How Are Dogs Born? - Explanation and Birth WITH VIDEO

How Are Dogs Born? - Explanation and Birth WITH VIDEO
How Are Dogs Born? - Explanation and Birth WITH VIDEO
How are dogs born?
How are dogs born?

One of the aspects of caring for dogs that raises the most doubts and expectations is that related to their birth. That is why in this article on our site we are going to explain how dogs are born for information purposes, both to learn about dog reproduction and to know what to do in case of adopting a pregnant dog. Thus, it is important that, as caregivers, we have knowledge about pregnancy, childbirth and lactation, since they are especially sensitive situations in which it is important to know how to identify any alteration in order to consult the veterinarian in time.

And if you don't live with dogs but, anyway, you are interested in knowing more about this animal species, then we talk about how dogs are born and we make a summary suitable for all audiences.

Dog reproduction

Before we stop to explain how dogs are born, it is important to talk about the reproductive system of these animals. Thus, the reproduction of dogs is sexual, through copulation. To do this, female dogs have two fertile periods a year, which is known as heat On these days, when it will present a bloody secretion, it also emits pheromones that attract males, promoting mounting or copulation If this occurs, with a high probability, the bitch will become pregnant.

During mounting, we can see that the dogs stick together for a few minutes. This happens as part of fertilization and in this other article we explain it in detail: "Why do dogs stick together when they mate?"

It is not responsible that, as dog handlers, we allow these to reproduce without control. Canine overpopulation leads to many more animals than homes willing to take them in, which leads to high numbers of abandonment, abuse and death. For this reason, we recommend, as the safest and most appropriate means of controlling reproduction, the sterilization of both males and females.

How are dogs born? - Reproduction of dogs
How are dogs born? - Reproduction of dogs

Pregnancy symptoms in dogs

It is difficult to perceive that a bitch is pregnant until her stage is not already very advanced. Therefore, if we know that there has been mating, we can assume that there has been fertilization. The veterinarian can interrupt it or, if we want to continue it, this professional will guide us the most appropriate follow-up, as well as the necessary care. He can also answer all our questions and explain how dogs are born.

Towards the end of pregnancy we will be able to notice an increase in the size of the mammary glands and abdomen, due to the growth of the puppies. Shortly before giving birth, it is normal for the bitch to stop eating, be restless and scratch the ground anxiously. This behavior marks when a dog gives birth, which is usually around two months after mounting. In this way, if you are wondering how long a dog's pregnancy lasts, you should know that gestation lasts approximately 63 days. Once this figure has been reached, it is time to present the farrowing box.

How are dogs born? - Symptoms of pregnancy in dogs
How are dogs born? - Symptoms of pregnancy in dogs

Dog Delivery Center

The birthing box, delivery room or nest is the most suitable space to see how dogs are born. It is recommended that we offer our dog a space in a quiet location, away not only from the traffic of the home, but also from drafts or onlookers that may disturb her. It is important to keep in mind that for the birth to proceed, the bitch cannot be stressed. Stress produces hormones that interfere with those involved in childbirth, making it difficult.

We can prepare a box or comfortable bed with towels or blankets, not too fluffy so that the puppies are not at risk of suffocation. It is important to cover them with a soaker so that it collects the fluids that are going to be eliminated. We recommend using old materials because it is likely that, after delivery, we will have to throw them away.

Although we offer a great nest, we must know that there are bitches that prefer to give birth in a space of their choice. If this is the case with ours, we must respect it, since, as we have said, it is crucial that the bitch is not stressed so that the birth progresses favorably.

Delivery of a dog

Towards 62 days of gestation, in addition to lack of appetite we can see that the bitch is panting and breathing in an agitated manner. Some even vomit. These signs tell us that you are experiencing uterine contractions, essential for the birth of dogs, as they help dilate the cervix and help the puppies come out. Exterior. These contractions, mild in the first phase, will intensify in the second, in which we will notice that the dog also pushes actively. The births of bitches usually take place at night and generally take place without us having to intervene.

Regarding how dogs are born, they will come out with contractions at intervals ranging from 15 minutes to two hours. They usually do it inside her bag of amniotic fluid, which the dog will tear with her teeth. It will also lick them to clean secretions that could block their nose and mouth. It is normal for the bitch to ingest this bag, as well as the placenta, which will come out attached to the puppy by the umbilical cord, which the mother will also cut and eat. In this way, and although it may seem an unusual situation, we should not prevent the dog from eating all of the aforementioned, since it is part of the natural process of the birth of dogs.

What if the puppy doesn't come out?

Although births usually happen without any difficulty, it's normal for us to wonder what happens if the puppy doesn't come out. These cases may be due to some position problem of the little one, so that it remains obstructed in the birth canal. A few ineffective contractions will not allow the puppies to come out either. If we see that one appears from the vulva but does not come out or two hours pass without another birth taking place despite the efforts made by the bitch, it is essential that we call the vet.

In the following article we explain what to do in these cases: "How to help a female dog to give birth?".

How to know if the bitch has finished giving birth?

Once we have seen how the dogs are born, once the delivery is over, the dog will lie down next to her pups, calm and relaxed. As we have indicated, the time interval between birth and birth is from 15 minutes to two hours, so if this time passes and the bitch does not show labor symptoms or is nervous, we can conclude that labor has ended. Of course, it is essential to do a good monitoring of the dog's pregnancy to know the number of fetuses and check, once born, if it coincides.

What do newborn dogs and the mother eat?

When the birth of the puppies is over, what these newborn dogs eat is the liquid known as colostrum, a secretion of great immunological value that precedes mother's milk This will be the food of the puppies during their first weeks of life.

On her part, the mother should receive a suitable dietfor growing dogs, since it is the one that best adapts to the nutritional needs that she will present during this stage. We must also ensure proper hydration by supplying plenty of fresh water. To know exactly how to feed a female dog after giving birth, don't miss this article: "Feeding a female dog after giving birth".

If a puppy is not nursing properly, is cold or, in the case of the female dog, has a fever, foul-smelling vaginal discharge or stops eating, these are more than enough reasons to go to the vet. Both newborns and their mothers are especially vulnerable, hence the importance of not delaying in offering them assistance.

How are dogs born? - What do newborn dogs and the mother eat?
How are dogs born? - What do newborn dogs and the mother eat?

How are dogs born? - Explanation for children

If we have a child in the family, it is logical that they ask us questions about how dogs are born. To answer them we must adapt the information we have given above to their age and their ability to understand. We can rely on videos and books so that they visualize the concepts more easily. It is also very important that we insist that they should not bother the dog, much less manipulate her puppies, since they are not toys.
