Spanish greyhound care

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Spanish greyhound care
Spanish greyhound care
Spanish Greyhound Care
Spanish Greyhound Care

The Spanish Greyhound is an extraordinary dog. He is affectionate, clean, obedient, docile and very affectionate with children. The problem with the Spanish greyhound is that it runs a lot, and this virtue turns against it because it is used by legions of individuals who try to profit at its expense. This same circumstance makes it, by far, the most mistreated dog on the Iberian Peninsula.

It is a relatively easy dog to adopt in a kennel, since its cruel first owners do not hesitate to get rid of them if they do not run enough

In this article on our site we encourage you to rescue these magnificent dogs abandoned in kennels, shelters or animal shelters. Therefore, we will explain the main care of the Spanish greyhound, so that you decide to adopt and enjoy this extraordinary pet.

Exercise and walks of the Spanish greyhound

The Spanish greyhound is a large dog, although very light in weight They have very muscular bodies, as well as being very slim. Its legs are very long and thin, but very efficient. Which allows them to develop tremendous speeds that exceed 60 km / hour. It is considered the second fastest dog on the planet, after the English greyhound.

If we want to exercise with the Spanish greyhound, and especially if it is adopted, it will be very important not to leave it unleashed in open places such as forests or undefined areas. It is very common for the greyhound to run without answering the call. We will look for a pipi-can or controlled area for it.

However, and although it may seem that it requires high doses of exercise, the truth is that the Spanish greyhound is a very calm dog that does not require more than 3 daily walks, like any dog in his usual routine. Younger specimens can develop a more active behavior but tend to decrease this energy as they mature.

The walking collar must be specific to the Spanish greyhound, since its head is almost the same diameter as its neck. A normal collar would very easily slip off the Spanish Greyhound's neck. The appropriate tool for this breed is a type called a Martingale, which is a double ring anti-escape collar (not to be confused with the metal or spiked choke or semi-choke collar). However, it is always advisable to use an anti-escape safety harness, much more comfortable for the dog.

Spanish greyhound care - Exercise and walks of the Spanish greyhound
Spanish greyhound care - Exercise and walks of the Spanish greyhound

Coat care: brushing and bathing

The coat of the Spanish greyhound usually consists of a very short, dense and smooth fine hair Although there are specimens outside the peninsula, whose hair is coarse, of medium length and homogeneous throughout the body, with beards and bushy eyebrows. His coat can be practically any color, with dark tones and a brindle coat being one of the favorite types.

Given the characteristics of its coat, a brief brushing every 2 or 3 days is enough to keep the dog free of dead hair and of dirt. Choose a brush for short-haired dogs so as not to damage their dermis. The most popular are usually made of rubber.

On the issue of bathing, it should be noted that as they are free of fat, the smell of Spanish greyhounds is not as pronounced as with other breeds. Which means that this breed requires far fewer bathrooms than others. It is therefore advisable to take a bath when it is really dirty

Spanish greyhound care - Coat care: brushing and bathing
Spanish greyhound care - Coat care: brushing and bathing

Among the care of the Spanish greyhound it will also be very important to highlight that it is a dog that suffers with extreme temperatures. For this reason, it is very important that we highlight some aspects to take into account in summer and winter:


The Spanish greyhound is prone to heatstroke For this reason, you will take care that never runs out of water in the drinking fountain. You can help him cool off with a spray bottle of water or a small pool on your terrace. During the summer you must take care that your Spanish greyhound does not suffer the rigors of the heat wave, avoiding its walk in the hottest hours. Nor will we force you to exercise and on our visits to the beach we must never forget an umbrella to minimize the effect of the sun.


In winter you will do the opposite; You will take care of your greyhound by exposing him as little as possible to the icy winter elements, and during the winter season, walk him well wrapped up in a super-cool coat. It is a very chilly breed that suffers a lot with the drop in temperatures. It is not strange during the winter to see them walking around warm. You should also protect him from the rain with an appropriate raincoat.

Spanish greyhound care
Spanish greyhound care

Rest, essential for the Spanish greyhound

We must provide them with thick and soft beds, so that their bones do not suffer excess hardness that could cause bone injuries to the greyhound. It is ideal that you add a blanket or quilt that the dog can move at will. Greyhounds love to sleep in soft, padded places.

We should also know that the Spanish greyhound is undoubtedly a very sleepy dog. It usually rests up to 18 hours a day Perhaps for this reason, the Spanish greyhound is a large dog that can live perfectly in an apartment, since its calm character and good-natured conducive to being comfortable in a flat.

Image from

Spanish greyhound care - Rest, essential for the Spanish greyhound
Spanish greyhound care - Rest, essential for the Spanish greyhound

Veterinary care and specific diseases

The Spanish greyhound is a very he althy breed, whose specific care is basically about adapting elements related to its peculiar anatomy. Their life expectancy ranges from 10 to 14 years.

Unlike other large dog breeds, the Greyhound is not susceptible to dysplasia, a common ailment. However, it can develop some he alth problems that you should be aware of in order to prevent them in time: fractures and injuries, very common in dogs that previously competed in races.

The diet must be based on dry feed of the highest quality, since the diet of the greyhounds must be frugal, although sufficient. Spanish greyhounds must not get fat, since their bones are not formed to support excess weight. Always check the container of the dry feed you offer him to know the exact amount of food he needs.

A particular detail is to bear in mind that the feeder and drinkermust be placed at half height, since the greyhound must be prevented from bending down excessively when eating and drinking. In this way we will prevent the greyhound from injuring its neck and suffering from stomach torsion.

The rest of the veterinary care will be basic for any dog, regardless of its breed: we will take it to the vet every 6 months and we will make sure to strictly comply with its vaccination schedule. We must also deworm it externally once a month and internally once every three months. All these details should be consulted with your trusted veterinarian.

Don't forget put a chip on your best friend, remember that greyhounds are susceptible to getting lost because when they start running they don't stop doing it until they feel safe or lost. This should be one of your priorities in the care of the Spanish Greyhound.

Spanish greyhound care - Veterinary care and specific diseases
Spanish greyhound care - Veterinary care and specific diseases

Social Needs

The Spanish greyhound barely barks. He is a very family dog who enjoys the company of people and other pets. He is very patient with children. As it is a very sensitive dog with great needs for affection, it may happen that if the greyhound spends a lot of time alone, it suffers from separation anxiety. This problem should be treated as soon as possible and with the help of a specialist if necessary.

And the thing is, the Spanish greyhound is a very sociable animal, whose temperament is exempt from any territorial instinct. This makes it very compatible with other pets (cats and small dogs), although it is risky to mix it with rabbits.

It would be ideal for our greyhound to enjoy the company of another member of its species, particularly if we leave it alone for a few hours a day. In general, greyhounds are used to living with other greyhounds, so it is highly recommended to adopt a pair of companions instead of just one.
