Can dogs eat turmeric?

Can dogs eat turmeric?
Can dogs eat turmeric?
Can dogs eat turmeric?
Can dogs eat turmeric?

Turmeric is a plant native to India with a root very similar to that of ginger in terms of shape and smell, but with a much more intense orange color. Although all its parts are used for therapeutic and culinary purposes, the most widely used is precisely its root in powder form.

It is increasingly common to find this spice in our kitchen recipes and natural treatments, however, did you know that it can also be beneficial for our furry companions? In this article on our site we talk about both its properties and its most common uses, and we answer the question " Can dogs eat turmeric?", so read on!

Nutritional composition of turmeric

Before detailing the different components of this popular root, it is important to note that dogs can eat turmeric However, as As with other products such as brewer's yeast or salmon oil, the key to success lies in quantity and frequency. That said, below we show the nutritional composition per 100 grams of turmeric, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA):

  • Energy: 312 calories
  • Proteins: 9.68 g
  • Fat: 3.25 g
  • Carbs: 67.14 g
  • Fiber: 22.7 g
  • Water: 12.85g
  • Total vitamin B: 1,685 mg
  • Vitamin C: 0.7 mg
  • Vitamin K: 0.134 mg
  • Vitamin E: 4.43 mg
  • Magnesium: 208 mg
  • Iron: 55 mg
  • Phosphorus: 299 mg
  • Calcium: 168 mg
  • Potassium: 2.08 g
  • Sodium: 27 mg
  • Zinc: 4.5 mg
Can dogs eat turmeric? - Nutritional composition of turmeric
Can dogs eat turmeric? - Nutritional composition of turmeric

Properties of turmeric for dogs

Now that we know that dogs can eat turmeric and the amount of each of its components, we will review its most outstanding properties both to treat and prevent he alth problems in dogs.

Digestive Properties

Turmeric is considered one of the most effective carminative plants and, therefore, has powerful digestive properties that promote the dog's intestinal transit, stimulates the creation of gastric juice and helps relieve stomach problems. Likewise, it benefits the gallbladder by promoting bile flow and acts as a protector of the liver. And as if that were not enough, the digestive properties of turmeric do not end here, because this spice increases the production of probiotics , a fact that translates into an improvement of the dog's intestinal flora.

Anticancer properties

Although research into the anticancer properties of turmeric is still ongoing, studies such as the one conducted by the American Association for Cancer Research, Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetic Study of Oral Curcuma Extract in Patients with Colorectal Cancer, or the one carried out by the Amala Cancer Research Center, Potential anticancer activity of turmeric, have observed that this plant has the ability to improve the clinical condition of patientswith certain types of cancer. However, as we mentioned, the results obtained are not yet considered conclusive and, therefore, we cannot confirm that turmeric has the ability to 100% prevent the development of cancer or treat it, only to improve the patient's condition.

The various studies carried out to date have determined that the effectiveness of turmeric is increased in patients with colon cancer and stomach cancer, however, positive results have also been found in patients with breast cancer. lung, pancreas and liver, among others. These anticancer properties are also reflected in dogs and, therefore, can help reduce the chances of developing tumors or alleviate the symptoms of cancer in dogs.

Antioxidant properties

Turmeric's richness in minerals and vitamins makes it a powerful antioxidant. Especially if we feed the dog solely based on feed, the lack of these substances that are so beneficial for their he alth must be covered with the intake of vitamin supplements such as turmeric. In this way, this plant has the ability to detoxify the dog's body and prevent cell oxidation.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, this spice is increasingly used for the production of natural nutritional supplements for the treatment of joint problems in dogs, horses and other animals. In this way, by directly ingesting the pulverized root, it is also possible to alleviate the symptoms of the different pathologies related to the joints, as well as favor their prevention.

Antiglycemic properties

In addition to all the above properties, turmeric also has the ability to promote the function of the pancreas, where it is produced insulin. In this way, this spice helps balance the body's insulin levels, triglycerides and blood sugar, as well as strengthen the dog's immune system.

Benefits and uses of turmeric for dogs

The properties of turmeric for dogs mentioned above translate into a series of benefits that allow us to use this plant to treat the following he alth problems:


Being a carminative plant and having powerful digestive properties, turmeric is ideal for treatment and prevention of flatulence and excessive gases in dogs, as long as the cause of these problems is inadequate food, lack of chewing or poor digestion. When the gases are produced by the presence of a certain disease or the development of a food allergy, it is essential to go to the veterinarian to follow the best treatment.

Stomach cramps, gastroenteritis and diarrhea

Due to its digestive properties, turmeric is a perfect natural remedy to combat stomach problems such as colic, gastritis, gastroenteritis, heartburn, diarrhea and vomiting, mainly.

Fatty liver

As we mentioned, turmeric is a natural liver protector and, therefore, is highly beneficial for treating fatty liver in dogs, always following the instructions of the veterinarian, and other problems related to this organ. Likewise, and thanks to its antioxidant properties, it is also ideal for improving kidney function.

Osteoarticular problems

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, dogs can take turmeric to relieve symptoms of arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis and, in general, any osteoarticular problem. Of course, as with all pathologies, turmeric should never be a substitute for the treatment stipulated by the veterinarian, but rather a complement that favors the clinical state of the animal.

Suitable for dogs with diabetes

Due to its nutritional composition, antiglycemic and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric helps treat and prevent diabetes in dogs. Thanks to its ability to regulate blood glucose levels and stimulate the function of the pancreas, it reduces the chances of developing insulin resistance.

Can dogs eat turmeric? - Benefits and uses of turmeric for dogs
Can dogs eat turmeric? - Benefits and uses of turmeric for dogs

Dose of Turmeric for Dogs

Depending on the use we want to give to turmeric, the amount may vary. Thus, if we intend to use this plant to prevent the development of the pathologies and he alth problems mentioned above, we can use turmeric as a condiment if we make homemade recipes, never exceeding 60 mg a dayIf a homemade diet is not followed, it is not recommended to sprinkle turmeric on the feed.

On the other hand, if we are interested in giving turmeric to a dog to treat stomach problems, we can offer 2 to 3 grams a day, always with the approval of the veterinarian and in the period of time established by the specialist. For joint problems, the recommended daily dose of turmeric for dogs is a maximum of 1 gram.

All the quantities indicated are intended for large breed dogs (25-35 kg), so they must be adapted according to the size of the animal.

Can dogs eat turmeric? - Dosage of Turmeric for Dogs
Can dogs eat turmeric? - Dosage of Turmeric for Dogs

If turmeric is good, can dogs eat curry?

Now that we know that dogs can eat turmeric and what is the recommended dose for each case, we may ask ourselves if they can also consume curry, since one of the spices that compose it is precisely the treated in this article. Well, as there are currently several curry recipes that exist, the ingredients to make the mixture can be the following, being able to find all of them or just some:

  • Turmeric
  • Cilantro
  • Cumin
  • Fenugreek
  • Ginger
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Black pepper
  • Mustard Seeds

Although some of its ingredients separately can be good condiments for our dogs' homemade recipes, the truth is that all of them together in the form of curry does not recommends This is mainly due to the components of the spicy ingredients, since they can cause poor digestion and, therefore, develop stomach problemsin the animal such as diarrhea or vomiting. In this way, we conclude that dogs should not eat curry and that, if you want to season your food, it is preferable to opt for those spices that are beneficial for them individually, or a splash of olive oil.
