In the post-surgical period it is relatively common for caregivers to go to their veterinary clinic with the following premise: “ my dog has removed the stitches, what do I do?”. Well, you should know that the healing process usually generates itching, stinging and tightness in the skin, which makes dogs tend to lick or scratch the wound. As a consequence, the loss of some of the suture points may occur and, with it, the dehiscence or opening of the wound. To avoid this complication, it is important to comply with a series of recommendations in the post-surgical period, which will include protection of the wound and control of pain and discomfort associated with surgery. In the next article on our site we will explain how to prevent it and what to do in this situation.
What to do if my dog has taken out the stitches?
During the postoperative period, it is important to periodically treat the wound and check that the healing process is adequate. A surgical wound that is doing well is one in which:
- A clean incision is observed.
- The stitches stay in place, allowing both edges of the wound to remain in contact.
- Wound edges may be slightly thickened.
- There may be a slight discharge, transparent and fluid.
- The color of the skin around the wound is pinkish or slightly reddish.
However, in some of the daily inspections of the wound, it is possible to detect an anomaly. One of the most frequent is the loss of some of the stitches, especially when the animals come to lick or scratch the wound. If in the postoperative period you notice that your dog has removed any of the points, it is important that go to the veterinary center as soon as possible where they performed the intervention, so they can check the wound and act accordingly.
How long does it take to remove a dog's stitches?
Surgical wounds usually take about 10-14 days to healAfter this time, it is usual for the veterinarian who performed the surgery to make an appointment with the caregiver to carry out a review. If the wound has healed correctly and the suture is made of a non-absorbable material, the veterinarian will proceed to remove the stitches. For wounds that do not heal, we recommend consulting this other post.
Nevertheless, you should know that today it is common to perform intradermal sutures, which remain buried in the skin. These types of sutures are not visible from the outside, making it difficult for dogs to pull out the stitches. For this type of intradermal sutures, a resorbable suture material is used, which is eliminated by the body itself. That is to say, in this type of sutures it is not necessary to remove the stitches, since they themselves are reabsorbed.
What if my dog licks the stitches?
The healing process usually causes some tightness and itchiness in the wound, so it is common for dogs to have a tendency to scratch or lick the stitches. However, despite being common, if your dog has removed the stitches it can have important consequences for wound healing, since:
- The suture can be infected, which delays tissue healing. Some of the signs that may indicate that the wound has become infected are: redness, swelling and warmth around the wound, the discharge of purulent or bloody material and a bad smell.
- The licking or scratching itself can cause the loss of some of the suture points and, with it, the dehiscence or opening of the wound.
In any of the cases, it is important to go to the veterinary center where the intervention was performed to explore the wound and act accordingly. Depending on the state of the wound, the degree of healing and the functionality of the suture, a more or less aggressive treatment will be chosen. In mild cases, it will be enough to start an antibiotic treatment However, in severe infections or when the wound dehiscence or opening has occurred, an will be necessary. surgical intervention to cleanse the wound thoroughly and remove infected or necrotic material. Therefore, when dealing with open stitches in dogs, it is best to let a professional do the work.
How to prevent my dog from removing stitches?
To prevent dogs from removing stitches in the post-surgical period, it is important to comply with the following recommendations:
- Protect the wound with light dressings and bandages: These will not only provide the wound with the optimal degree of moisture for healing, but also that will prevent the animal from licking or scratching the wound.
- Place a bell or Elizabethan collar: Although they can be somewhat annoying, especially during the first few hours, it is important to keep a bell in place or collar that prevents dogs from touching the wound.
- Compliance with post-surgical treatment: administering the analgesics prescribed by the veterinarian will help reduce pain or discomfort in the wound, which will prevent the animal from showing excessive interest in touching or licking the wound.