DIFFERENCE between RAT and MOUSE - Characteristics and PHOTOS

DIFFERENCE between RAT and MOUSE - Characteristics and PHOTOS
DIFFERENCE between RAT and MOUSE - Characteristics and PHOTOS
Difference between rat and mouse
Difference between rat and mouse

Although at first glance, or by popular belief, the rat and the mouse may be very similar, there are quite a few differences between them. The rat, within the Ruttus genus, is a myomorphic rodent of the Muridae family and, although the mouse is also part of this family, it belongs to the M us genus.

If you happen to be evaluating the option of adopting a rat or mouse and you don't decide, you are in the right place. In the next article on our site we are going to review these two animals so that you can learn the difference between rat and mouse, their characteristics and some curiosities, since they are very smart and social animals that you will enjoy.

Difference between rats and mice

Rat and mouse can be rodents that cause confusion among the population. Therefore, below we are going to detail in a clear and simple way what is the difference between mouse and rat.

  • The genus: as we mentioned at the beginning, the rat belongs to the genus Rattus, which includes up to 57 different species such as Rattus rattus or Rattus norvegicus. The mouse, on the other hand, belongs to the genus Mus and we find some 38 very diverse species including the Mus musculus, known as the "house mouse".
  • The size: rats can grow up to almost 30 centimeters. The mouse is smaller, settling for about 15 centimeters, although some can reach 20 cm.
  • Weight: Rats can weigh up to 300 grams, while mice weigh half that.
  • Legs: if we look at the appearance of rats and mice, we will notice small details such as the legs. These paws are larger in rats, while in mice they are smaller.
  • The ears: in rats they are smaller, while in mice they are larger.
  • The whiskers: the mouse's whiskers are usually longer than the rat's, since their visual capacity is slightly reduced, something that they compensate with a highly developed hearing and sense of smell.
  • Color: Rats are usually dark colors (brown, black, grayish) and mice combine light and dark colors (brown, white, gray).
  • The snout: Rats have a wider and larger snout. The snout of mice is more pointed and smaller.
  • Average Lifespan: Rats live 2-3 years, while mice live 1-2 years.
  • Food: Rats are omnivores and mice are herbivores. It should be added that the excrement, due to food, is also different. In rats it is larger and in mice it is smaller. Discover more information about Omnivorous Animals and Herbivorous Animals in these other two articles that we recommend.
Difference Between Rat and Mouse - Difference Between Rat and Mice
Difference Between Rat and Mouse - Difference Between Rat and Mice

Behavior differences between rats and mice

Next we are going to differentiate a little the behavior of these two rodents, focusing above all on the expression of emotions and their ability to socialize.

Expression of emotions in rats and mice

Rats are capable of displaying very different behaviors to express their emotions. We can identify a happy rat when it jumps, wags its tail or grinds its teeth. On the other hand, a tense or threatened rat often displays high-pitched low-pitched screeches, bites, and is even capable of striking wildly. It is highly recommended not to disturb a rat that hisses, shows its teeth or has bristly hair.

The mouse does not usually show aggression as quickly as a rat, however, it is able to stand on two legs (with the help of tail) and prepare to attack if necessary. We can say in a general way that are more docile than rats, although this will depend on the character of each specific specimen.

Socialization in rats and mice

Rats are highly social animals that enjoy the company of other ratsThey tend to groom each other, sniff each other and show affection to each other, both males and females. Mice, meanwhile, are also very social animals that must live in the company of others of their kind. We will only mate one male with several (neutered) females unless two males have been bred together since birth. Otherwise, serious conflicts may arise

We leave you this post so you can find out why my rat bites me?

Similarities between rat and mouse

In the same way that we have exposed the differences between rats and mice, now we are going to talk about all those traits that they share.

  • They belong to the same family of the Muridae.
  • Both rats and mice are mammals: if you want to know more about the Characteristics of mammals, don't hesitate to read this article from our site we suggest.
  • They are nocturnal animals: in a very general way, they live their lives at night. To learn more nocturnal animals, read the following post that we recommend.
  • They have a similar family behavior: rats and mice need to be in communities, although sometimes mice can have more dangerous attitudes.
  • They are the most intelligent species among rodents: discover which are The most intelligent rodents in the world.
  • They have great swimming skills.

Characteristics of rats

Rats belong to the Rodentia order, within the Muridae family and the Rattus genus, as we have mentioned throughout this article. Like mice, they are cosmopolitan mammals that have the ability to live on any continent, except Antarctica. That is why most people often refer to rats as pests, since they can live in fields, forests, mountains, savannahs, territories near water or urban areas.

Its origin is unknown with certainty, although some theories suggest that it was born in Australia and New Guinea. In fact, they were distributed throughout the world thanks to the journeys that human beings have made throughout history.

They are not adapted to eating a specific food, so they eat everything that crosses their path. Still, they are skillful enough to hunt small insects, birds, or reptiles that take their fancy. They can also eat nuts, cereals or fruits. Something that should be highlighted about rats is their reproductive capacity, since females can have up to 2,000 offspring.

A surprise to many is the existence of domestic rats, that is, pet rats. We know that rats are affectionate as well as intelligent, so it is normal for them to develop a good relationship with their guardian, who takes care of them and is aware of them.

Take a look at this other article about the Types of domestic rats that exist so you can learn more about it.

Mouse Features

The mouse belongs to the order Rodentia, of the family Muridae and is part of the genus Mus. People often get scared when they see them due to their similarity to rats, but since we have already seen what is the difference between mouse and rat, there is no reason for this to happen again.

Although mice are typically around 12 centimeters (but can reach up to 30 cm), house mice are smaller. These usually measure between 7, 5 and 10 cm and weigh a maximum of 45 grams. A very striking feature of mice is their incredible sense of smell, with which they can detect food at great distances.

Like rats, they adapt very well to the environment, except in those regions where it is extremely cold. In addition, they are also considered a pest because they are distributed throughout the world, despite their origin being in Central Asia.

Contrary to the myth, mice not only eat cheese, but have a much more varied diet. They can eat fruits, seeds and grains and, in addition, they feed about 15 or 20 times a day. Something that should be noted in their diet is that, if there is no food, they can devour other mice

Finally, the female mouse, that is, the female mouse, has her first reproduction between 25 and 40 days of age. She can give birth to up to 10 or 12 pups
