Animals that live underground

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Animals that live underground
Animals that live underground
Animals that live underground
Animals that live underground

The soil fauna, scientifically called, the animals that live underground and feel comfortable with their subterranean world, are a group of very interesting creatures that after spending thousands of years of evolution continue to find the home that exists underground so fascinating and safe that they prefer to be there rather than come up to the surface.

This underground ecosystem is inhabited by everything from microscopic animals, fungi and bacteria, to reptiles, insects and mammals. Meters underground life continues, grows, is very changeable, active and at the same time balanced.

If the dark, wet and brown world beneath the ground we walk on catches your attention, continue reading this article on our site, where you will learn about some animals that live under the earth.


If we did an experiment in which a bulldozer and a mole competed proportionally, it would not be surprising if the mole won the competition. These animals are the most expert diggers in nature, there is no one better than them to open long tunnels under the ground.

Moles have tiny eyes compared to their body due to the simple fact that, evolutionarily, they have not needed the sense of sight to be comfortable in that dark environment. These plump, long-clawed animals inhabit mainly North America and the Eurasian continent.

Animals that live under the ground - Moles
Animals that live under the ground - Moles


The animals of the infraorder stylommatophora have a name that fits them like a glove: slugs. Its main characteristics are the shape of its body, its consistency and even its color. They are strange creatures, slippery and even salivated.

Land slugs are mollusks that don't have a shell, like their close friend the snail, which carries its own shelter on top of it. They only come out at night and for a short time, and in dry seasons they take refuge underground practically 24 hours a day, while they wait for the rains to arrive.

Animals that live under the ground - Slugs
Animals that live under the ground - Slugs

Camel Spider

This spider gets its name from the elongated shape of its legs, which are very similar to the legs of a camel. They have 8 limbs and each one can measure up to 15 cm in length.

It is said that they are somewhat aggressive and although their venom is not fatal, it stings a lot and can be very unpleasant. They are agile runners that can reach 15 km/h, they really like to spend time under rocks, even in holes, and they live in dry areas such as savannahs, steppes and deserts.

Animals that live under the ground - Camel spider
Animals that live under the ground - Camel spider


Considered one of the deadliest animals in the world, there's no denying that scorpions have a very eccentric beauty, but they don't cease to be beauty. These creatures are true survivors of planet earth, since they have existed for millions of years.

Scorpions are true warriors that can live in the most extreme places in the world. They are present in almost every country, from the Brazilian jungle to the Himalayas, and have the ability to bury themselves in frozen ground or thick grass.

Although some people have scorpions as pets, the truth is that we must be careful if we handle one of these specimens. In addition, some of them are protected species so ascertaining their origin is going to be essential.

Animals that live under the ground - Scorpions
Animals that live under the ground - Scorpions


Bats are special among all the creatures in the world, because they are the only mammals that can fly. And although they like to spread their wings, they spend a great deal of time underground. In addition, they are nocturnal.

These winged mammals live on virtually every continent except Antarctica. In the wild, bats live underground, as well as any rock crevice or tree they find. No matter what it is, they just like to be buried in something.

Animals that live under the ground - Bat
Animals that live under the ground - Bat


Who doesn't know how much ants enjoy being underground? They are experts in underground architecture, so much so that they can create complex cities underground.

When you walk through "almost" any terrain, because yes, ants are everywhere, imagine that under our footsteps the life of millions of ants is hidden, working to protect their species and to strengthen their precious habitat. They are a real army!

Animals that live under the ground - Ants
Animals that live under the ground - Ants

Pink Armadillo

The pink armadillo is one of the rarest mammals in the world and one of the most tender too. It is worth mentioning that it is also one of the smallest, measuring between 7 to 10 cm, which makes it fit inside a hand.

They are as pink and fragile but at the same time strong as a whole newborn human baby. They are very active at night, spending most of their time roaming the underworld where they can move with great agility. This type of armadillo is endemic to South America, specifically to the central region of Argentina.
