Dog SPANISH MASTIFF or Leonese mastiff - Characteristics, care and character (with PHOTOS)

Dog SPANISH MASTIFF or Leonese mastiff - Characteristics, care and character (with PHOTOS)
Dog SPANISH MASTIFF or Leonese mastiff - Characteristics, care and character (with PHOTOS)
Spanish Mastiff or Leonese Mastiff
Spanish Mastiff or Leonese Mastiff

Present in the most rural environment of the Spanish country for centuries, we find a historical breed such as the Spanish Mastiff, Leonese Mastiff or Spanish Mastiff. This dog is known for its imposing physique, as it is considered the largest canine breed in Spain, as well as for its skills as a guardian of land and houses. However, these are not the only qualities of the Spanish mastiff, since, as we will discover below on our site, we are facing an incredible breed of dog in every way, which can become an excellent companion animal even if we live in a city.. Therefore, whether you are considering adopting a dog with these characteristics or if you already live with one and want more information, here we explain the characteristics of the Spanish mastiff dog, his temperamental traits, as well as his main care and he alth problems.

Origin of the Spanish mastiff

Since long ago, the Leonese mastiff has been very present in the farms and lands of the most rural Spain. There are doubts about its origins, since on the one hand it is believed that it came through the Celts and the Phoenicians, and on the other it is suspected that the Romans used it as a combat dog, descending from the Tibetan mastiff, while others consider that this is false and they affirm that he descends from the Assyrian Molossians or the Doges. What is certain is that already in 1273, the year the Mesta was founded, and as it was recorded in official documents, mastiffs were already grazing in the Iberian Peninsula.

It is therefore a dog rooted in the Spanish agricultural tradition, being the main one in charge of taking care of the fields and protecting them from theft and meddling. Moreover, even today he continues to fulfill that guardian function in many fields, due to his protective nature and his imposing physique. This very combination made it strange to see a farm without a family of Spanish Mastiffs guarding the grounds.

But it has not only been a guard dog, the Spanish mastiff has played the role of transhumant shepherd throughout the country through royal glens that cross it from north to south, guiding the cattle and defending them against predators such as wolves. Currently, due to changes in livestock techniques and the virtual disappearance of many of the predators that affected livestock, this function has been relegated to oblivion, forming part of the history of the Spanish mastiff. At the moment, the main function of the Spanish mastiff is both as a caretaker of land and as a companion dog, since it is not uncommon to see them walking with their owners in the middle of the city, where they are becoming more and more frequent.

Characteristics of the Spanish Mastiff

Leonese mastiffs are dogs cataloged as giant breed, which is more than justified, since males can reach ! weigh up to 100 kilos! The weight normally ranges between 50 and 70 kilograms in females and from 70 to 100 in males. As this is a giant breed, it must be taken into account that its growth will be slower than in other smaller breeds, since Spanish mastiffs usually reach their weight between 10 months and two years of age.

But it is not only their size that makes them imposing, it is also their marked musculature, as they are animals strong and with powerful musclesAs if that were not enough, it is considered to be one of the breeds, if not the largest, with the largest size in relation to its height and weight in the world. This is explained by his weight already mentioned and the height that can be between 72 and 80 centimeters.

Continuing with the physical characteristics of the Spanish mastiff, we can say that its limbs are robust and strong, but that does not mean they are no longer agileLikewise, many Spanish mastiffs have a double spur on their hind legs, which we will talk about in the care section. The head is large, triangular and flat, with droopy ears and marked jaws. His eyes are usually dark and small in size and his nose is black. Something characteristic of the Leonese mastiff dog is that his skin usually hangs down in the neck area, forming a double chin, and cheeks, making him look like an adorable grandpa.

Colors of the Spanish Mastiff

The coat of the Spanish mastiff is smooth, dense, semi-long, although a little longer in the tail area, and thick hair, presenting a woolly undercoat during the cold months that insulates it from adverse weather conditions. The most common color patterns are solid and brindle, fawn, fawn orlobatos , although it can have many different ones, since the standardization of the Spanish mastiff breed set by the International Cinological Federation (FCI) [1] does not pick up a certain color range and patterns. However, in terms of colors themselves, the most common are yellow, red and black in the different patterns mentioned.

Spanish Mastiff Character

When talking about a giant breed, guardian and used for defense, we might think that the Spanish mastiff is an aggressive and sullen animal, but nothing is further from the truth. As long as it has been properly socialized, we will have a balanced and very affectionate dog, docile and extremely loyal, being considered one of the calmest dog breeds in the world. Thus, the character of the Spanish mastiff stands out for these qualities, which make it an animal suitable for any family that can exercise and educate it.

In addition, the Spanish mastiff is very intelligent and intuitive, so it is easy to train, as long as we are constant and patient, since this will also allow us to make the Leonese mastiff learn to control its strength and dose its energy as the situation demands.

Now then, when talking about the temperament of the Spanish mastiff it is important to keep in mind that it is true that you have to be careful about what they consider their territory, since as we have seen it is of a guardian race par excellence, that is why can attack those they consider intrudersFor this same reason, he may bark when he hears noises, especially at night, when silence reigns and sounds become more acute. For this reason, sometimes we can have problems with the neighbors due to those barks, but with the right techniques, and with the help of professionals in the field if necessary, we can put an end to this inconvenience and enjoy the company of our furry friend..

If we manage to train our Spanish mastiff well, he could be an ideal companion anywhere, although it is true that he needs a lot of activityin the event that he lives in a small flat; If we do not have a patio or garden, we will have to provide more hours of exercise, daily walks and games to keep it balanced and he althy. If we do this, the lack of square meters will not be an excuse for not being able to have a dog of these characteristics in the middle of the city.

Spanish mastiff care

One of the main factors to attend to in terms of basic care is the feeding of the Spanish mastiff. You have to be careful, since they are anxious and gluttonous with food Therefore, we have to ration the quantities and avoid giving them industrial sweets on a regular basis. This is important to prevent them from becoming overweight, which would be very harmful to their he alth, especially to their joints, and could lead to more or less serious complications. Instead of the prepared prizes, we can opt for pieces of chicken liver, a food that is excellent to give as a reward.

Among the care of the Spanish mastiff we also find the hours dedicated to exercise As we said in the previous section, you must provide the exercise you need to release all your energy, otherwise they can become anxious and even aggressive. For this reason, several daily walks and playtimes are recommended, which can be shared with the little ones in the house. In this sense, for the full enjoyment of both parties, they must be taught to play respectfully and thus avoid possible frights and damage, both to the children and to the animal. Thus, for example, it would be important to educate our mastiff from puppyhood to prevent it from biting when playing.

Another care of the Spanish mastiff dog will be keeping its coat brushed and clean, both from dirt and from parasites such as fleas or ticks, which can transmit different diseases to our animal, in addition to the dreaded mosquitoes, which carry diseases as dangerous as leishmaniasis and dirofilariosis or heartworm. For this reason, the use of antiparasitic products, such as pipettes, collars or pills, is necessary. To select one or the other we will have to consider our particular needs, see which method is best suited to them and consult with the veterinarian, since some animals may be allergic to some components.

Spanish Mastiff Education

To avoid problems during his adult stage, it is very important to start the process of socialization of the Spanish Mastiff puppy as soon as possible, since In this way we will achieve that he learns to relate to other dogs, children, cats, new environments, etc. Due to its large size, this point is crucial in its education, since neglecting it could cause the animal to become fearful of strangers, for example, and attack as a defense method. And if we have adopted an adult Spanish mastiff, we can also socialize him by having a little more patience, being very constant and understanding his character and personality based on past experiences.

Due to its origin as a guard and working dog, the Spanish mastiff is loyal, protective, docile and balanced, so it educating him is quite simple as long as you use the positive reinforcement, you are constant and you cover his needs for play and energy expenditure. Likewise, it is an ideal dog to perform canine skills and varied tricks, since this helps keep it stimulated both physically and mentally.

One of the main behavior problems of the Spanish mastiff is resource protection, especially with food and people. As we said, they are very gluttonous and anxious animals, which if they are not properly educated can develop this disorder and present aggressive behavior to defend what they consider to be their resources. On the other hand, especially with puppies, it is common to confuse rough play with aggressiveness. Let's remember that they can be teethers if they don't have varied and adequate toys or if they are not guided correctly.

Spanish Mastiff He alth

After reviewing all the characteristics of the Leonese mastiff, we are going to deal with its main he alth problems. In general, it is a strong and robust breed, but this does not mean that it cannot suffer from various diseases. Some are linked to the type of breed, since being giant in size it is a dog prone to suffering hip dysplasia Therefore, check-ups must be carried out from puppy and diagnostic tests such as frequent x-rays to assess the state and evolution of the joint. Our veterinarian may suggest tests such as PennHIP or recommend the use of chondroprotectors, which help lubricate all the joints avoiding discomfort to our pet. In turn, there are exercises that can help animals affected by dysplasia.

Another of the common diseases in the Spanish mastiff is entropion, in which the edge of the eyelid folds into the eye, damaging the eyeball and causing complications ranging from irritation or difficulty opening the eyes, to damage to the cornea and even loss of vision.

Sometimes, guardians who have lived with a Spanish mastiff say that they are dogs that end up going crazy. This belief is related to the psychological problems that many of them develop due to loneliness and to the lack of affection to which they are subjected. Above all, it has been observed in cases where they guard land that people do not frequent very often. But if we give it attention and affection, our Spanish mastiff will be far from resembling that myth of an aggressive or crazy animal.

As in the rest of the dog breeds, frequent veterinary check-ups are recommended to prevent and diagnose diseases of the Spanish mastiff early, as well as following the vaccination guidelines and carrying out both internal and external deworming as often as possible. necessary depending on the product we use.

Where to adopt a Spanish Mastiff?

Finding a purebred Spanish or Leonese mastiff for adoption is not always easy, and the most common thing is that mestizo dogs arrive at shelters and shelters. However, it is important to remember that what is truly relevant is not whether it is a breed or not, but rather that we can guarantee that all its needs will be met at our side, so it will be a happy dog that will show us every day how much it loves us.

Unfortunately, due to its large size, particular needs and specific care, many people are unable to care for their Spanish mastiff, so they decide to give it up for adoption. Therefore, we recommend you go to protectoras, shelters and contact animal associations in case of want to adopt a Leonese mastiff. Of course, we insist, it is essential that you adopt responsibly.

Photos of Spanish Mastiff or Leonese Mastiff
