What is the NORMAL TEMPERATURE of a DOG? - Complete Guide

What is the NORMAL TEMPERATURE of a DOG? - Complete Guide
What is the NORMAL TEMPERATURE of a DOG? - Complete Guide
What is the normal temperature of a dog?
What is the normal temperature of a dog?

Knowing the physiological data of our dogs is very important because it will allow us to immediately detect any variation that may be due to a he alth problem. Therefore, in this article on our site we are going to explain what is the normal temperature of a dog

We will also explain how to correctly take a dog's temperature and, in addition, how to monitor the evolution of a sick animal at home, in this way we will know how to detect any problem or anomaly that may arise.

Normal dog temperature

The temperature values in dogs range between 37.8 and 39.2 ºC All the figures that we register within these parameters are considered normal temperature of a dog. Now, it is very important that we know that a dog can be sick even though its body temperature is within the established normal range, since not all pathologies produce fever or a drop in temperature.

The average normal temperature of a large dog, in the sense of adult, is 38, 5 ºC And we specify adult because the normal temperature of a small dog is somewhat different. Thus, the newborn puppies, who are not yet able to control their temperature, will be found between 34, 4 and 36.1 ºC By four weeks of life they will reach 37.8 degrees.

High temperature in dogs

If we put the thermometer and the data exceeds the normal temperature of dogs we say that the animal has hyperthermia or fever There are a lot of causes that can cause fever, such as infections or inflammations, and, in general, are accompanied by very different symptoms. Therefore, it is a reason for veterinary consultation, especially if our dog is a puppy, very old, has an underlying disease or is being treated for some pathology.

In addition, a dog's elevated body temperature can be related to a situation as dangerous as heat stroke This disorder appears when the dog is subjected to high temperatures, for example if it remains locked in a car during the hottest hours. Symptoms such as respiratory difficulties, thick saliva, redness of the mucous membranes, etc. are common. When the temperature exceeds 41.5 ºC there is a risk of permanent damage to vital organs and the death of the dog.

What is the normal temperature of a dog? - High temperature in dogs
What is the normal temperature of a dog? - High temperature in dogs

Low temperature in dogs

Although hyperthermia is more common, sometimes a dog's normal temperature can also be altered downwards. It is the phenomenon known as hypothermia and it is serious, since it endangers the life of the animal. A very low temperature, for example, can occur in cases where the animal is immersed in a serious infectious process, suffers from internal bleeding or has just come out of anesthesia. The vet will try to stabilize it, but if the temperature cannot be returned to normal values, the heart rate and other bodily functions will slow down and the dog will die.

How to take a dog's temperature?

Now that we know what a dog's normal temperature is, we'll learn how to take it. To do this, we can use a digital thermometer commonly used in humans. The temperature is always taken rectally To insert the thermometer more easily we can previously lubricate it with a little Vaseline. Then, we will follow these steps:

  1. We will have to raise the tail and keep the dog standing up, since, if it sits down, it could even break the thermometer, if it is made of mercury, or hurt itself. If it is difficult for us to make the dog stand still, we will ask another person for help, who must hold him by the chest with one arm, to prevent him from trying to escape, while placing the other hand on the abdomen, precisely so that the dog does not sit down.
  2. We will gently insert the thermometer, with a slight turning movement, long enough to cover the tip and thus be able to measure the temperature. If it is a very young puppy, you will have to look for a pediatric thermometer and be extremely careful when putting it on.

In a few minutes, depending on the thermometer model, we will obtain the result. Then, you have to remove it and disinfect it before putting it away to prevent diseases from being transmitted, if that is the case. If it were the case that, by accident, the thermometer breaks inside the body, you should go to the vet immediately and in no case try to remove it ourselves.

For all the details, don't miss this article: "How to take a dog's temperature?"

What is the normal temperature of a dog? - How to take a dog's temperature?
What is the normal temperature of a dog? - How to take a dog's temperature?

My dog is 37, 7, is it normal?

We have seen that the normal temperature of a dog ranges between 37.8 and 39.2 ºC. A slight variation such as 37, 7 or 39, 3, if the animal does not show any symptoms, in principle, would not be a cause for concern De In any case, if we doubt the well-being of our dog, we will only have to take the temperature again in the course of a few hours. This way we can control its evolution and, if necessary, go to the vet.
