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Most Endangered Birds
Most Endangered Birds

Birds make up a group of endothermic (warm-blooded) vertebrates that possess an immense variety of shapes, sizes, and colors They are descendants direct from dinosaurs that walked on two legs about 200 million years ago and since then they have been acquiring a series of adaptations and modifications. This has allowed them to acquire active flight and has made them one of the most successful animal groups in terms of colonized environments, since flight has given them that advantage. On the other hand, many species are very specialized, either in habitat or feeding, or sensitive to environmental changes, an issue that has led many birds to be categorized under some type of threat, and many are now critically endangered. of extinction.

If you want to know which are the birds in greatest danger of extinction in the world, and other questions related to them, continue reading this article on our site and you will find out about all this.

Endangered Birds

Currently, around the world there is a high number of bird species that are under some category of threat, and here we will show you some of the species that are categorized incritically endangered and endangered , the highest categories in which species can be classified according to their threat.

Helmet or Helmet Callao (Rhinoplax vigil)

This species belongs to the order Bucerotiformes and is native to Borneo, the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra It occupies low-lying forests where it grows It feeds almost exclusively on fruits. It is a large bird of over 1 meter in length and whose most notable feature is a reddish-orange cap or shield, which goes from the base of its beak to the middle of it.

The hornbill is categorized as critically endangered due to the destruction of its habitat destined for land for palm plantations and for the indiscriminate hunting destined to obtain its feathers and its beak, since this is made of keratin and is more coveted than the ivory Today there are various plans and projects for its protection.

If you want to know other animals in danger of extinction, we recommend you read this article on Animals in danger of extinction in the world.

Most Endangered Birds
Most Endangered Birds

Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus)

This bird belongs to the order Psittaciformes and is endemic to New Zealand, being the only parrot that they do not fly because they are very heavy, almost 4 kg when they reach adulthood and a length of about 60 cm. Their lifestyle is very peculiar, since they are also the only nocturnal parrots and they use their sense of smell to move in the dark, becoming immobile when they come across a potential predator. The kakapo is another critically endangered bird with only about 147 individuals left in the wild today

Once upon a time, the Kakapos were on the brink of extinction due to invasive animals such as rats, stoats, and cats than humans that came to the islands they brought with them, almost destroying the chicks and the nests. Currently, they inhabit New Zealand islands where there are no predators and various programs are working hard to fully recover the population of this charismatic bird species.

Most Endangered Birds
Most Endangered Birds

Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi)

Species of eagle of the order Accipitriformes, endemic to the Philippines and inhabits jungle areas or montane forests with the presence of tall trees where nest. It is a bird with more than a meter in length and more than 2 meters of wingspan, it feeds on monkeys and lemurs, for which it is also called monkey-eating eagle

This is one of the world's most endangered eagles and is critically endangered due to loss and fragmentation of its habitat. They are also often victims of illegal trapping, hunting and trafficking. In addition, this species often gets used to hunting on the ground, which is why they are affected by toxins used in the agricultural industry that degrade their environment. In the Philippines, the government currently punishes up to 12 years in prison and fines for hunting, trading and killing this species.

Most Endangered Birds
Most Endangered Birds

Tobian Grebe or Tobian Grebe (Podiceps gallardoi)

This species belongs to the order Podicipediformes and is endemic to the Patagonian region of Argentina and Chile It is a bird with a fairly compact and about 28 cm long, being a rather small grebe species It also has very specific requirements when it comes to nesting, since it only does so in lagoons of plateaus of crystalline and transparent waters and with the presence of aquatic plants in the region of Patagonia, and it is a trait that makes it very sensitive to changes in its habitat For this reason, the hooded grebe is currently categorized as critically endangered.

One of the threats to this bird is the destruction of its environments due to the construction of dams, but also due to its massive presence of Kelp Gulls (Larus dominicanus) that occupy a large part of its habitat, due to the introduction of exotic species, such as the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which causes changes in the pH and other factors of the water, in turn causing a decrease in the food of the hooded grebe (invertebrate inhabitants of aquatic plants in the places where it lives) and, on the other hand, the American mink (Neovison vison), which at the time caused a sharp decline in the populations of this bird, since they prey on the nests.

You may also be interested in this other article about Animals in danger of extinction in Chile.

Most Endangered Birds
Most Endangered Birds

Wine Parrot (Amazona vinacea)

This species of the order Psittaciformes inhabits jungles and Paraná pine forests (Araucaria angustifolia, to which it is closely related) of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Paraguay and ArgentinaIt is a parrot of about 30 cm in length that has very special ecological requirements, since it nests in hollows of the trunks of several species of trees, but above all in the trunks of the Paraná pine, where it also feeds on the pine nuts of this species.

It is a species classified as in danger of extinction due to the destruction of the environments where it lives, since there is a strong lumber industry in the areas where it is distributed. On the other hand, as it is a very striking parrot due to its appearance, illegal hunting for pets also makes it very vulnerable. Today there are laws that protect it, and likewise all its surroundings, since the Paraná pine is also protected as it is so important for this and other animal species.

If you want to know other animals in danger of extinction in the area, we recommend you read this other article about The 10 animals in greatest danger of extinction in Argentina.

Most Endangered Birds
Most Endangered Birds

Galapagos Penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus)

Like all types of penguins, this species is found within the order Sphenisciformes and is endemic to the Galapagos Islands. It is about 50 cm long and is the second smallest species of penguin that exists It is a bird categorized as endangered and is found closely linked to the environmental conditions of its surroundings, so it is a good bioindicator of the he alth and quality of the waters where it lives.

Some of the causes that caused the decrease in their populations were the anthropic activities such as industrial fishing, pollution and oil spills Petroleum. On the other hand, natural causes such as the climatic phenomenon El Niño also affected this species. Due to the warming of the waters, physical changes are triggered and causes a shortage of schools of fish on which this penguin feeds. This phenomenon has become stronger and more severe in recent years due to global warming, which increasingly affects this species. Due to this, since 2011 there have been associations in charge of the study and conservation of this and other species in Ecuador.

In this other article on our site, we talk about other Animals of the Galapagos Islands.

Most Endangered Birds
Most Endangered Birds

Other endangered birds

Do you want to meet other birds that are in danger of extinction? Here we detail a list of bird species from around the world that are under the category of " critically endangered" or in " Danger of extinction ".

Endangered Birds

  • White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala).
  • Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus).
  • Jacutinga (Pipile jacutinga).
  • Grey Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum).
  • Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus).
  • Forest Little Owl (Heteroglaux blewitti).
  • Swamp Wren (Cistothorus apolinari).
  • Antioquia Wren (Thryophilus sernai).

Critically Endangered Birds

  • Sumatran ground-cuckoo (Carpococcyx viridis).
  • Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps).
  • Arica Hummingbird (Eulidia yarrellii).
  • Akohekohe (Palmeria dolei).
  • Giant Ibis (Thaumatibis gigantea).
  • New Caledonian Egotello (Aegotheles savesi).
  • California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus).
  • Bengal Little Bustard (Houbaropsis bengalensis).
  • Christmas Island Frigatebird (Fregata andrewsi).
  • Balearic Shearwater (Balearic Shearwater).
  • Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis).
  • Colombian Curassow (Crax alberti).

Why are birds in danger of extinction?

Increasing human activity has caused the decline of many bird species populations in recent decades. The destruction of environments and deforestation for the establishment of land destined for agriculture and massive livestock, has caused both the birds that occupy the treetops to nest, like those that nest on the ground, are on the verge of extinction. On the other hand, land where windmills are built, for example, kill thousands of birds every year, as many of these windmill farms are located on migratory bird routes. Likewise, electricity networks, hunting and illegal trade for pets, road construction and pollution, are other of the many causes that cause the bird populations are declining and many are on the brink of extinction.

All this produces profound environmental changes, at a physical and ecological level, which profoundly affect many species of birds, especially those with very specific biological requirements. In addition, many species are forced to abandon their vital areas, which forces them to move to more urban areas where they are more vulnerable to human presence. Another very important factor in recent decades has been climate change, which has been causing environmental modifications and which is also producing changes in the ecology and biology of many birds as modify their migration, reproduction and nesting patterns.