Spanish greyhound dog - Characteristics, character and he alth (with photos)

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Spanish greyhound dog - Characteristics, character and he alth (with photos)
Spanish greyhound dog - Characteristics, character and he alth (with photos)
Spanish Greyhound
Spanish Greyhound

The Spanish greyhound or galgo, is a tall, thin, strong dog and is very popular in the Iberian Peninsula. This dog is similar to the greyhound or English greyhound, but there are several physical characteristics that differentiate both breeds of dogs. The Spanish greyhound is not a very well-known dog outside of Spain, but more and more fans are adopting these dogs in other countries due to the animal abuse they suffer in their country of origin.

Hunting, speed and its predisposition make it a dog used as a work tool. At the end of the "services" of the season, many end up abandoned or dead. For that reason, it is so important to consider adopting one if we think this breed fits us.

If you want to continue discovering this slender breed, don't hesitate to continue browsing this page of our site to learn about the characteristics, character and care of the Spanish Greyhound. Keep reading!

Origin of the Spanish Greyhound

The origin of the Spanish greyhound is not known with certainty. Some theories suggest that the Ibicenco podenco may have played a role in the development of the breed. Others, perhaps the majority, think that the Arabian greyhound is one of the ancestors of the Spanish greyhound. The Arabian greyhound would have been introduced to the Iberian peninsula during the Arab conquest and its crossbreeding with local breeds would have produced the lineage that would give rise to the Spanish greyhound.

Regardless of the true origin of this breed, the truth is that it was widely used for hunting during the Middle Ages. Such was the importance of these dogs for hunting in Spain and the fascination they caused in the aristocracy, that they were even immortalized in the work "Hunting Game", also known as "Caza de la codorniz" by the great Spanish painter Francisco de Goya and Lucientes.

With the advent of greyhound racing, the Spanish greyhound was crossed with the greyhound to get faster dogs. The result of these crosses is known as the Anglo-Spanish greyhound and is not recognized by the FCI. Hunting with greyhounds is a very controversial activity in Spain and many animal protection societies ask that this activity be censured due to the cruelties to which greyhounds are subjected.

Characteristics of the Spanish Greyhound

The males reach a height at the withers of 62 to 70 centimeters, while the females reach a height at the withers of 60 to 68 centimetersThe breed standard does not indicate a weight range for these dogs, but they are light and agile dogs The Spanish greyhound is a dog very similar to the greyhound, but smaller size. It has a slim body, elongated head and very long tail, as well as thin but powerful legs that allow it to be very fast This dog is muscular but slim

The head is elongated and thin, as is the snout, and is in good proportion to the rest of the body. Both the nose and the lips are black. The bite is scissor and the canines are highly developed. The eyes of the Spanish greyhound are small, oblique and almond-shaped The ears, set high, are triangular, with a wide base and a rounded end. The long neck unites the head with a strong and flexible rectangular body. The chest of the Spanish greyhound is deep and the belly is very tucked up. The loin is slightly arched, giving flexibility to the spine.

The greyhound's tail is strong at the base and gradually tapers to a very fine point. It is flexible and very long, widely exceeding the hock. The skin is very close to the body on its entire surface, without showing areas with loose skin. The coat of the Spanish greyhound is thick, fine, short and smooth However, there is also a variety of hard and semi-long hair in which beards, mustaches and overbrows on the face. Any coat color is acceptable for these dogs, but dark, tan, tan, tan, yellow, red, white, brindle, brindle and piebald are preferred

Spanish Greyhound Character

The Spanish greyhound tends to be somewhat shy and reserved, especially with strangers. For that reason it is recommended to socialize them in their puppy stage and continue to do so in their adult stage. They are dogs gentle, friendly and affectionate, very tender with those they trust and the fact is that the Spanish greyhound is a sensitive and very sweet dog.

Despite having a strong prey drive developed over generations, They are often friendly with small animals such as cats and small breed dogs. That is why they are a good option for those who want to enjoy greyhound dogs but also have other pets. This should also be worked on in their education.

On the other hand, they have an excellent behavior with children, adults and all kinds of people. They enjoy a relaxed atmosphere at home but outside they become fast and active animals who will greatly enjoy going on excursions, long walks and visits to the beach. It is important that the Spanish greyhound is adopted by a proactive and loving family, which takes into account the submissive and noble nature of this breed. Exercise, daily walks and affection should never be lacking in your day to day life.

Spanish Greyhound Care

The Spanish greyhound requires an active and positive family by his side that allows him to perform between 2 and 3 daily ridesDuring each of these walks it is advisable to let the dog enjoy at least five minutes of freedom without a leash. To do this, you can go to the field or use a fenced area such as the pipi-can. If it is not possible to do it daily, it is recommended that we dedicate at least 2 days weekly to exercising with our Spanish greyhound. Games, such as playing catch (never use the tennis ball), are extremely entertaining and appropriate for this breed.

On the other hand, it will also be useful to provide intelligence games if we see him nervous or excited inside the house, we will encourage relaxation, mental stimulation and well-being of the dog.

Requires a weekly brushing, because of its short and coarse hairtangle free. However, brushing will help remove dead hair and reveal a shiny, lustrous coat. Bathing should be done when the dog is really dirty.

Spanish greyhound education

The education of the Spanish greyhound must always be based on the use of positive reinforcement They are dogs very sensitive so the use of punishment or physical force can cause great sadness and stress in the dog. The Spanish greyhound is moderately intelligent but he has a great predisposition to learn as long as we use treats and affectionate words as a reward. He loves to enjoy receiving attention, so it won't be too difficult to get him started on basic canine obedience and dog socialization.

Especially if it is adopted, we can observe the consequences of the malpractice that is carried out with the Spanish greyhound. Discover on our site what to do with a fearful adopted dog and follow our advice to help you overcome his fears and insecurities.

Finally, we recommend supporting you in physical activities related to obedience such as Agility, Canicross or other canine sports. The greyhound greatly enjoys exercise so it will be very appropriate to teach him this type of activity in which he will greatly enjoy.

Spanish Greyhound He alth

To maintain the good he alth of the Spanish Greyhound, it is advisable to visit the veterinarian on a regular basis, over 6 months, to keep a good follow-up and promptly detect any anomaly. It will also be essential to strictly follow the dog's vaccination schedule. This breed is relatively he althy, but care must be taken with typical greyhound diseases and big dogs. Some of the diseases that can affect the Spanish greyhound are the following:

  • Bone Cancer
  • Gastric torsion

An important trick to keep in mind is to feed Spanish Greyhounds in elevated containers, to prevent them from lowering their long neck to the ground. Ground level. On the other hand, don't forget that you should deworm him regularly with external pipettes on a monthly basis and pills for internal parasites on a quarterly basis.

Photos of Spanish Greyhound
