Can you give chamomile to a dog? - Uses and recommendations

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Can you give chamomile to a dog? - Uses and recommendations
Can you give chamomile to a dog? - Uses and recommendations
Can chamomile be given to a dog?
Can chamomile be given to a dog?

Can dogs drink chamomile tea? In this article on our site we are going to clarify if you can give chamomile to a dog, since it is a very common consumption plant among humans. Next, we will highlight its most important properties, the applications it can have for dogs, as well as its administration method. As always, we remember the importance of consulting our veterinarian before offering any product to our dog, even when it comes to natural remedies.

Keep reading and discover everything you need to know about chamomile for dogs, its uses, benefits and administration.

Properties of chamomile for dogs

Chamomile is an herb characterized by its soothing and antiseptic properties. However, they are not the only ones, since it also has important anti-inflammatory, digestive, analgesic, carminative and even healing properties.

All its benefits are equally applicable to dogs. To take advantage of them, can be taken as an infusion or applied topically to the skin. Regarding the dose and concentration, it is advisable to consult with our veterinarian to help us determine the best way to administer chamomile to our dog depending on the objective we have. Likewise, chamomile can be offered for baby dogs, always in reduced quantities due to their smaller size.

Taking into account all the above considerations, we can conclude that chamomile can be given to a dog. Next, we will see the most frequent uses and the forms of administration.

Uses of chamomile in dogs

By virtue of its properties, chamomile can be given to a dog in the following situations:

  • Gastrointestinal problems: we can offer chamomile for dogs with mild diarrhea, which will help keep them hydrated and regulate their digestive system. But, if it is about weakened, very young or elderly animals, it is more advisable to go to the veterinarian. Likewise, a specialist should be visited if the diarrhea does not subside. This same principle applies to the administration of chamomile for dogs with vomiting In addition, in these cases the dogs must take some time without vomiting to ensure that they do not also expel chamomile
  • Eye problems: if we notice that one or both of our dog's eyes are red or watery, we can use chamomile to clean them. Of course, if the secretion is purulent, we notice the eye is smaller in size, the discomfort does not subside or worsens, we must go to the veterinarian to start a pharmacological treatment. See the following article for more information: "Can I clean my dog's eyes with chamomile?".
  • Parasitic problems: we can also use chamomile for dogs with ticksIf we locate any of these parasites, we have the option of soaking the area with the infusion before proceeding with the extraction, always making sure to remove the entire tick, since the head will be found inserted in the skin and, if we leave it inside, it can cause inflammation. We will continue the treatment using the deworming product recommended by our veterinarian. For details, don't miss this other article: "Home remedies to remove ticks from my dog".
  • Dermatological problems: Chamomile, as we have seen, can also be applied to the skin for a calming effect. In these cases, it is important that we consult our veterinarian first to have a diagnosis. An example of this treatment is the use of chamomile for dogs with fleas, since these parasites, when biting to feed, have an irritating action on the skin.
Can chamomile be given to a dog? - Uses of chamomile in dogs
Can chamomile be given to a dog? - Uses of chamomile in dogs

How to give chamomile to a dog?

We have seen that chamomile can be given to a dog, both to drink and applied to the skin or eyes. If you want to use chamomile for dogs with diarrhea or vomiting, we must make the tea first. Thus, to prepare chamomile tea for dogs, we must boil water, approximately the amount corresponding to a cup, that is, about 250 ml. We will put a bag of chamomile in it, letting it infuse for a few minutes. Then, we strain it and, once it cools down or warms up, we can use the chamomile water for our dog. No need to add sugar or other sweeteners.

To give chamomile to the dog we can simply offer it to him in his drinking bowl. The dog may reject it. In that case we will use a syringe without a needle of about 5-10 ml capacity and, always placing it on the side of the mouth behind the fangs, we will administer the infusion slowly And be careful not to choke it. If the dog still resists, we should not force it.

In the case of topical use, we prepare the infusion as we have explained and apply it by means of gauze or cotton, which we soak in the liquid. If we clean both eyes we must use a gauze for each one and we will always pass it from the inside to the outside.

How much chamomile can a dog take?

As we have already mentioned, the dose of chamomile for dogs will depend on each particular case and what it is intended to treat. Therefore, consulting with the veterinarian is essential, since offering the animal something inappropriate can be counterproductive and worsen its condition.

How to use chamomile to deworm dogs?

We have already seen that chamomile can help remove ticks more easily or relieve irritation caused by flea bites. To use it, we simply have to prepare an infusion with it, as we have explained in the previous section, moisten a sterile gauze or cotton in it (once warm) and pass it over the affected area, gently and carefully, especially if we intend to remove a tick.

On the other hand, we have the option of taking a chamomile bath, massaging the animal's body and spreading the solution all over its body, making sure it does not get into the ears or eyes. Then rinse and dry well. This is a puppy-friendly remedy.

Chamomile acts as a repellent and makes fleas and ticks want to flee, however, this does not always work and, therefore, Therefore, we highlight the importance of using a veterinary prescription antiparasitic product. As a supplement to this product, chamomile can be used to soothe the dog's skin, reduce inflammation, and promote healing of bite wounds.

Can chamomile be given to a dog? - How to use chamomile to deworm dogs?
Can chamomile be given to a dog? - How to use chamomile to deworm dogs?

Can chamomile be used for mange in dogs?

Due to its calming and antiseptic properties, chamomile can be used in dogs with scabies. In this way, the infusion should be prepared and a gauze moistened with it should be passed over the wounds to relieve itching and calm irritationThis remedy can be applied up to three times a week. Of course, chamomile will not solve the problem, so it should not be used as a treatment for mange in dogs, it is simply recommended to be used as a supplement to promote recovery and enhance the effects of veterinary treatment.

And can chamomile be used for dermatitis in dogs?

In cases of dermatitis the same thing happens as with scabies, chamomile helps to reduce itching and improve the condition of the skin. Thus, chamomile can be used for dermatitis in dogs, but it is not recommended that it be the only treatment that is carried out. It is important to follow the instructions of the veterinarian and, as an extra help, make use of different home remedies for canine dermatitis.

Can chamomile be given to a dog? - Can chamomile be used for scabies in dogs?
Can chamomile be given to a dog? - Can chamomile be used for scabies in dogs?

Other recommended infusions for dogs

Now that you know that you can give chamomile tea to your dog, you will be interested to know that there are other infusions that are good for him thanks to its properties and active ingredients, such as the following:

  • Valerian infusion for dogs, perfect to calm and reassure them if they are nervous about loud noises, a trip, etc. In addition, it is ideal for elderly dogs.
  • Bach flower infusion, also to calm nervous or anxious dogs.

Again, it is worth highlighting the importance of an adequate diagnosis, since, without knowing what exactly is happening to the animal, it is very difficult to treat and help it. In this way, if we see our dog nervous or anxious about something, we can try to calm him down with an infusion, but we must go to the veterinarian to find out what causes this state. For more details, see the following article: "Anxiety in Dogs - Causes and Solutions".
