How long does a dog's pregnancy last? - Duration and Care

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How long does a dog's pregnancy last? - Duration and Care
How long does a dog's pregnancy last? - Duration and Care
How long does a dog's pregnancy last?
How long does a dog's pregnancy last?

If we have picked up a dog in an obvious state of pregnancy, in addition to asking ourselves about the basic care that she will require during this period, it is common for us to have a question about how long does a dog's pregnancy last In this article on our site we are going to explain all these questions so that, as caregivers, we contribute to a happy pregnancy, delivery and postpartum for our dog and her family. We will also explain how veterinary monitoring should be during this period.

The time it takes for a dog to gestate is the same for all breeds, so it is important to bear in mind that It doesn't matter if it's a golden retriever, a chihuahua, a yorkshire or a mixed breed dog. That said, read on to discover all the related information!

Symptoms of a pregnant dog

In this section we will describe what a bitch's pregnancy is like If mating has occurred during oestrus, it is likely that there has been fertilization. From that moment on, changes take place in the dog's body with the aim of ensuring the implantation and development of the embryos. Except for a slight weight gain, all these changes will not be noticeable to us until the gestation is not more advanced. Some bitches become nausea by the third week of gestation, will vomit from time to time and lose their appetite for a few days.

After a dog's first month of pregnancy, the nipples darken and will increase in size, as will the abdomen, which will be more or less evident depending on the constitution of the dog. secretion may also appear in the breasts, which will be enlarged. When the due date approaches, we can notice that the bitch looks for a place to make the nest, stops eating and is restless.

My dog has milk but she has no belly, is she pregnant?

There are cases in which bitches expel a secretion through the mammary glands similar to breast milk but do not show other symptoms of pregnancy. In general, it is associated with a psychological pregnancy. In the long run, suffering many psychological pregnancies can have very negative consequences, so it is important to assess the option of sterilization.

How long does a dog's pregnancy last? - Symptoms of a pregnant dog
How long does a dog's pregnancy last? - Symptoms of a pregnant dog

How long does a dog's pregnancy last?

Pregnancy in dogs lasts approximately two months, with an average of 63 days and a variation between 56 and 66. It is not possible, therefore, to give an exact number of days, but it will be around 60 when we must be aware of delivery. Some bitches will give birth earlier, especially those that gestate numerous litters, and others will be delayed without implying the existence of any pathology. In any case, after a few days of the date given by the veterinarian as probable for the delivery, we should contact him, especially if we observe any strange behavior in the bitch or the elimination of any vulvar secretion.

How do I know how pregnant my dog is?

To find out how pregnant a dog is, you need to visit the vet to perform an ultrasound and, after the examination, set a date gestation approximate. As we have seen when reviewing the symptoms of a pregnant dog, not all of them show signs of pregnancy at the beginning, so it is not always easy to guess at what stage of the pregnancy she is. Other tests that the specialist will carry out to determine the duration of the pregnancy of the bitch depending on the moment of the pregnancy in which she is found is the abdominal palpation itself and an ultrasound test or x-ray

However, as a guide, we can say that around the middle of the pregnancy, that is, about the month of gestation, the dog will begin to show symptoms such as a slight increase in the abdomen. As the days go by and her belly swells, we will be able to notice the movements of the fetuses through palpation.

Breasts do not usually enlarge until labor is about to arrive, so this symptom will appear at the end of pregnancyThis way, if the bitch shows an enlarged abdomen but not yet the mammary glands, you can deduce that her pregnancy is between weeks 4 and 8 appropriately.

Dog Pregnancy Test

There are pregnancy tests for dogs on the market that are very similar to tests for humans, since they use urine to show a result. However, if you are looking for home tests to find out if your dog is pregnant, you should know that the only ones that exist are observing the symptoms. For this reason, it is best to visit the vet at the slightest suspicion to perform an ultrasound.

Now that you know how long a dog's pregnancy lasts and how to determine at what stage of pregnancy she is, it is crucial to review the basic care that we must offer her in order to guarantee the best gestation and ensure that the mother-to-be is in good condition.

Basic care of a pregnant dog

Once the question arises as to how long a dog's pregnancy lasts, in order for dog gestation to be successful, it is important that we take into account some basic recommendations regarding the care of a pregnant dog, such as the following:

  • We must change the diet and replace it with one for puppies and pregnant females, since in this phase bitches increase their nutritional requirements.
  • If the dog is not dewormed it is recommended that we administer a product for both internal and external parasites, but always according to the recommendation of the veterinary. So, if you're wondering if you can deworm a pregnant dog, the answer is yes, and in this other article we'll explain how.
  • Before giving any medication we should consult with this professional because some drugs could have fatal consequences, such as abortions or fetal malformations.
  • In general, a life without stress, with adequate exercise to avoid being overweight and a good diet are the basis for a pregnancy without complications.
  • In recent weeks we must avoid sudden activities.

Veterinary monitoring of pregnant dogs

We cannot forget about veterinary care. As soon as we discover or suspect that the dog is pregnant, it is time to go to the clinic. There, in addition to answering all our questions, the vet will do a general review in order to check that there are no obvious problems. If any deworming is missing, she will decide when to administer it. Before the month, by palpation, an experienced veterinarian will be able to detect the pregnancy.

On the other hand, we can make an appointment for an ultrasound There, before the third week, we can see the puppies. This data, which is also obtained with a X-ray around a month and a half, is important in order to know if the delivery has ended or not, although there may be some mistake. Shortly before the expected date of delivery, another visit is advised. The vet, but also us, at that point we will be able to notice the movement of the puppies just by resting the hands on the abdomen. It is a good time for you to solve doubts about the birth and write down the number of veterinary emergencies, just in case.

These would be the minimum recommended visits. There will be cases in which the veterinarian considers that a closer control is necessary, for example, if he detects a problem or in small or brachycephalic breeds, since both may have difficulties at the time of delivery because the puppies' heads, sometimes, are larger than your pelvis, which can even prevent natural childbirth, necessitating a cesarean section.

There is a lot of variation depending on the breed but, in general, the bitch will give birth to between 5-8 puppies, which can be as little as 1-2 in the smaller breeds and over 10 in the larger ones.

How long does a dog's pregnancy last? - Basic care of a pregnant dog
How long does a dog's pregnancy last? - Basic care of a pregnant dog

Birth of a bitch: symptoms

When the maximum duration of the pregnancy has been reached, the bitch will begin to show the typical symptoms of labor. Normally, a few hours before giving birth, bitches experience a drop in their body temperature They are also restless, nervous and agitated, especially when thestarts contractions In addition, it is common for them to look for the nest they have been preparing to give birth to their little ones and take care of them when they are born.

If during delivery you suspect that something is wrong or that the puppies are taking a long time to be born, call the vet immediately to check that there is no alteration or to act if there is. For more details, don't miss this other article: "How long does a dog go into labor?"

Birth control in dogs

Now that we know how long a dog's pregnancy lasts, we can calculate that each can have a couple of litters a year. Currently, there are more dogs than homes willing to take them in, so that an excessively high number end up abandoned, abused or dead. Therefore, as part of responsible ownership we must prevent them from reproducing. Neutering is recommended both to avoid unwanted litters and for its he alth benefits, since an intervention before the first heat can prevent the appearance of breast cancer in the future, uterine infections, etc.
