LABRADOODLE or Australian Labradoodle - Characteristics and Care (With Photos)

LABRADOODLE or Australian Labradoodle - Characteristics and Care (With Photos)
LABRADOODLE or Australian Labradoodle - Characteristics and Care (With Photos)
Labradoodle or australian labradoodle
Labradoodle or australian labradoodle

Looking like a cuddly toy with just as sweet a character, the Labradoodle is the product of a cross between a standard poodle and a Labrador retriever. This mix achieves impressive results, as mestizos are dogs with many benefits. They are attentive, affectionate, collaborative and very playful. They are ideal both for families and for the elderly or specific groups, as they have been traditionally trained to act as guide dogs, as well as therapy dogs, due to their great skills in this performance.

If you have adopted a mixed-breed dog and you suspect it might be a Labradoodle or simply want to learn more about this canine "breed", in this article on our site we explain thecharacteristics of the labradoodle , its origin and basic care.

Origin of the labradoodle

The first recognized specimen of the Labradoodle was registered in 1955 However, it was not until 1988 that the Australian breeder Wally Conron gave to make this hybrid breed known to the whole world in its association called “Guía de Perros Victoria”, to be guide dogs for blind people. Thus, the objective of this crossing was none other than to obtain a hypoallergenic dog, affectionate, loyal and with great talents for learning. From then on, this mix between a Labrador retriever and a standard poodle began to be known and admired worldwide.

Currently, there is no unified breed standard; One of the main reasons is the lack of consensus regarding the crossings to be made. Many breeders advocate only first-generation crosses, that is, only between Labradors and Poodles, while others cross Labradoodles with each other. This has made them begin to differentiate, the latter being known as the Australian Labradoodle or multigenerational.

Over the years, many breeders have tried to develop the breed inappropriately, without considering the genetics of the parents, hereditary diseases or family ties. This fact caused the Labradoodle to experience a huge crisis, since many of the puppies had congetic diseases or nervousness problems due to improper breeding. However, other breeders, such as Mellodie Woodlye, did keep all these criteria in mind and decided to develop the breed in a more respectful way, baptizing it with another name to get away from the fame that the bad practices of others had given the Labradoorle. This new name was the Australian cobberdog or Australian cobberdog.

Little by little the breed became consolidated and, currently, The Australian Cobberdog is an officially recognized breed by the Australian MDBA Association.

Are the Labradoodle and the Australian Cobberdog the same dog?

Although many people consider that we are talking about the same hybrid dog, the truth is that we are not. The Labradoodle is the cross between a Poodle and a Labrador that, after years of development, gave rise to the Australian Cobberdog. In this way, the Labradoodle is a mixed breed dog, while the Cobberdog is a recognized breed, although not by all cynological organizations.

Labradoodle Features

The Labradoodle is a breed resulting from crossbreeding between Standard Poodles and Labrador Retrievers, which explains many of its characteristics. As for its size, it can vary considerably, differentiating between three types:

  • Labradoodle toy, which measures between 35 and 50 centimeters.
  • Medium Labradoodle, ranging in size from 18 to 20 inches.
  • Standard or large Labradoodle, which measures 53 to 63 centimeters.

Your weight is usually in the range between 20 and 35 kilogramsYour life expectancy is between 9 and 15 years. Their morphology is very different from one to the other, as there are some that are more similar to Labrador retrievers, others to standard poodles, and others are true amalgamations between traits of both breeds. Some of the characteristics that they usually share are their rounded and furry legs, an equally rounded and long tail and dark eyes and nose. On the contrary, the shape of its snout, its ears and the morphology of the rest of its body is not predictable.

In addition to the differences in size, there are big differences in appearance. For example, if we talk about his fur, it can be either curly or straight, rough or soft, short or long, also existing all the respective combinations. Despite these differences, all Labradoodles tend to have dense and coarse hair and longer, thicker hair on the torso, face, and legs. Likewise, another of the traits that is usually fulfilled in all the dogs is that, due to their genetics, they are hypoallergenic dogs.

Labradoodle puppy

One of the particularities of this breed is that the puppies do not follow a specific standard, and there is an immense variability between them. Even speaking of puppies from the same litter and the same sex, there can be tremendous differences. In addition, the development and morphology of this hybrid dog breed depends largely on the care and conditions in which it has been raised, so its food, diet and the exercise it performs will be some of the factors that will most determine its appearance. of adults.

In general, it can be said that Labradoodle puppies are friendly, active and playful, affectionate and, above all, very familiar. From a young age, they tend to have a great curiosity and affinity for water, which is why they love to bathe and swim in it. In this sense, if you have just adopted a Labradoodle puppy and want to start socializing it with these environments, you can check the beaches to take it to in this list: "Beaches for dogs in Spain".

Labradoodle Colors

Due to the absence of an official breed standard, There are no limitations on what colors are allowed and what colors are not. Some of the possibilities are: red, black, cream, brown, chocolate, blue, gray or chalk, there are many more. In fact, it is possible to find a white, black or spotted labradoodle.

Labradoodle mini

As we have said, a Labradoodle is the result of a mix between a Labrador Retriever and a Standard Poodle, but what happens if the cross is between a Labrador Retrieverand a mini poodle ? Well, without a doubt, we will have an adorable miniature labradoodle, one of those considered "designer dogs".

In this mestizo the general characteristics correspond to those of the labradoodle in general, so that the only difference lies in the size, which is much smaller than that of its medium and large congeners. In general, they are active, cheerful and very affectionate, loving the company and attention of their family.

Labradoodle Character

Due to the good character and qualities of the parent breeds, Labradoodle mongrels have a personality to be admired. In this way, they are known for being extremely sociable and intelligentdogs, something that is not surprising, since both the poodle and the Labrador retriever are found in the first positions of the ranking of the most intelligent dogs. They also stand out for being balanced and calm.

For the above reasons, the Labradoodle is a very suitable mixed breed dog for families, as they adore children and love to spend time with them, taking care of them and playing. They are also good therapy dogs, as well as well-known, skilled and collaborative guide dogs. They adapt well to all spaces and companies, being friendly with everyone. Although they withstand all climates well, they do better with temperate ones.

Labradoodle care

Labradoodle care basically falls on two pillars: feeding and care In this way, the main thing will be to provide it with a quality diet, that is appropriate to its nutritional requirements and is adjusted to the level of physical activity that the animal usually performs. We will have to offer a food rich in protein, omega 3, vitamins and minerals such as calcium or phosphorus, which are essential for them to enjoy good he alth. We have to control their intake, since they are somewhat anxious and have a sweet tooth, being able to overdo it and gain too much weight easily.

As for the attention we have to give you, one of the most important is the company, in addition toa lot of love , because it is a dog that needs to be accompanied to stay happy and balanced. In the face of loneliness he becomes taciturn, sad and elusive, as it generates a lot of frustration and anxiety.

Regarding the care of its fur, these vary considerably from one individual to another, because, as we have mentioned, the Labradoodle can be of many types and each one of them will need to be cared for in a different way. different, with different frequency and utensils. Thus, the important thing is to adapt this care to the type of hair that the dog has.

Labradoodle Education

Training a Labradoodle is generally a simple task, because They are docile dogs and willing to learnThis ease is given by the combination of parent breeds, as both the poodle and the Labrador retriever are popular for being easy to train.

That's right, it's important to socialize your dog at an early age, as it will be as outgoing and friendly as you'd expect. It will also be essential to teach him to eat properly, getting used to not giving him treats too often and that he will not receive food for crying or being too insistent, his gluttony can lead to he alth problems. Of course, to avoid this type of situation, the most appropriate thing is to establish meal times and not wait for the dog to be hungry to feed him. If we anticipate and offer the food in due time, the animal will not be anxious or nervous.

On the other hand, as we said, the Labradoodle is very good as a therapy dog and a guide dog, so it is possible to teach them these trades that they perform so well, their rapid progress in such complicated tasks being remarkable as those required for them. In any case, both for basic training and for a more advanced one, it is crucial to use positive reinforcement and avoid those techniques that do not respect the welfare of the animal, such as yelling, punishment, or physical violence.

Labradoodle He alth

The Labradoodle is, in general, a fairly he althy dog, however, they can suffer from a series of diseases with greater propensity than in other canine breeds. One of the most frequent problems in these dogs is hip dysplasia, something they inherit from the two breeds they come from, as it is something common in both poodles as in labradors. Given this condition, the main thing is a good veterinary follow-up to be able to make an early diagnosis, which will improve the prognosis.

Another of the most common labradoodle diseases is Progressive Retinal Atrophy, which affects eye he alth, damaging the retina and leading to blindness if not treated properly. He also tends to suffer from multifocal retinal dysplasia, something typical in Labradors, which also affects the he alth of his retinas.

Where to adopt a labradoodle?

If after having reviewed the characteristics of the Labradoodle in terms of its morphology and character we want to share our life with one of them, it is logical that the question arises: where to adopt an Australian Labradoodle or a Mini Labradoodle? Although it is possible to find a labradoodle for sale, on our site we always encourage you to visit the kennels, shelters and animal shelters in order to adopt and, little by little, combat animal abandonment. As this dog is a mongrel dog, adopting a Labradoodle is possible and it does not have to be difficult to find a copy that we can rescue and give it a second chance. To do this, the most effective way is to follow these organizations through social networks and contact them so that they notify us as soon as a dog with these characteristics arrives at their facilities.

On the other hand, when you go to look for the puppy or adult dog you have to be able to assess roughly if he is in good he alth and if he has a character that suits yours. To do this, follow the guidelines or tips below:

  • Look at the state of his mucous membranes: nose, eyes, mouth and ears must be pink and without abnormal secretions.
  • Ask for the puppy's record, seeing what vaccinations and deworming they have had. In addition, the exact date of his birth or an approximate date will be registered there, depending on whether the origin of the dog is known or not.
  • Evaluate the behavior of the puppy or adult dog, both with other dogs and with people, so you will know if he is well socialized or if you need to work on this aspect
  • If you are not informed about it, check if the dog is sterilized and has a microchip.

Once the above aspects have been reviewed, if you consider that the dog does not quite adapt to your lifestyle or you suspect that you will not be able to assume the responsibility that his education entails, the most sensible thing is to accept him and adopt another dog that you can care for. Sometimes, due to their previous experiences, some dogs, Labradoodle or other breeds, can be fearful or insecure, so it will be necessary to work with them to restore security and confidence.

Photos of Labradoodle or australian labradoodle
