9 symptoms of a sick fish - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO

9 symptoms of a sick fish - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO
9 symptoms of a sick fish - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO
9 symptoms of a sick fish
9 symptoms of a sick fish

Like all living things, fish also get sick. These animals are not as expressive as cats or dogs, so it is very important that you know the routine of your fish so that you can detect any illness in time.

Has your fish started behaving differently and you are concerned? In this article on our site we will talk about the 9 symptoms of a sick fish and, above all, what to do when they appear.

1. Your fish does not spread its fins

If your fish remains floating in the tank and does not spread its fins, it may be incubating a disease that is not showing any other symptoms yet, so keep an eye on it for a few days.

You may also be suffering from stress Major changes in the pond, such as general cleaning, changing the plants or toys, or that the aquarium does not have enough space for each fish, are some of the causes of stress. Pay special attention to this, as it is capable of causing the death of your pet.

two. Your fish is on the bottom and not swimming

If your pet is swimming slowly or gasps the pH of the water may be too high, this can be very dangerous for anyone species of fish, as each one requires the water to be in specific conditions to survive.

If you suddenly notice your fish behaving this way, check the water conditions before ruling out another disease.

3. Your fish stays on the bottom side

The causes of a fish staying on the bottom and in a sideways position are varied. Most likely, the water has a very high concentration of NO3. If it comes to this, you should place fast growing plants and other floating plants.

In these cases, it is also possible that the fish has some vision problem or has gone blind, so it does not be unable to maintain balance, which is another symptom of a sick fish.

4. Your fish doesn't move but breathes

If your pet is breathing, but has little or no movement, they probably have an infection The causes of infections in aquariums are varied: a bacterium may have infected the water or the plants, there is some other sick or dead fish, the water conditions have changed, favoring the development of bacteria, among other reasons.

If you observe this behavior, check the status of the water and pay attention to any changes in your pet's appearance.

9 symptoms of a sick fish - 4. Your fish does not move but breathes
9 symptoms of a sick fish - 4. Your fish does not move but breathes

5. Your fish rubs against objects in the tank

If your fish is continually rubbing against objects in the pond, it may have some kind of external parasite These parasites are usually very annoying, so you will quickly notice changes in the behavior of your fish. See if your pet has reddened gills or white spots along its body.

However, if this behavior appears after the fish has been handled with a net or with your hands, it is not something serious, it will go away after a short time.

6. Your fish doesn't eat

If you notice that your fish has no appetite, this can happen for three reasons. The first one is that he is getting used to a new food, perhaps you have changed the commercial brand or preferred to add new elements to his diet.

The second reason is constipation or constipation. If you don't see him defecate, you need to give him a laxative, in addition to interrupting his normal diet and start giving him hydrated food.

The last cause that can produce this symptom in a sick fish is anemia caused by intestinal parasites If you notice that your fish is thin and does not eat, it is best to remove it from the pond and move it to a fish tank that has constantly oxygenated water. In the new container, apply a treatment with tripaflavin (acriflavin) at a dose of 1 drop per 3 liters of water for 3 days. Then, repeat the process in the dose of 1 drop every 5 liters of water; during this time you should not feed the fish.

7. Your fish has white spots on its body

If the fish has white spots on some areas of the body or on its fins, it is probably due to some type of parasite. When the stains look like cotton balls, they are likely to be fungus.

In any case, a fish with white spots on the body should be treated with antibiotics and antiseptics that are added to the water. Treatments vary by species. Do not miss the following article: "White spot disease in fish".

9 symptoms of a sick fish - 7. Your fish has white spots on its body
9 symptoms of a sick fish - 7. Your fish has white spots on its body

8. Your fish suddenly jerks

If your pet moves abnormally around the tank it may be intoxicated due to external substances such as copper or chlorine; this behavior or symptom of a sick fish is also caused by lack of oxygen to the brain

In these cases, it is best to try to control the water values. Be patient, recovery may take several days. Move your fish to a container with fresh water and maximum oxygenation. Change approximately 30% of the water every 48 hours and do not feed the first two days.

9. Your fish gasps on the surface of the tank

When the fish approach the surface of the tank to gasp, with heavy breathing but accompanied by lethargic movements, you should check the low oxygen concentration in the water.

It may also happen that the fish gasps and also has swollen or reddened gills. This happens when there is a gill infection due to the presence of some parasite.

If it just gasps, you should check the water conditions. Pay special attention in case you observe many unicellular algae (they turn the water green). If so, add floating plants that help oxygenate the pond, as they will also help eliminate single-celled algae. Another option is to use an anti-algae product.

If you notice any gill infection, apply a tripaflavin (acriflavin) treatment at a dose of 1 drop per 3 liters of water for 3 days. Then, repeat the process with a dose of 1 drop per 5 liters of water.
