Why does my dog EAT STONES? - Causes and what to do

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Why does my dog EAT STONES? - Causes and what to do
Why does my dog EAT STONES? - Causes and what to do
Why does my dog eat stones?
Why does my dog eat stones?

The gluttonous behavior of dogs can seem funny on certain occasions, however, when we talk about the consumption of stones we are faced with a serious and even dangerous problem that we must solve as soon as possible. If a dog tries to eat everything he finds he can ingest chemicals, excrement, foreign bodies and even foods that are harmful to his he alth. In this sense, something that happens with some frequency and we must be aware of is the habit of eating stonesAnd if you are suspicious or have directly seen your dog swallow stones or other strange elements, you may ask yourself questions such as: "why has my dog started eating stones?" and more importantly, "how do I know if my dog has swallowed something?"

Thinking about it, in this article on our site we will solve your doubt about why your dog eats stones, detailing the possible symptoms of a foreign body in dogs and the causes why dogs eat stones. Shall we start?

Why does my dog eat stones?

Ingestion of stones is very dangerous, as it can irritate and inflame the gastrointestinal mucosa, leading to gastritis in dogs. In more serious cases, a dog that eats stones can suffer an intestinal perforation, which can cause internal bleeding and even lead to the death of the animal.

But why does a dog start eating stones? Well, the truth is that there is no single explanation for this behavior in dogs. A dog that swallows foreign bodies can do so for a variety of reasons, and to pinpoint the specific cause of why your dog has started swallowing stones, you'll need to pay attention to his routine, nutrition, he alth status, and day-to-day behavior.

Bearing in mind the possible risks of ingesting stones for the he alth of your best friend, we advise you to go to the vet urgently if Have you seen him carry out this action or do you suspect that he may be eating stones, earth and foreign bodies in your absence.

These are the 5 reasons why your dog eats stones, however, it is important to note that there are many more:

  1. Pica syndrome: pica syndrome in dogs is a pathology that causes the ingestion of all types of food, including of course stones. The animal can even try to eat all kinds of non-edible materials, such as plastics, wood, stone…
  2. Discovery in puppies: It is completely normal for dogs to nibble and even accidentally ingest all kinds of objects as puppies, including stones. While this is "normal" it is not acceptable behavior. However, we should never remove a stone from the mouth by force, as this can cause them to quickly ingest them to prevent us from removing them. The ideal in these cases is to start working with the dog and teach him to drop objects.
  3. Stress and anxiety: there are many reasons that can cause stress in dogs, such as lack of exercise, confinement, lack of mental stimulation, constant punishments, etc. The dog can find in the habit of chewing and consuming stones a way to relieve accumulated stress. It is common in shelter dogs.
  4. Demand for attention: dogs that spend many hours alone or that do not receive enough attention can end up consuming stones or other non-edible food (as well as carrying out many other inappropriate behaviors) to get the attention of their guardians. The dog prefers to be punished than not receive any kind of attention. It usually appears in very extreme cases.
  5. Parasite infestation: Several studies indicate that, in the wild, dogs eat plants or grasses to eliminate an infestation of intestinal parasites. In their absence, they may consume other foods or resources they find. Visit your vet to rule out this or other he alth problems.

Symptoms that indicate a dog has swallowed a stone

A dog will not always show visible symptoms after swallowing stones or grains of sand, and guardians can only tell by observing their feces, since the dog's body will not be able to digest these elements and will need to expel them through the excrement.

However, if your dog ingests larger stones, he will probably present alterations in his he alth and behavior. Below, we summarize some of the symptoms that may indicate that your dog has eaten a stone:

  • Gagging, coughing, vomiting, and vomiting
  • Constipation or difficulty passing stools (stones can "get stuck" in the intestines, preventing the dog from defecating normally)
  • Presence of blood in the stool (stones can perforate the intestine, causing bleeding)
  • Symptoms common to gastritis in dogs, such as vomiting, loss of appetite and weight, diarrhoea, dehydration, lethargy, excessive drooling, etc.
  • Weakness and loss of interest in daily activities
Why does my dog eat stones? - Symptoms that indicate that a dog has swallowed a stone
Why does my dog eat stones? - Symptoms that indicate that a dog has swallowed a stone

My dog ate a stone, what should I do?

If your dog has swallowed a stone or other foreign body, it is very important that you quickly take him to the vet Although you can find many home methods to make your dog expel a stone, these routines are not always recommended, because depending on the size and location of the stone in the animal's body, trying to make it vomit or defecate candamage its gastrointestinal tract and further aggravate the condition, which will require veterinary intervention.

If you want to know how to make your dog expel a stone, you should consult a properly trained professional. By performing a physical exam and ordering some studies, the veterinarian will be able to know the exact location of the foreign body in your dog's body. With this information, then, it will proceed to recommend the most convenient way to remove this element from your gastrointestinal tract without causing serious damage to your body. In some cases, it may be necessary to perform a surgical intervention to remove the stone completely safely.

In case your furry dog gets stuck in a stone or something else, we'll tell you what to do if your dog has something stuck in his throat.

How to prevent my dog from eating stones?

Now that you understand that eating stones is bad for dogs, you know that you need to combat this dangerous behavior in your furry ones. To do this, you will need to pay attention to the following guidelines in order to prevent your dog from eating stones and foreign bodies:

  • Provide him a complete and balanced diet, according to the nutritional requirements of each stage of his life.
  • Reinforce your physical activity, always respecting the type and quantity of exercises most appropriate for your dog's age.
  • Use appropriate toys to play with your furry, avoiding presenting a stone or other foreign object as a toy.
  • Provide him with adequate mental stimulation, presenting him with intelligence games and/or canine activities such as searching.
  • Enrich his environmentso that your dog finds positive ways to expend his energy and have fun, even when he is not around present in the home
  • Offer an adequate preventive medicine to your best friend, always respecting their vaccination schedule and regular deworming, in addition to making preventive visits to the vet every 6 months.

Does your dog eat dirt and stones? Don't miss this other article: "Why does my dog eat dirt?".
