20 Sharks of the Mediterranean - List of species and their distribution

20 Sharks of the Mediterranean - List of species and their distribution
20 Sharks of the Mediterranean - List of species and their distribution
Mediterranean Sharks
Mediterranean Sharks

The Mediterranean Sea is a body of s alty water that is practically surrounded by areas that correspond to various countries, with the exception of its connection to the Atlantic Ocean, which occurs between Spain and Morocco. Depending on the region and the time of year, temperatures can range from cold, warm to hot. This large maritime space has a vast biodiversity, within which we can find cartilaginous fish such as sharks.

Do you want to meet the Mediterranean shark species? We invite you to continue reading this article on our site to find out which sharks live in these waters.

Are there sharks in the Mediterranean?

Sharks are a type of fish that belongs to the chondrichthyan class, that is, fish whose skeletal system is mainly made up of cartilage. When asked if there are sharks in the Mediterranean, the answer is yes, in fact, there is a wide variety of shark species that live in the Mediterranean

It is common to feel fear for these animals because some can become aggressive and dangerous to people. However, many of the accidents that occur between sharks and people have to do with these animals mistaking a swimmer for possible food, but generally they do not look for humans to feed on. On the other hand, there are also species that are not aggressive towards people.

Currently, there are not a few sharks that are classified in one of the categories of the red list of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to the fact that the fishing and hunting of they are less and less sustainable, which has significantly affected the various populations of these fish.

Where are there sharks in the Mediterranean?

Sharks tend to be widely distributed animals, in fact, many of them have such large distribution ranges that they are considered cosmopolitan species. In this sense, they are animals that commonly keep in constant movement, having migratory behaviors that make them travel great distances. Discover in this other post the different Animals that migrate and why.

In this way, the sharks that live in the Mediterranean Sea tend to move around the different countries that border the body of water, and it is not common for them to stay exclusively in a particular areaIn this sense, some of the Mediterranean countries where the presence of sharks has been reported are:

  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Tunisia
  • Greece
  • Egypt
  • M alt
  • Morocco

Sharks in the Mediterranean

Now that we have solved the doubt about whether there are sharks in the Mediterranean, you are probably wondering what species live here. Well, Mediterranean sharks correspond to a wide variety of species, the following being the most common:

Blue Shark (Prionace glauca)

It has a wide distribution, but it is one of the sharks that inhabits the Mediterranean. On average, it usually weighs about 240 kg and measures about 4 meters. It develops both in open waters and near the coast, in temperatures generally between 12 and 20 ºC. It is classified as near threatened.

Baking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)

The basking shark is distributed at different depth levels and, depending on the season, its distribution varies, but generally search for cold waters with temperatures between 8 and 14 ºC. It is an animal of large proportions, which usually weighs 3.9 tons and can measure up to 11 meters. It is considered endangered.

Thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus)

Although it can live in warm waters, it seems to move towards colder waters, but generally staying on the continental shelf or up to about 30 km from the coastOn average it measures 1.6 meters and weighs about 348 kg. It is classified as vulnerable.

Mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)

The mako shark is a species of shark from the Mediterranean and many other regions, with high mobility and mainly pelagic habits, so it is generally found in open waters, with depths that can reach up to 900 meters. The average weight is about 11 kg and the length is 3.5 meters. It is classified in the endangered category.

Small-spotted cat shark (Scyliorhinus canicula)

Also known as catshark, this species inhabits the continental shelf, muddy or rocky bottoms and at different depths, reaching as far as 400 meters. It is a small shark, compared to the previous ones, weighing around 2 kg and measuring 1 meter. It is considered Least Concern.

Dope (Galeorhinus galeus)

This species, which is also cosmopolitan, is found in temperate, cold and warm waters, being one of the most usual. It grows up to 2 meters in length and is distributed from coastal waters to about 800 meters deep, although the most common is that it is found at about 200 meters deep. It is classified as critically endangered.

Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

Are there white sharks in the Mediterranean? The truth is yes. It may be present in temperate and tropical waters, but prefers the former. It can be found on the coasts and on the high seas, but it commonly prefers deep areas, reaching depths of around 1,800 meters. The maximum size of this shark is estimated at about 6.5 meters in length and about 3 tons in weight. Its state of conservation corresponds to the category of vulnerable.

Spitdog (Squalus acanthias)

Dogfish lives in temperate waters, within which areas of the Mediterranean Sea are found. The spiny dogfish, as it is also called, can be found in some coastal, estuarine and offshore areas down to about 2,000 meters deep, although the most are located less than 600 meters. The maximum sizes do not usually exceed 2 meters in length and the weight can range from 3 to 9 kg. It is classified as vulnerable.

Sevengill shark (Heptranchias perlo)

Has a global distribution, but patchy. Despite being one of the sharks that inhabit the Mediterranean, Large population declines have been reported in it. It can be found in warm and temperate waters, generally at depths between 30 and 700 meters. It has average dimensions of one meter in length and is classified as near threatened.

Velvet-bellied lanternshark (Etmopterus spinax)

It generally develops on the continental or insular shelf, on muddy or clayey bottoms, at depths ranging from 200 to 500 meters. It is a small shark species that does not usually exceed 45 cm, although it can reach 60 cm. It is classified in the vulnerable category.

Other Mediterranean sharks

In addition to the above, we mention other species of sharks that also thrive in the Mediterranean Sea:

  • Angel Shark (Squatina squatina)
  • Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier )
  • Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis)
  • Devourer shark (Centrophorus granulosus)
  • Small-toothed sand tiger (Odontaspis ferox)
  • Bignose Shark (Carcharhinus altimus)
  • Copper shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus )
  • Spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna)
  • Strip shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
  • Atlantic Wave (Galeus atlanticus)

Now that you know the types of Mediterranean sharks, keep expanding your knowledge about these incredible animals and don't miss this article with Shark Curiosities.
