Types of Persian cats
Types of Persian cats

The Persian cat is one of the most popular cat breeds in the world, being the fourth most loved according to the Cat Fancier's Association. This cat, native to ancient Persia (now Iran), arrived in Italy in 1620 and since then has stood out as one of the most beloved pets.

To distinguish them we must look at the shape of the head, the type of body and the color that each specific individual presents. On our site we help you, showing you the characteristics of the 7 different types of Persian cats that exist.

How many types of Persian cats are there?

Although there have been recent variations of the breed, the Persian cat is one of the oldest in the world. Its history is not completely known, but it is estimated that it originated in ancient Persia, located in modern Iran. However, it was not until the 17th century that its pedigree was first recorded in Italy, before spreading throughout Europe.

Now then, how many types of Persian cat are there? Currently the Cat Fancier's Association officially recognizes seven types of Persian cats, grouped according to coat markings. Do you want to meet them? Keep reading!


We will begin the list of Persian cat types with the felines grouped within the solid color category. These cats must have a uniform coat, from the root, and must be free of marks or shadows. They can be colored:

  • White
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Chocolate
  • Lilac
  • Red
  • Cream

In this category the eyes of Persian cats are only copper-coloredHowever, in the case of pristine white Persian cats we can observe up to three eye colors: copper, deep blue and a combination of both, as they can also present heterochromia

Types of Persian cats - Solid
Types of Persian cats - Solid

Silver and golden

In this category of types of Persian cats we find those in color chinchilla, gold and silver They are also often called chinchilla cats and are Probably the ones that display the colors most indistinctof all Persian cats in existence.

The color is completely white, with a slightly dark and variable hue on the face, limbs, tail and body. The eyes of silver and gold can be green or teal.

Types of Persian cats - Silver and golden
Types of Persian cats - Silver and golden

Smoke and shaded

In this group of types of Persian cats we observe some felines that, at rest, appear solid in color. However, in movement the mantle opens, observing a kind of "smoke" in the mantle that can be of different colors, such as black, blue, cream, red, smoked tortoiseshell, smoked blue and Smoked Cream This change of coat appears around six to eight weeks of age. The eyes are always copper color

Types of Persian cats - Smoke and shaded
Types of Persian cats - Smoke and shaded


Continuing with our list of types of Persian cats we find the tabbies, known for being the most extroverted of all the Persian cats. We found three patterns: the classic, the mackerel and the brindle The colors that are recognized are:

  • Silver
  • Silver Blue
  • Red
  • Chocolate
  • Blue
  • Cream
  • Cameo
  • Cream cameo

Mostly show bright copper colored eyes, although the silver variety may also havecolored eyes hazel or green.

Types of Persian cats - Tabby
Types of Persian cats - Tabby


In the particolor category we find the Persian cats " tortoise shell", cream blue , " chocolate shell" and the cream lilac Also there are tortoiseshells, which are black with scattered spots around the face. All of them have bright copper colored eyes

Types of Persian cats - Particolor
Types of Persian cats - Particolor


In the bicolor Persian cat category we find calico, bicolor, "smoke" and white or "tabby" and white cats. They show a characteristic pattern on the head and limbs, in addition to a maximum of two colored spots on the body. They can combine the color white with:

  • Black
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Cream
  • Chocolate
  • Lilac

All show bright copper eyes, except silver tabby Persians, which can also showeyes green or hazelnut.

Types of Persian cats - Bicolor
Types of Persian cats - Bicolor

Extreme Himalayan or Persian cat

We end our list with the Himalayan, also known as the Himalayan or extreme Persian cat, probably one of the most popular and appreciated types of Persian cats in the world. This coat pattern can be displayed in different colors:

  • Chocolate
  • Gray
  • Lilac
  • Blue
  • Red

However, these colors are those that appear on the facemask and on the extremities, which combine with the different shades of the body, ranging from white to beige.

These types of Persian were developed from the crossing of Persian cats and Siamese cats, in this way the coloration of the Siamese was obtained with the morphology of the Persian, the result of thegenetic selection Even so, it took years for them to be recognized by the different feline federations. Himalayan Siamese cats have vivid blue eyes

Types of Persian cats - Himalayan or extreme Persian cat
Types of Persian cats - Himalayan or extreme Persian cat

How to take care of a Persian cat?

Persian cat care is diverse and, as responsible guardians, we must know them before adopting a feline of this breed. We will start talking about some of the Persian cat hair care.

Brushing the Persian cat

Persians are long-haired cats, also known for their love of daily grooming. However, those who are evaluating the option of adopting a Persian cat should know the importance of daily brushing, otherwise the feline may risk the accumulation of hairballs in the stomach, which can cause various he alth problems in the feline.

Persian Cat Bath

The bath would not be essential at first, however, those cats that have been adopted during their socialization period will greatly enjoy it if we get them used to regular bathsThis routine can be especially positive for keeping your coat in perfect condition and avoiding knots and tangles.

Other Persian cat care

His aristocratic appearance suits his temperament. They are often laid-back cats, who can enjoy a relaxed apartment life, provided they are provided with enough environmental enrichment. In addition, they form a excellent bond with their tutors, choosing one or several members as "favorites".

On the other hand, the visit to the vet will be mandatory. The specialist will help us to correctly follow the cat's vaccination schedule and the deworming routine. Ideally, make regular visits every 6 or 12 months, in this way we will be able to detect any of the common diseases of the Persian cat quickly.
