Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics

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Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics
Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics
Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics
Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics

Our planet has all kinds of climates: from harsh winters to mild springs; tundra, mountain, sea, desert, savannah, the types of climate and the variety of geographical areas is so great that different species of fauna and flora can be seen in each one. But what kind of animals exist in the desert?

Before each ecosystem, the species that inhabit it are forced to develop adaptation methods that allow them to survive, and even take advantage of the elements offered by the environment. Do you want to know what animals live in the desert and what their characteristics are? Then don't miss this AnimalWised article, we'll show you a complete list of species of animals in the desert.

Animals that live in the Sahara desert

The Sahara is one of the largest deserts in the world. It is located in North Africa, and some of its sand dunes can reach almost two hundred meters in height. It is an arid and dry desert, where you can find some oases around which certain types of animal and plant life develop. Among the surviving animals we can mention:

Addax (Addax nasomaculatus)

Although formerly the Sahara was one of its habitats, today the addax is critically endangered, so there is only a small population in countries such as Nigeria and Chad.

It is a species of antelope that has been depleted by indiscriminate hunting. In its ancient distribution, the addax was perfectly adapted to Saharan conditions. It is capable of living with few amounts of water, since it rests during the hottest hours of the day; at night, it fed on the little vegetation found in the desert.

Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius)

Also called dromedary, it is a mammal unique in its kind, whose main characteristic is a hump on its back. To resist the hot sands of the desert, the camel needed to adapt its body, which is why it has long eyelashes to prevent sand from entering its eyes, and calloused knees and ankles that insulate the high temperatures.

However, the most notable feature of this camel is the hump, where it is able to produce water with the fat it accumulates. In this way, the animal stays hydrated no matter how far away the next water source is.

Discover the differences between camel and dromedary!

West African Crocodile (Crocodylus suchus)

It extends not only in the Saharan desert, but in various African countries. In ancient times, it was one of the species worshiped by the Egyptians as a god, so it was mummified.

It is distributed in the Saharan region that belongs to Mauritania. It protects itself from the sun not only with its powerful armor, but also by taking refreshing baths on the banks of the river.

Yellow Scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus)

Also called Palestinian, it has a yellowish hue throughout its body, with a tail that often ends in black. Precisely this characteristic allows it to remain hidden from possible predators.

When this does not work, the scorpion has a poison that, although not usually fatal, is extremely painful for those who are the victim of an attack.

Fennec fox (Vulpes zerda)

This is a small mammal of the canine family that inhabits this desert. Its fur, between blond and reddish, allows it to easily camouflage itself with the sand dunes. One of its greatest hallmarks are the long ears, which allow it to regulate its temperature to cool the body when the heat is very intense. It is mostly nocturnal, at which time it emerges from its burrow to hunt. It can survive a long time without water, waiting to find an oasis.

Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics - Animals that live in the Sahara desert
Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics - Animals that live in the Sahara desert

Animals that live in the Mexican desert

Mexico's desert occupies about 40% of the country's total area. It is not just one, but four deserts in different parts of the country: San Luis de Potosí, Baja California, Sonora and Chihuahua. Some of these deserts are not only part of Mexico, but also part of the United States.

In each of them live different species of desert animals and plants, such as:

Kite or swift fox (Vulpes velox)

The size of a house cat, the swift fox feeds not only on other animals, but also on fruit and grass. In the desert it builds burrows in the sand, where it stays cool during the day, hunting at night.

Pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana)

It is not only found in Mexico, but also in some areas of the United States and Canada. It is a mammal similar to the antelope, but unique in its kind, which moves in herds, especially during the hottest times. Adapted to the hostile environment of deserts, it feeds on the few herbs it can find, including cacti, which are so typical of dry, sandy ecosystems.

Tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum)

Lives on land and only approaches aquatic environments for breeding time. The larvae are very resistant, so they are able to support their development in adverse natural conditions, such as those present in deserts. It feeds mainly on worms and small insects.

Great roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus)

The roadrunner became very popular thanks to cartoons. However, his real appearance is not at all similar to what he is given on television. It is a rather small bird, which can only fly at low altitudes, so it stays most of the time on the ground, but it is indeed capable of running at high speeds, a little over 30 kilometers per hour..

Coyote (Canis latrans)

Another animal that the cinema has made known as characteristic of the Mexican desert, but that can also be found in North America. It easily adapts to various ecosystems, which allows it to live in an arid environment. During the warmer months, they belong in packs, as a way to have support when hunting and to protect themselves from enemies.

Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics - Animals that live in the desert of Mexico
Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics - Animals that live in the desert of Mexico

Animals that live in the Chilean desert

In Chile there are several deserts, of which the most popular is the Atacama, located in the north of the country, and which is the most arid in the worldThe area is rich in metallic and non-metallic resources and magnesium s alt, important sources of the Chilean economy. One of its peculiarities is the flowery desert phenomenon, which consists of the growth of an unusual number of flowers when rainfall in the area exceeds the annual average.

A Chile also includes sections of deserts that it shares with neighboring countries, such as the Pacific desert and the arid diagonal of South America. Now, these are some of the animals that abound in the desert and that you can find among its dunes:

Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

This is a mammal of the camel family, with beige and cream fur, so it is easily confused with deserted zones. Their legs are padded, allowing them to move without much difficulty on very hot or rocky floors; In addition, their thick and dense fur protects them from inclement temperatures, blocking the path of the wind, the debris that it brings, and protecting the vicuña from the cold when the temperature drops at night.

Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)

It is also a mammal of the camel family, with a delicate build. It feeds on small herbs and bushes. It lives in herds, where the male is in charge of protecting the young and the female. Its fur is between reddish and sandy, beneficial for an animal that lives between dunes and rocks.

Mountain viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

It is a rodent physically similar to the hare, which can be found not only in Chile, but also in Peru and Argentina. The fur is thick, which protects it from the desert wind and keeps it warm at night. It takes refuge among the rocks, and feeds on small herbs.

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)

This is a canine species smaller than most wolves, with gray to sandy fur in some areas. It is not only distributed in deserts, since it is also possible to find it in prairies and fields. However, the gray wolf adapts easily to almost any environment, so in the desert it feeds on reptiles and small rodents and mammals, such as mice and hares.

Does the dog really descend from the wolf? Find out on our site!

Flamingos (Phoenicopterus)

Although it may seem curious, flamingos are typical animals in the Atacama desert. Most of them accumulate in the National Flamingo Reserve, where despite the desert climate, there are rivers and other sources of water, making life possible for these beautiful birds.

Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics - Animals that live in the desert of Chile
Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics - Animals that live in the desert of Chile

Animals that live in the Antarctic desert

Surely you are wondering, a desert, in Antarctica? Yes! The truth is that the word "desert" does not only imply arid zones where the heat reigns, but any inhospitable space where life, be it fauna or flora, is scarce due to adverse conditions Taking this into account, what more desolate place, at least in appearance, than the continent of ice?

Even so, plants and animals have managed to develop enough defenses to make this their home. What animals are in the Antarctic desert? Some of them are:

Seal (Phocidae)

Mostly marine mammal, but also capable of surviving on land. More than hair, seals are covered with a thick layer of fur, whose main function is to withstand low temperatures. They feed on penguins, fish and other marine animals.

Penguin (Spheniscidae)

Although it is a bird, the penguin does not fly, so its life takes place on land and, above all, in the water. To do this, their wings have adapted perfectly to the ocean, where they function as fins capable of propelling them very quickly. Their body is also conditioned to withstand cold weather, so under the superficial layer of feathers, they have a layer of fat that keeps them warm.

Discover the types of penguins that exist!

Antarctic petrel (Thalassoica antarctica)

A lead-colored bird with a white chest, it is distributed in certain regions of the Antarctic continent. Its body is adapted to withstand the cold, and it feeds on small marine animals that it hunts in the icy waters, such as krill and other crustaceans.

Elephant Seal (Mirounga)

Mammal that presents a marked dimorphism between males and females, since males weigh and measure twice as much as their female counterparts. They feed on other marine animals, and the considerable layer of fat that forms the body of the elephant protects them against the frigid water of Antarctica.

Antarctic Fur Seal (Arctophoca gazella)

Mammal of the same family as seals, capable of living both on land and in the ocean. It feeds on krill, fish and crustaceans. As in its relatives, the main adaptation of its body to the habitat is the thick layer of skin and fat that insulates the cold.

Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics - Animals that live in the Antarctica desert
Animals that live in the desert and their characteristics - Animals that live in the Antarctica desert

Animals that live in other deserts

On planet Earth there are other deserts, where different species live. Among them, it is possible to mention:

  • Buzzard
  • dorcas gazelle
  • Dingo
  • Sandy Owl
  • Hyena
  • Wildcat
  • African Wild Dog
  • Cobra
  • Peccary
  • Beetles
  • Desert Elephant
  • Spiders
  • Mice
  • Narwhal
  • Krill
