Viverrids (Viverridae) - Characteristics, species and distribution

Viverrids (Viverridae) - Characteristics, species and distribution
Viverrids (Viverridae) - Characteristics, species and distribution
Viverrids (Viverridae) - Characteristics, species and distribution
Viverrids (Viverridae) - Characteristics, species and distribution

The viverrids are a group of mammalian animals, originating in the old world. They come specifically from Africa, Asia and Madagascar. They belong to the Viverridae family and are characterized by being primitive carnivores, which is why they are related to the Miacidae, the direct ancestors of the order of carnivores. They have a wide classification and also a varied range in terms of their weights and sizes. They are peculiar animals, as they exhibit a mixture of anatomical features, as well as color and body patterns. This does not make it easy to establish similarities with a particular group.

In this article on our site we present everything about viverrids, characteristics, species and distribution. Keep reading!

What are viverrid animals?

As we mentioned, they are carnivorous mammals, which are commonly known as civets and genets Their bodies are small to medium in size, with weights from 1 kg to 15 kg and up to about100 cm in length. In general, they have small heads, short ears, as well as pointed ears, as well as the snout, which is relatively long. The body of many of the species has patterns that correspond to stripes or spots, particularly the tail has rings with coloration that contrasts with the rest of the body.

A particular aspect of most viverrids is the presence of a perianal gland,which produces a fairly strong odour, even in in some cases it is able to scare away its predators.

Viverrids are not gregarious animals, they are usually alone or in pairs. Almost all species have arboreal and nocturnal habits. They feed on small animals, various types of invertebrates and some even consume carrion and fruit.

Classification of viverrids

Viverrids are a diverse group and are made up of the following genera:

  • Arctictis
  • Arctogalidia
  • Macrogalydia
  • Paguma
  • Paradoxurus
  • Chrotogale
  • Cynogale
  • Diplogale
  • Hemigalus
  • Prionodon
  • Civettitis
  • Genetta
  • Poiana
  • Viverra
  • Viverricula
  • Arctictis
  • Arctogalidia
  • Macrogalydia
  • Paguma
  • Paradoxurus
  • Chrotogale
  • Cynogale
  • Diplogale
  • Hemigalus
  • Prionodon
  • Civettitis
  • Genetta
  • Poiana
  • Viverra
  • Viverricula

Viverrid species and their characteristics

Let's get to know the characteristics of some species of the viverridae family:

  • Arctictis binturong: called binturong or manturon, it is an Asian species that is considered to be in a vulnerable state. Although it is an arboreal animal, it has a high level of activity on the ground, with bulky and heavy features. This will probably force you to climb down it to get from one tree to another.
  • Arctogalidia trivirgata: Its current status is Least Concern and it is a species native to Asia. It is often called the small-toothed civet and is nocturnal and arboreal. Although it can feed on a variety of animals, it is mainly frugivorous. It usually has two litters per year.
  • Macrogalidia musschenbroekii: its current status is vulnerable,is It is often known as the Celebes palm civet. It is endemic to Indonesia. Usually solitary, arboreal and with great agility. Its diet is omnivorous, consuming various types of animals, although mainly rodents. As for the plants, preferentially opt for the Arenga palm.
  • Paradoxurus hermaphroditus: The common palm civet has a wide distribution in various Asian countries. It is a species adapted to living in urban spaces, so it is common to see it on roofs and cables in these places. It consumes rats, but also plants and fruits such as coffee, pineapple, melons and bananas.
  • Chrotogale owstoni: its common name is Owston's civet, it is classified in the category danger. Extends to eastern Lao People's Democratic Republic, Vietnam and southern China. It is solitary, active on the ground and feeds on invertebrates such as earthworms and small animals such as rabbits.
  • Cynogale bennettii: classified as danger,the otter civet or fisherwoman is native to Indonesia and Malaysia. Mainly nocturnal activity. This species is semi-aquatic, so it obtains its food mainly from the water and consumes fish, molluscs, crabs and birds.
  • Civettictis civetta: the African civet is a species on which there are different positions regarding its classification. However, for some authors it belongs to the viverrids. It is native to Africa, omnivorous and there are no details about its population trend.
  • Genetta angolensis: The Angolan genet is native to Africa and is considered least concern. It has a varied diet consuming vertebrates, invertebrates, carrion and fruits.
  • Poiana richardsonii: native to countries such as Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Equatorial Guinea. The African linsang as it is commonly known, has arboreal habits and is omnivorous. It consumes small birds, rodents, insects and certain fruits.
  • Viverricula indica: it is distributed in China, India, the south of the continent and also in Madagascar. It inhabits urban, natural and intervened lands. It feeds on snakes, rats, birds, carrion and fruit.

Other species of viverrids:

  • Diplogale hosei
  • Hemigalus derbyanus
  • Prionodon linsang
  • Genetta abyssinica
  • Poiana leightoni
  • Viverra civettina
  • Viverra tangalunga
  • Paradoxurus jerdoni
  • Cynogale bennettii
  • Genetta bourloni

Habitat and distribution of viverrids

The viverrids inhabit from sea level to about 400 m. They develop in an important variety of ecosystems, among which we can mention:

  • Primary and secondary forests
  • Evergreen, semi-evergreen, deciduous, montane forests
  • Lowlands
  • Grasslands and Forests
  • Crop Zones
  • Swamps
  • Mangroves

A common aspect in various species is their ability to inhabit intervened spaces, as well as their presence in urban places, where they can feed and develop.
