How do rabbits reproduce? - Complete guide

How do rabbits reproduce? - Complete guide
How do rabbits reproduce? - Complete guide
How do rabbits reproduce?
How do rabbits reproduce?

In this article on our site we are going to talk about how rabbits reproduce We will see why they are popularly considered a very prolific species, although both in freedom and in captivity there are numerous difficulties that they must overcome when it comes to obtaining and maintaining their offspring. On the other hand, the sterilization of rabbits in captivity, whether male or female, is recommended to avoid he alth problems, behavior and overpopulation.

Keep reading and discover all the curiosities about the reproduction of rabbits, how often they reproduce, what mating is like and much more plus.

Rabbit reproduction

Popularly the expression "reproduce like rabbits" is used in reference to having a large number of children. This myth tells us about one of the curiosities of rabbits: their reproductive capacity. And it is that both males and females begin their sexual maturity early, being able to copulate for days every few minutes. Rabbits present induced ovulation, that is, triggered by mating, practically throughout the yearIn addition, they can be fertilized as soon as they give birth, without breastfeeding, which they normally carry out once a day for about 3-5 minutes, being able to inhibit a new pregnancy.

The males are also sexually active throughout the year, developing behaviors such as urine marking, mounting objects or limbs, aggressiveness, restlessness, biting and destroying. It should be noted that rabbits can present a similar picture.

Bearing in mind how rabbits reproduce, it is normal for them to be considered very prolific animals, but it must also be taken into account that their litters have a high mortality rateand that not all copulations end in fertilization, not to mention the difficulties they face in their natural habitat and the stress they may experience in captivity. All of this has repercussions on their litters, so that it is necessary to differentiate between the theoretical and the effective reproductive capacity.

At what age do rabbits breed?

Among the characteristics of rabbits, as we have said, the precocity of their sexual maturity is striking. Thus, around 4-6 months of life, they can live about 8-10 years, both females and males are usually able to reproduce. In captivity, sterilization is recommended, since whole rabbits can show aggressive reactions and present he alth problems. For example, rabbits have a very high probability of suffering from uterine tumors In addition, uncontrolled breeding in the home worsens the conditions of the animals by increasing their number above the possibilities of the environment. This generates stress, confrontations and, in general, prevents a good quality of life. We must also bear in mind that we should look for responsible homes for the kits, because, if we do not sterilize them, they will continue to reproduce.

When to neuter a rabbit?

It is important that we go to a veterinarian specialized in these animals when performing a sterilization, since rabbits are not small cats, so they require specific knowledge of both the technique and the drugs that can be administered, as well as their management. We can sterilize males as soon as their testicles descend and females around six months

How do rabbits reproduce? - At what age do rabbits reproduce?
How do rabbits reproduce? - At what age do rabbits reproduce?

Oestrus in rabbits: sexual behavior

As we have already pointed out, the behavior of the rabbit is going to present modifications during the oestrus which, in this species, is practically continuous. Thus, in males we will see signs like the following:

  • Marking with urine.
  • Attempt to mount objects, hands or feet of their caregiver.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Nervousness.
  • Bites.
  • Destroy.

For its part, in females we can observe the following signs:

  • Behavioral changes similar to males: urine marking, restlessness, aggressiveness or mounting attempts.
  • The vulva becomes more visible and turns a red-purple color.

In this other article you will find more information about heat in male and female rabbits, important to understand how rabbits reproduce: "All about heat in rabbits".

How is rabbits mating?

As happens in all species, the moment of mating in rabbits follows a common ritual in all specimens. For this reason, in this section we will explain the steps of courtship and mating, essential for understanding how rabbits reproduce:

  • As soon as the male and female see each other, he will initiate the approach.
  • he will smell it, especially in the anogenital area. The female can do the same.
  • The sniffing is done with the animals standing still or moving in a circle.
  • The male will repeatedly run around her, emitting a buzz. As soon as he can, will mark the femaleby passing her chin over her. He can also emit urine
  • If the doe is receptive, she will lie down to encourage mounting. If not, she may become aggressive and run away.
  • The rabbit will mount it for a few seconds with quick pelvic movements.
  • To do this, grab the female's flanks with her forelegs and bite her neck area
  • In one last movement he will ejaculate, screech and drop next to the female.
  • Intercourse stimulates ovulation and fertilization will occur in a few hours.
  • If the rabbits are left together they can repeat the mount.
How do rabbits reproduce? - How is the mating of rabbits?
How do rabbits reproduce? - How is the mating of rabbits?

How many times can a rabbit copulate a day?

When explaining how rabbits reproduce we have said that the male is capable of copulating every few minutes whenever he finds a receptive female. This one, for her part, can also accept the male continuously, even just after giving birth and while breastfeeding. Therefore, it is not possible to speak of a specific number of daily copulations. What you do need to know is that the male is not going to emit semen in all matings and the more copulations he makes, the less chance of emission there will be. This type of copulation can trigger a pseudopregnancyin the doe, that is, her body will react as if fertilization had occurred

Rabbit pregnancy

Now that we know how rabbits reproduce, it remains for us to indicate that gestation in this species lasts about 30-32 days, at term of which the female rabbits will give birth to 1 to 5 kitsThe pregnant female will look for a nest where she will give birth to her litter. Once the pups are born, she will feed them with breast milk for about a month, although around 18 days of age the kits begin to eat solids. It should be remembered that the female can reproduce as soon as she gives birth and that the kits will be sexually mature around 4-6 months. This is why sterilization is so important.

To know all the details about pregnancy in rabbits, consult this article: "All about pregnancy in rabbits - Duration, symptoms and care".

How do rabbits reproduce? - rabbit pregnancy
How do rabbits reproduce? - rabbit pregnancy

Other curiosities about rabbits

If you are passionate about these little animals and want to discover more curiosities about them, don't miss these other articles:

  • What do rabbits eat?
  • Prohibited foods for rabbits
  • Can you give a rabbit a bath
