Can I clean my dog's eyes with chamomile? - Steps to follow

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Can I clean my dog's eyes with chamomile? - Steps to follow
Can I clean my dog's eyes with chamomile? - Steps to follow
Can I clean my dog's eyes with chamomile?
Can I clean my dog's eyes with chamomile?

Chamomile is used as a natural remedy for the treatment of multiple he alth problems and skin disorders due to its healing properties. Its use has even spread to veterinary medicine, becoming one of the most common methods to combat eye conditions, but what is certain about its effectiveness? Can we clean the eyes of dogs with chamomile? The answer is yes, but with caution, since if, for example, the infusion becomes fermented, a proliferation of bacteria is produced that can penetrate the eyes of the animal and worsen its condition under certain circumstances. Read on and discover on our site how to clean your dog's eyes with chamomile

Healing properties of chamomile for dogs' eyes

Thanks to components such as alpha-bisabolol or linoleic acid, chamomile has important anti-inflammatory, soothing and antiseptic properties Likewise, It has the ability to reduce eye pressure to stabilize it. An increase in the normal level can cause the development of eye problems such as glaucoma and even loss of the dog's vision. In general, high eye pressure is due to alterations in the production of aqueous humor (liquid responsible for oxygenating and nourishing the eye), certain medications or trauma, and to a lesser extent due to poor diet, stress or diabetes, among other causes. Tobacco smoke, if the guardians smoke in large quantities, can also cause eye problems like this. It does not usually present visual symptoms, so it is possible that the animal only shows pain in the eyes and blurred vision, which we can only perceive if we observe that it touches its eyes a lot.

Due to its properties and benefits, we can use chamomile to clean the dog's red, irritated or inflamed eyes However, this This does not mean that we should omit a visit to the veterinarian or ophthalmology specialist, because in order to establish an adequate treatment, the cause must be found. In this way, we can apply this treatment as a first aid or as a complement, but we should always visit the veterinarian to analyze what is happening and determine if the animal is suffering from conjunctivitis, an allergic reaction or a more serious problem.

Chamomile water for dog's eyes

In order to clean the dog's eyes with chamomile we must prepare an infusion with it following these steps:

  1. Bring a boil to one liter of water with two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers
  2. When it reaches the boiling point, cover the saucepan and remove from the heat so that the water infuses.
  3. Remove the lid and let it cool completely.
  4. Strain and remove all the flowers.
  5. Reserve in the fridge.

It is important to let the chamomile water cool down to enhance its anti-inflammatory properties and obtain better results. Of course, be careful with this point! The infusion must be cooled but not fermented, since if we let it sit for too long it will go from being a natural remedy to a bacteria culture. It is precisely for this same reason that some veterinarians and veterinary medicine professionals prefer not to recommend this alternative treatment to clean the red, irritated or inflamed eyes of dogs, since applied incorrectly the clinical picture can worsen.

On the other hand, if the dog has an eye injury (internally or externally), we do not recommend the use of chamomile. If a fermentation occurs and we do not realize it, the bacteria would pass to the wound and, therefore, we would be favoring the development of an infection.

The eyes are one of the most delicate and sensitive parts of dogs, and also of humans and other animals, and therefore we must take all precautions when treating them. The infusion or chamomile water is not a sterilized product, which is why we do not recommend using it as a substitute for physiological serum or other treatments stipulated by the veterinarian that have been been sterilized.

How to clean my dog's eyes with chamomile?

Once the natural chamomile infusion is prepared, we must take a sterile gauze, moisten it and clean the dog's eyes gently and careful not to hurt him. If it penetrates the eye we should not worry, since it is not a harmful product, unless the animal has a wound. In these cases, we will have to use the serum prescribed by the veterinarian.

We can also drop a few drops on the animal's eye with the same gauze dipped in the infusion and gently massage the eyes. This natural remedy is indicated to complement treatments for eye problems and to maintain eye hygiene and thus prevent their development.

We can use chamomile water to clean the dog's eyes several times a day, preparing a new infusion each time to prevent the old ferment. In this way, if you prefer, you can reduce the amounts of the previous recipe keeping the proportions indicated.

Can I clean my dog's eyes with chamomile? - How to clean my dog's eyes with chamomile?
Can I clean my dog's eyes with chamomile? - How to clean my dog's eyes with chamomile?

When should I clean my dog's eyes with chamomile?

The anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of chamomile make this plant an excellent natural remedy to combat multiple eye problems in dogs. It is effective for:

  • Treat conjunctivitis.
  • Eliminate the legañas.
  • Relieve itching.
  • Fight redness.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Maintain eye hygiene.

Some of these symptoms are typical of allergic reactions, so chamomile water also helps calm them by reducing the signs related to the dog's eyes. But remember that if the specialist considers another treatment appropriate, chamomile infusion should be a complement.

On the other hand, it is ideal for establishing an eye hygiene routine and preventing the appearance of the aforementioned problems. Finally, it should be noted that chamomile is a powerful natural tick repellent, so that if the parasite is located on any of the eyelids, it can be removed with this infusion.
