How are cats born? - LABOR AND BIRTH WITH VIDEO

How are cats born? - LABOR AND BIRTH WITH VIDEO
How are cats born? - LABOR AND BIRTH WITH VIDEO
How are cats born?
How are cats born?

Do you want to know how cats are born? To begin with, we must point out that female cats are capable of having offspring for a good part of the year. Kittens come into the world after approximately two months of gestation and are born in a delivery that is usually quick and uncomplicated.

In this article on our site we will explain how cats are born so that, as caregivers, we know how to identify if there is any alteration in the normal. In that case it is very important that we contact the vet, since kittens are very vulnerable.

What time of year do cats breed?

Before explaining how cats are born, we should know that cats are seasonal polyestrous This means that they have a period of heat determined by the amount of sunlight. When the days begin to get longer, the cats will start their heat and this will not subside until, once again, the incidence of light is less.

Symptoms of heat include high-pitched, insistent meowing, rubbing against our legs, lifting the pelvis to show the genitals, or improper elimination. This picture usually lasts for a week about. It subsides about fifteen days and repeats itself, like this throughout the period of more hours of sunlight.

Therefore, a female cat can breed practically all year round, at most discounting the colder months and less light. In addition, female cats will be able to give birth more than one litter during the heat period. There will be more kitten births during the warm, sunny months.

How does a cat start labor?

The gestation of cats can go unnoticed until it is already at a very advanced stage. There is no exact date for delivery, but it occurs about two months after fertilization. Before we can notice that the cat stops eating If we place our hands on both sides of the abdomen we can notice that the kittens move.

It is very common for the cat to stop during the night without us noticing, therefore it is difficult for us to witness the start of labor, the course or how cats are born. In some cases we can appreciate a certain restlessness and search for a nest where to take refuge.

If the vet has given us an expected due date and we see some of these signs, the time of delivery may not be too far away. In fact, if hours go by after these signs and the cat has not given birth, we should contact the vet.

How are cats born? - How does the birth of a cat begin?
How are cats born? - How does the birth of a cat begin?

The birth of cats

Although from the outside we do not notice any change in our cat, labor begins when contractions are triggered that serve to open the neck uterus and promote the expulsion of kittens. This labor culminates when the contractions intensify until the birth of the first calf. This is how cats are born.

In more detail, the little ones will generally appear into the world inside the bag of amniotic fluid The cat usually bites it and ingests it together with the umbilical cord, which cuts, and the placenta In addition, she licks her young, which cleans any secretion that it could harbor in the nose or mouth. With his tongue he also stimulates him to breathe on his own.

A few minutes later the next kitten in the litter will be born in the same way, which is usually made up of about 4-5 small It is not easy to determine how long a cat's labor lasts. The interval between them is usually a few minutes, half an hour on average, although in some cases the births could be spaced more apart without implying the presence of any difficulty. Of course, if the cat continues to make efforts without being followed by any birth, she shows some vaginal bleeding or other worrying signyes we should call the vet.

It is normal for kittens to start suckling right away and remain quietly attached to the cat, feeding and sleeping A little one who stays separated from the family will get cold, since cats take a few weeks to be able to regulate their temperature and, in the meantime, they acquire the temperature of the place on which they are. So a cold kitten can die quickly

We must, therefore, make sure that the entire litter stays close to the cat and that they suckle correctly. Otherwise, we also have to inform the veterinarian, since newborns are very vulnerable and waiting a few hours can be fatal.

Do I have to cut the umbilical cord of newborn cats?

Within maternal care, which we have described when explaining how cats are born, we have commented that the cat is responsible for cutting the umbilical cordof their little ones, only these come into the world. We will see that the cat does not cut it flush with the abdomen, but leaves a small fragment that we can easily observe. In principle it will not require any special care and will fall on its own in about a week.

In any case, we should check it regularly because it could become infected. In this case, we will notice that a lump forms that may appear red, painful to the touch and will even discharge pus to the outside. Due to the fragility of newborns, any suspected infection should be attended to immediately by a veterinarian. These cases will require antibiotics and disinfection.

How are cats born? - Do I have to cut the umbilical cord of newborn cats?
How are cats born? - Do I have to cut the umbilical cord of newborn cats?

Video of how a cat is born

Do you want to know how a cat gives birth? Below we share with you a video of Gabriela Poggi where you can see how cats are born, don't miss it!
