The koala has been declared endangered - Causes and conservation measures

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The koala has been declared endangered - Causes and conservation measures
The koala has been declared endangered - Causes and conservation measures
The koala has been declared endangered
The koala has been declared endangered

The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is undoubtedly one of Australia's most iconic endemic species. Its appearance that inspires tenderness and docile behavior make it a great attraction in this region. It is an animal with various curiosities, among which its ability to consume plants such as eucalyptus, which are loaded with toxic substances for other animals, and being a marsupial and having opposable fingers, as well as fingerprints, stand out.

However, koalas are going through a difficult situation in relation to their conservation status, which is why urgent measures have been declared for their protection. In this article on our site we explain why the koala is in danger of extinction and what measures are in place to guarantee its protection.

Is the koala endangered?

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which is a global authority made up of organizations and experts linked to the study and conservation of the natural world, so far reports the koala as a species in the vulnerable category, with a population trend in decline due to various causes that considerably affect koala populations.

The development of various events that have been occurring in Australia in recent times has increased the impact and risk on this species, which is why, recently, the Australian Ministry of the Environment has stated, based on the national environmental law, an increase in the protection of koalas, which includes the development of joint work with scientists, veterinarians, communities and local governments. Additionally, the country's Scientific Committee for Endangered Species was asked for an assessment regarding the status of the koala.

Given the alarming situation suffered by these animals, in the month of February of this year 2022, the country's own Minister of the Environment has communicated that the koala as an endangered species in New South Wales, the Australian capital and Queensland, leaving behind the previous category of vulnerable.

How many koalas are there in the world?

In its last update in 2016, the IUCN estimated that between 100,000 and 500,000 koalas existed in the wild. However, in this year 2022, the Australia Koala Foundation (AKF) [1] estimates that there are less than 100,000 koalas savages and that, sadly, every year around 4,000 die just from being run over and attacked by dogs. However, these figures are estimates and it is likely that the number of specimens is lower, since, in fact, the AKF itself indicates that it suspects that there are around 40,000 koalas left in the wild[two]

Years ago the koala population was truly incredible. However, during the 1920s the species suffered a terrible massacre and millions of individuals were killed to extract their skins, a fact that triggered the current crisis of the species.

Reasons why the koala is in danger of extinction

The evaluation of years ago exposed by the IUCN stated that the threats that the koalas faced to consider them as vulnerable were related to the alteration of their habitat, which included destruction, fragmentation and modification of it, as well as vegetation fires and diseases. This has resulted in their being exposed to other risks such as predation by dogs and being run over by vehicles. Additionally, droughts in certain areas also cause the death of these animals.

Now, let's return to the statements just made by the Australian Ministry of the EnvironmentIt has also specified the causes that currently exist and continue to affect the species, and these coincide with the threats to the koala exposed by the IUCN, thus, they state that they are:

  • Prolonged Drought
  • Forest fires
  • Disease Accumulation
  • Habitat loss over 20 years

In this sense, if these reasons had already been detected so far in advance and are still continuing or, on the contrary, increasing, it was imperative to execute new actions that would alert about the situation of the koalas.

On the other hand, we consider it important to refer to a report published by the Australian Conservation Foundation[3] where it is stated that the government The federal government has approved the clearing of 25,000 hectares of koala habitat in recent years. Now, this number of spaces to be cleaned or cleared would be to develop, under federal law, 61% for mining, 12% for ground transportation, and 11% for residential housing. These data do not include deforested areas for agricultural development.

Despite what has been said, the same government has approved millions of dollars for the protection of the koala, which, according to the Ministry of the Environment, includes habitat restoration, caring for the he alth of these animals and research that contribute to your benefit. Without a doubt, we notice a clear inconsistency in the actions mentioned.

The koala has been declared endangered - Reasons why the koala is endangered
The koala has been declared endangered - Reasons why the koala is endangered

How to protect the koala from extinction: conservation plans

For more than a decade, various actions have been reported for the protection of the koala, who at that time was not considered to be in danger of extinction, which suggests that the work carried out is not really being effective, since, as we have seen, their state of conservation has had to be changed. In this sense, considering the national conservation and management strategies that have been proposed, from our site we agree on the importance of establishing the following strategies to protect the koala:

  • Stop the destruction of koala habitat, as highlighted by the Australian Conservation Foundation, as the species will not be able to recover, nor the conservation plans will have an effect, if the drastic transformation of the areas where they live continues.
  • Develop an actual estimate of the koala population in habitats.
  • Consolidate the integration of government entities, NGOs, indigenous groups and other communities in projects for the conservation of the species.
  • Carry out an exhaustive evaluation of the actions, based on those that can offer real changes and those that have not brought effective results.
  • Establish forceful strategies to control forest fires.
  • Continue with research and development of actions to control diseases that affect the population, such as the koala retrovirus, the koala herpes virus and chlamydia.
  • Initiate a management plan to restore areas affected by deforestation and fires, into which individuals may be reintroduced in the future.
  • Develop educational plans in the various teaching modalities, which are carried out as a national plan.
  • Establish a periodic evaluation of each of the actions you develop based on this new classification of the koala in danger of extinction.

The Australian Ministry of the Environment has declared that the conservation of the koala is now a priority, so the different strategies are being worked on. Apart from this, in a personal capacity the citizens of the world can also contribute and help the koala in danger of extinction through simple actions:

  • Don't be part of the illegal species trade. Although this is not the main threat to the koala, it is also a cause that contributes to its disappearance.
  • Be aware of what you buy and avoid clothing made from animal skin. Not only has the demand for fur led to the koala almost disappearing, many animals are killed year after year for the manufacture of cloth for human use.
  • Support the Koala Protection Law by writing to government entities in the country.
  • Support the Australian Koala Foundation through donations. The foundation has an extensive support system, so you can help a particular koala in the adoption section (you will not adopt it to keep it at home, but to guarantee its survival), plant trees to reforest its habitat, buy the solidarity store or donate an amount of money.
