How do I know if my guinea pig is sick? - Main symptoms

How do I know if my guinea pig is sick? - Main symptoms
How do I know if my guinea pig is sick? - Main symptoms
How do I know if my guinea pig is sick?
How do I know if my guinea pig is sick?

When we take care of a guinea pig or guinea pig our main concern is to maintain their he alth. To do this, in this article on our site we will explain how to know if our guinea pig is sick, paying attention to the warning signs that we can observe. It is important that we have a trusted veterinarian who is an expert in guinea pigs so that he can assist us in the event that we have doubts about his he alth. It must also be said that following a balanced diet is a basic pillar to keep our guinea pig he althy, as well as keeping it in a stress-free environment.

General Sick Guinea Pig Symptoms

The main recommendation on how to know if a guinea pig is sick is to listen to our intuition. If our guinea pig is strange, that is, it does not carry out its normal activity in any aspect, we must think that it may be sick and, therefore, we must seek immediate veterinary attention, since the whose are very sensitive animals and can die in a matter of hours.

Being active and vital animals, if we appreciate that our guinea pig is very still, does not eat, complains or any other sign outside of its normal activity we have to contact our veterinarian. In the following sections we will explain what are the symptoms of the most common disorders that our guinea pig can suffer from.

How do I know if my guinea pig is sick? - General symptoms of a sick guinea pig
How do I know if my guinea pig is sick? - General symptoms of a sick guinea pig

Signs of vitamin C deficiency in guinea pigs

Those whose diet needs to contain vitamin C, since they are not able to synthesize it. Its deficiency is responsible for the disease known as scurvy in guinea pigs How do we know if our guinea pig is sick with this disorder? Scurvy produces symptoms such as the following: anorexia, that is, ours whose stops eating and, consequently, loses weight, if a wound takes time to heal, appear hemorrhages, alopecia, the remaining fur looks bad, the one whose fur is limping, has diarrhoea or loses teeth. Requires veterinary assistance and generally supplementation.

Symptoms of respiratory problems in guinea pigs

Due to their anatomical peculiarities, those whose are prone to respiratory diseases and even lung tumors. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, tumors, toxins, heat stroke or heart disease can be among the causes. In these cases, how to know if our guinea pig is sick? We will observe characteristic symptoms such as sneezing or nose and eye secretion It is important to go to the vet, since these respiratory infections, if left untreated, can lead to pneumonias

How do I know if my guinea pig is sick? - Symptoms of respiratory problems in guinea pigs
How do I know if my guinea pig is sick? - Symptoms of respiratory problems in guinea pigs

Signs of heart problems in guinea pigs

Guinea pigs can also have heart problems, and how can we know if our guinea pig has heart disease? The characteristic symptoms will be breathing difficulties, tachycardia, that is, very rapid heartbeat, pale mucous membranes, general weakness, intolerance to exercise, or abdominal swelling known as ascites As some of these signs can have several causes, it will have to be our veterinarian who locates the origin of the problem in order to treat it successfully.

Symptoms of digestive problems in guinea pigs

These can cause both diarrhea and constipation In the first case, our whose will eliminate liquid feces, generally more times than usual. Constipation would be the opposite situation, that is, ours will not produce stools or will do so with difficulty. We can also observe that the belly is swollen, the coat looks bad because the nutrition is not being correct or even parasites can be seen in the feces.

To know if our guinea pig is sick we must pay attention to the functioning of its digestive system. Any abnormality must be evaluated by the veterinarian and for recovery it will be essential to establish a balanced diet and adequate to the needs of the guinea pig. Also, since sometimes it is intestinal parasites that cause these clinical pictures, it is important to deworm our guinea pig periodically. Within this section we also include oral problems that can produce symptoms such as anorexia, since eating causes pain, weight loss, loss of teeth or absence of wear on them, malocclusion, hypersalivation or lumps.

How do I know if my guinea pig is sick? - Symptoms of digestive problems in guinea pigs
How do I know if my guinea pig is sick? - Symptoms of digestive problems in guinea pigs

Signs of skin problems in guinea pigs

The appearance of itching, lesions, grease, scaling, scabs, alopecia, darkening or thickening of the skin or pads, whether generalized or local, indicate the existence of some alteration that may be due to the presence of parasites, fungi or some endocrine disorder. Any of these symptoms help us to know if a guinea pig is sick and are a reason for veterinary consultation. To avoid some of these problems, it is important to establish, with our veterinarian, a suitable deworming schedule.

My guinea pig is dying

Sometimes, and even in a very short time, the he alth of our whose can worsen to the point of death. Although it is normal for cataracts, tumors, joint stiffness or pain when walking to appear with aging, when our guinea pig is dying we can observe a very labored breathing, some very slow movements or the total absence of them, or urinary incontinence, that is, the one who urinates on himself. When such a serious state of he alth is reached, it is very difficult to reverse the situation, so it is important to be clear about how to know if a guinea pig is sick in order to seek veterinary assistance from the first moment. When the guinea pig has no possible cure and is suffering, we must assess the option of euthanasia together with our veterinarian.
