black market for the sale of wild animals, as well as from mistreatment, inappropriate care and abandonment that they often suffer when they are adopted by people who are unaware of the specific needs of monkeys.

Common sense and logic should complement the "holes" or the absence of specific legislation on the possession of exotic animals. That is to say: although it is allowed, for example, to have a marmoset monkey as a pet in some countries, before adopting this animal, we should be aware of its needs and our limitations in order to provide it with optimal conditions for its development. Every animal, regardless of its species, deserves to experience a dignified, happy and he althy life And their rights should never be threatened by our wishes.

Can you have a monkey as a pet? - Is it legal to have a monkey as a pet?
Can you have a monkey as a pet? - Is it legal to have a monkey as a pet?

Having a pet monkey carries he alth risks

Monkeys (mainly those of unknown origin) can transmit certain zoonotic diseases, such as rabies, tuberculosis, herpes, hepatitis B and candidiasis, through bites or scratches. Zoonoses are those pathologies that can be transmitted between different species. In addition, some species of apes are vulnerable to developing allergies and skin infections, caused mainly by bacteria and fungi.

On the other hand, some diseases common to us can seriously affect the he alth of monkeys. Mainly if this animal does not receive a balanced diet and the necessary care to strengthen its immune system.

Captive monkey breeding and its behavioral effects

Monkeys are very active, intelligent, curious and sociable animals, so they need to constantly exercise their body and mind to keep your good he alth. Even when guardians have plenty of space and offer outdoor environments, most pet monkeys end up developing symptoms of stress or boredom

Just like dogs and cats, monkeys tend to present certain behavioral problems associated with the accumulation of tension and demonstrate a notable increase in its aggressiveness. Also, because they need to interact to develop their social skills, monkeys born or raised in captivity can also become aggressive as adults, developing destructive behaviors when spending many hours locked up or alone at home and even stereotypes, repetitive and constant movements with no apparent purpose.

Can you have a monkey as a pet? - The breeding of monkeys in captivity and its effects on behavior
Can you have a monkey as a pet? - The breeding of monkeys in captivity and its effects on behavior

Caring for monkeys, specific and complex

Do you still think it's a good idea to have a pet monkey? You should be aware that these animals require very specific care to develop he althily in captivity.

First, the ideal would be to recreate the natural habitat of each species to provide optimal conditions for physical and mental development. Zoos, for example, try to pack monkeys' space with lots of trees, rocks, dirt, grass, etc. Now, imagine the difficulty of reproducing this wild environment in our home… And the truth is that, even if you have a lot of space and dedicate yourself to conditioning it carefully, this whole structure will continue to be an artificial replica that will never fully capture the essence of nature.

Like all animals, monkeys will need complete and balanced nutrition to maintain good he alth and develop fully. In their natural habitat, apes tend to maintain a very varied, fresh and natural diet. This means that providing a good diet for a "domestic monkey" takes time, dedication and a good investment in fresh and organic products. Apart from fruit and vegetables, which you must prepare carefully, you must also offer insects at certain times of the year.

Also, to have a monkey as a pet, you must pay close attention to its mental stimulation Apes are animals of high intelligence and great sensitivity, so they need to work on their cognitive and emotional skills to stay he althy, happy and active. As we have mentioned, a sedentary or bored monkey can suffer from stress and develop numerous behavioral problems. These animals should enjoy at least several enrichment and play sessions per day.

On the other hand, it will also be essential to meet their social needs by providing moments of interaction, entertainment and affection. And most of us do not have much time to dedicate even to their own social life… For this reason, many monkeys created in captivity can present symptoms of depression and even become aggressive in relation to people and other animals. Remember that these are very social individuals living in large groups

We should also not forget that monkeys will need specialized medical attention, which is not usually easily found in cities. It is also worth remembering that apes will also need to receive attention to their internal and external deworming to avoid an infestation by endo or ectoparasites.

Unfortunately, many people adopt a monkey as a pet without understanding its specific needs. And that is why many "domestic monkeys" end up in zoos, when they are not abandoned somewhere far from the city.

Can you have a monkey as a pet then?

As you may have noticed, there are many cares that monkeys need to lead a he althy, happy and dignified life. And this implies making high investments throughout the life of the animal. If to all the care mentioned above, we also add the high costs for to legally adopt a monkey and document it, we are not wrong in saying that the monkey is a pet really expensive.

Taking into account all the above, it should be noted that it is not a good idea to have a monkey as a pet In any case, yes If you consider that you could offer him all the aforementioned care, do not hesitate to consult a specialist so that he can explain in more detail everything that you must assess and prepare before adopt a pet monkey.
