10 Dog breeds that DO NOT smell - Discover them

10 Dog breeds that DO NOT smell - Discover them
10 Dog breeds that DO NOT smell - Discover them
Dog breeds that don't smell
Dog breeds that don't smell

All dogs are going to smell what they are, it's inevitable. If we offer them quality food to guarantee the he alth of their skin and coat and we care about providing them with the hygiene they need according to their characteristics, their smell will be that of a he althy dog and it will be insignificant, except in specific cases, such as when they get wet.

Also, in this article on our site we are going to review dog breeds that do not smell or, in other words, that can be consider cleaner.

1. Poodle

We begin the list of dog breeds that smell the least with the well-known poodles or poodles. The peculiarity of them is that their hair does not change, but it does require regular care. If we focus on the standard, it can weigh up to 30 kg. They are dogs that have adapted perfectly to urban life, despite their origins as collection dogs in the water. In addition, they are intelligent and get along well with children. But you have to take into account a drawback that can increase their body odor, and that is that it is a breed with a tendency to suffer from atopic dermatitis, which can cause seborrhea and, consequently, a rancid body odour. In the absence of dermatitis, it is considered a dog suitable for allergy sufferers.

On the other hand, if you're looking for small dogs that don't smell, the Toy Poodle or Toy Poodle are equally milder body odor dogs.

Dog breeds that do not smell - 1. Poodle
Dog breeds that do not smell - 1. Poodle

two. Bedlington terrier

The Bedlington Terrier is an unmistakable dog thanks to its peculiar appearance, reminiscent of a sheep. But, despite this aesthetic, they do not stop being and behaving like any other terrier. This means that if they don't get the mental and physical stimulation they need, they can develop destructive behaviors.

They are medium-sized dogs, weighing about 8-10 kg, which originally hunted rats and badgers. Nowadays, we find them mainly as companion dogs, adapted to urban life and coexistence with children. We can include them in the breeds of dogs that do not smell or do so with less intensity because their coat does not shed

Dog breeds that do not smell - 2. Bedlington terrier
Dog breeds that do not smell - 2. Bedlington terrier

3. Kerry blue terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a medium-sized breed of Irish origin, weighing between 15-17 kg. In their appearance, their long beards stand out, which require constant attention to keep them clean, their eyebrows and their curly hair that, as its name indicates, acquires a bluish hue. It is included among the dog breeds that smell the least because its coat does not shed, as happens with the previous ones.

In its beginnings it was dedicated to hunting foxes, badgers and rats, although today we also find it as a companion dog, adapted to urban life. Of course, it has to be able to release its enormous energy.

Dog breeds that do not smell - 3. Kerry blue terrier
Dog breeds that do not smell - 3. Kerry blue terrier

4. Barbet

The barbet is a very old, medium-sized dog of French origin, weighing between 15 and 25 kg. It is a good companion dog and has adapted to life in the city and living with children and other dogs. Formerly, it was a collection dog in the water.

His curly fur stands out, covering his entire body, face included. This hair is waterproof and gives it protection even if it is introduced into very cold water. It is included as one of the breeds of dogs that do not smell due to its absence of shedding This dog is not as popular as the previous ones, possibly due to the care that this dog requires hair, but this is a very sociable, affectionate and playful breed.

5. Pont Audemer Spaniel

The Pont-Audemer spaniel is included in the list of dog breeds that do not smell because they have a non-greasy coat of hairThis does not imply that it does not require care, but it is not difficult to handle. Sebum is responsible for the characteristic dog smell. When this is not abundant we can infer that body odor will be less noticeable.

This French spaniel is medium in size, not exceeding 25 kg in weight. It was a dog trained to collect prey in the water. For this reason, it loves wetlands and swamps. Currently, it is also found as an excellent companion dog, docile, adapted to urban environments and capable of maintaining a happy coexistence with other dogs and children. Of course, it is essential that you can exercise. Only then will you be calm and relaxed at home. Unfortunately, it is a rare breed to find.

6. Brie Shepherd

We include these specimens among the breeds of dogs that do not smell because of their characteristic dry and long coat, which constitutes a good protection against to adverse weather conditions. Not in vain these dogs of French origin in their beginnings were dedicated to the surveillance of livestock and lived outdoors. A coat with less sebum will produce less odour, as we have already indicated.

Today it is more common to find this canine breed as a companion dog, even living in apartments, despite the fact that they are large, weighing more than 30 kg. They can have problems with other dogs, perhaps because they retain their instinct to guard and protect.

Dog breeds that do not smell - 6. Brie Shepherd
Dog breeds that do not smell - 6. Brie Shepherd

7. Bouvier des Flanders

The Cattle Dogs of Flanders were dedicated to the care of livestock, although today they no longer accompany cattle, so it is more common to find them in homes. They have even adapted to a life in the city. They are robust and large in size, and can reach 40 kg in weight. As a negative point, we can point out that they do not always accept the presence of their peers, since they can be territorial. However, this can be solved with proper socialization from puppyhood.

They can be included among the odorless dog breeds because of their dry, matte coat, which requires regular grooming. This breed of dog was on the brink of extinction, although it has recovered due to the intervention of Belgian breeders.

Dog breeds that do not smell - 7. Bouvier des Flanders
Dog breeds that do not smell - 7. Bouvier des Flanders

8. Spanish Water Dog

These water dogs make up an ancient and working breed, which was found helping fishermen, hunting or even taking care of cattle. Currently, they are becoming popular as companion dogs. They are medium in size and do not exceed 20 kg in weight. They have adapted to life in the cities and are dogs that, well educated, show an excellent character and a great capacity for learning. They get along great with other dogs, but it is essential that they have the opportunity to get all the exercise they need, as an active breed that they are. They are included among the dog breeds with the least odor because of their coat, which does not shed and forms cords

Dog breeds that do not smell - 8. Spanish water dog
Dog breeds that do not smell - 8. Spanish water dog

9. Portuguese Water Dog

This water dog is a little larger than the Spanish, as it can weigh up to 25 kg. In its beginnings, which date back to the Middle Ages, it worked alongside fishermen, although today it is more common as a company, guard and collection.

The Portuguese Water Dog is intelligent, relatively easy to train and very active, as well as strong, loyal and curious. They are included among the breeds of dogs without body odor, or with a less intense odor, for the same reason as the Spanish water dog. That is, doesn't shed, although his hair is long and wavy and needs frequent grooming. The breed has a distinctive cut that is shaved on the hind legs and tail, except for the tip, and long at the front.

Dog breeds that do not smell - 9. Portuguese water dog
Dog breeds that do not smell - 9. Portuguese water dog

10. Labradoodle

We have finished the list of dog breeds that do not smell like the labradoodle. As its name suggests, it is the cross between the Labrador and the Poodle. The intention of its creation was to obtain a dog that could work as a guide for people with allergies, taking advantage of the Labrador's assistance capacity and the poodle's non-shedding coat The The first labradoodles date back to the 1980s and were born in Australia. They are dogs that reach 35 kg in weight and are excellent with children and other dogs. They learn easily and adapt to urban life, although they need to exercise, given their high energy level. His mantle has turned out to be curly and does not fall, although it must be known that this characteristic has not yet been fixed in all the specimens.

Now that you know the odorless dog breeds, don't miss this other list of dog breeds that smell the most.
