9 SYMPTOMS of a SICK Rabbit

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9 SYMPTOMS of a SICK Rabbit
9 SYMPTOMS of a SICK Rabbit
9 symptoms of a sick rabbit
9 symptoms of a sick rabbit

Today, the acquisition of rabbits for the company is more and more frequent. Rabbits often visit us in daily veterinary practice, which deserve medical attention and are pets treated as a member of the family. Different breeds of rabbits have been appearing over time and each one has its peculiarities and benefits that allow them to adapt to each environment, thus facilitating their coexistence with humans.

In this article on our site, all those clues that can make us think that our rabbit is sick, or that something is moving away from normality, as well as those signs and symptoms of diseases will be exposed more frequent. Keep reading and discover the symptoms of a sick rabbit

The pet rabbit

Owning a rabbit at home is becoming more and more common (in Spain it has become the third most popular pet, ranking only behind dogs and cats), but it is necessary to take into account that they should not be treated as toys and that there are certain rules that must be followed to the letter to give the correct quality of life to said bunny. It is convenient to know the basic needs of this mammal before taking it home as a companion pet. In this other article we explain what the Rabbit Care is.

The life expectancy of a rabbit is up to 12 years, however, with proper care, a he althy rabbit can outgrow that expectation for many years. Both preventive medicine and the correct implementation of a he alth plan and general knowledge of some of the most frequent diseases will help us ensure that our little lagomorph can last for many years enjoying enviable he alth.

Before adopting a rabbit, we encourage you to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of having a rabbit as a pet.

How to know if a rabbit is sick?

Whenever a rabbit shows any illness, the guardian will know immediately, since he will see how the animal changes practically his entire routineOf course, on some occasions when the animal already shows very marked signs and symptoms, it means that the disease could be very advanced. For more information, you can consult this other article on the most common diseases of rabbits.

Diseases can be classified by organs and systems, and although generally in rabbits the signs and symptoms are usually generalized, on some specific occasions, but no less important, they can appear to be characteristic of a specific disease. Here are some signs and symptoms of a sick rabbit:

  • Inappetence: When a rabbit loses interest in food, the guardian needs to be concerned. It may be temporary, but if this condition is still present with the passing of days, the prognosis is negative. It is usually associated with problems of the digestive system for obvious reasons, but any pathology can generate a level of stress in the rabbit, capable of causing loss of appetite.
  • Diarrhea: can appear for different reasons, generally bacterial or parasitic. It is associated with digestive pathologies and if the cause is not sought in time, it can be fatal.
  • Weight loss: this condition is quite dangerous in rabbits and can be associated with almost any pathology. The tutor must be attentive that his bunny is always eating correctly and is gaining weight in the correct way.
  • Difficulty eating: different from loss of appetite, in this case the animal looks for food, but there is evident difficulty chewing or swallowFor obvious reasons, this sign is often associated with problems in the oral cavity, such as abnormal growth of rabbit teeth.
  • Irritated or red eyes: rabbits that are not handled correctly by their keeper and the keeper does not provide the correct environmental conditions suitable for their life, they can develop eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is quite frequent in poorly managed rabbits, and red eyes are a characteristic sign of this pathology.
  • Ataxia: Refers to decreased ability to control movement. It is associated with nervous problems and in rabbits it is very common in vestibular syndrome and internal otitis.
  • Abnormal head tilt: it is a clear sign of otitis or vestibular syndrome, and is usually very characteristic when diagnosing it.
  • Hair loss: skin pathologies are not far behind when we talk about rabbits that are mishandled. Alopecia is a clear sign that something is wrong, and veterinary attention should be given as soon as possible.
  • Cough and sneeze: in rabbits, respiratory diseases are also usually disastrous and it is advisable to attend to them in time. These respiratory signs warrant urgent veterinary attention.

All pathologies that afflict rabbits can cause endless signs and symptoms, and although each one is associated with some disease, the person in charge of making the definitive diagnosis is theveterinary doctor On our site we recommend the maximum attention to our pets and the proper visits to the doctor on an ongoing basis. Remember that preventive medicine will give your best friend a better quality of life.

9 symptoms of a sick rabbit - How to know if a rabbit is sick?
9 symptoms of a sick rabbit - How to know if a rabbit is sick?

Symptoms that a rabbit is going to die

In addition to knowing how to detect the signs of pain in rabbits, it is important to know what are the signs that indicate that the life of our rabbit is in serious danger:

  • You don't eat or drink for 24 hours.
  • Stay still.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Temperature lower than normal.
  • Abnormal behavior.
  • Urinate and defecate anywhere.
  • Tremors.

In this other article, we expand the information: 5 symptoms that a rabbit is going to die. In the event of any of these symptoms, it is essential that you go to the vet urgently so that he can try to save his life.
