The monarch butterfly is ENDANGERED OF EXTINCTION - Threats and conservation plans

The monarch butterfly is ENDANGERED OF EXTINCTION - Threats and conservation plans
The monarch butterfly is ENDANGERED OF EXTINCTION - Threats and conservation plans
Why is the monarch butterfly in danger of extinction?
Why is the monarch butterfly in danger of extinction?

The Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) plays a critical role in crop production and plant flowering. In addition, its beauty makes it one of the most striking butterfly species in the world. However, in recent years it has been possible to observe a decrease in the populations of many other species, which is why they have entered the list of invertebrates in danger of extinction.

In the next article on our site, we will explain whether the monarch butterfly is in danger of extinction or not, as well as possible measures that can be implemented to safeguard the species. Keep reading!

Monarch Butterfly Characteristics

The monarch butterfly is a small arthropod that measures between 9 and 11 centimeters in length. It is characterized by bright orange wings accompanied by black lines and white dots, making it a very easy to recognize specimen. This species presents sexual dimorphism, since the male is larger than the female, in addition to the fact that the veins of the wings are thinner than those of their companions. Females, for their part, have darker tones on their bodies.

The diet of this species is not varied, It feeds only on the nectar of flowers, especially one called milkweed, flag Spanish, blood flower or Mary grass (Asclepias curassavica). In addition to providing the nutrients it needs, this flower provides the monarch butterfly with toxic substances that allow it to keep predators at bay.

Regarding its distribution, where does the monarch butterfly live? It is mainly found in South America and part of Europe, where it prefers to live in Spain, Portugal and the Canary Islands. For the monarch butterfly, the ideal habitat is one where the tropical and temperate climate prevails, since it does not tolerate cold.

The reproduction phase occurs during the spring season and takes place in two stages: an aerial one and a terrestrial one. The aerial stage occurs when the male searches for a female during her flight, once he finds her, he holds her as a sign that he has chosen her as her mate. During the second stage, the male transfers the genetic material to the female, ending the reproductive phase. The female will then be able to lay eggs, which she does on milkweed plants, where the new insects will remain for four days before hatching.

Now then, is the monarch butterfly among the animals in danger of extinction? We'll talk about this in more detail below.

Why is the monarch butterfly in danger of extinction? - Characteristics of the monarch butterfly
Why is the monarch butterfly in danger of extinction? - Characteristics of the monarch butterfly

Monarch Butterfly Conservation Status

Among endangered arthropods, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List classifies the monarch butterfly as "least concern." However, it has classified the migratory monarch butterfly, which is a subspecies of monarch butterfly, as endangeredThe population decline in recent years is so alarming that in July 2022 the IUCN has decided to modify its status. There are no specific data on the number of individuals that exist today, but it is estimated that there must be around 10,000 adult individuals distributed over a range of 20,000 km2

There are various threats that could cause a drastic break in its population density. So, even though the monarch butterfly is not considered endangered right now, if we don't act quickly, its population decline could become very worrying.

Monarch Threats

We have already seen that the monarch butterfly is in danger of extinction, but why? These are the threats facing these amazing butterflies:

Climate change

The increase and decrease of temperatures is a potential risk for these insects, because these changes represent possible modifications in the different ecosystems. As the balance of habitats is affected, the species that survive in them suffer the consequences.


Slash-and-burn of forests and mountainous regions poses an immediate threat to the survival of the monarch butterfly. These actions eliminate most of their habitat, reduce the chances of obtaining food and limit the appropriate areas where they can develop their life cycle normally.

Excessive use of fertilizers

One of the main problems of butterflies in danger of extinction is the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, since these destroy the flowers or modify the composition of wild plants. Among the plant species affected is milkweed, the main source of food for the monarch butterfly.

Monarch butterfly conservation plans

The IUCN points out that it is necessary to implement conservation measures to prevent the monarch butterfly, especially the migratory one, from disappearing completely. However, it is still a matter of debate. Possible monarch conservation measures include the following:

  • Avoid the use of herbicides: These chemicals prevent the development of harmful weeds that grow on a given piece of land. However, they also harm milkweed plants and thus affect the life cycle of butterflies.
  • Combat climate change: Climate change is one of the great threats that has brought thousands of species to the brink of extinction. For this reason, actions such as saving energy and caring for natural resources will contribute to the protection of the monarch butterfly and other invertebrates in danger of extinction.
  • Plant milkweeds: One way to help prevent the monarch butterfly from becoming endangered is to plant milkweeds. contributes to the environment and the survival of butterflies.
  • Raise awareness: Protecting the monarch butterfly and other species goes hand in hand with raising awareness of the danger they face and the importance which represents its preservation. Carrying out campaigns and actively participating in organizations and entities that are responsible for preserving the environment are ways to help.

See this other article for more measures that can help animals that are already threatened: "How to protect endangered animals?"
