10 Dog breeds that smell the most - Characteristics and recommendations

10 Dog breeds that smell the most - Characteristics and recommendations
10 Dog breeds that smell the most - Characteristics and recommendations
Dog breeds that smell the most
Dog breeds that smell the most

All dogs are going to have a distinctive body odor and this is completely normal, although some people find it too strong. This will be accentuated at specific moments, such as when they get wet, and it will be perceived more powerful if we overdo it in the bathrooms, since the body will produce more sebum, which is responsible for the smell.

Although all dogs emit a characteristic body odor, as we will see in this article on our site, we can highlight some breeds of dogs that smell bad, in the sense that his body odor is somewhat stronger. Again, we insist that this is not a bad thing , it is part of the nature of the species and we must respect it. Likewise, at the end we will indicate when this odor is normal and when it indicates that something is wrong, since it is important to learn to differentiate normal body odor from odor as a symptom of disease.

1. Shar pei

We begin the review of the dog breeds that smell the worst because of the well-known shar pei. This dog, from China, is recommended for people who are not allergic to dogs and who have time to clean him frequently His fur, full of folds, requires vigilance to avoid problems such as fungal or bacterial infections. In addition, it is common to suffer eye disorders that are solved by going through the operating room, such as entropion.

Finally, it is a medium-sized breed and somewhat stubborn, which can make coexistence with other animals difficult, as well as basic education. He can become aggressive if he is not well socialized and educated, but if he has been properly trained, he will be tremendously affectionate!

Dog breeds that smell the most - 1. Shar pei
Dog breeds that smell the most - 1. Shar pei

two. Newfoundland

The Newfoundland is a dog with many positive characteristics, but we have to include it in the dog breeds that smell the strongest because of its dense, thick and oily coat, which can cause a bad smell. The Newfoundland is a working dog that was dedicated to helping fishermen in their place of origin. Today, in addition to being a companion dog, he also helps out in rescues and still loves water, which also contributes to its stronger scent.

This dog is large, and can weigh up to 70 kg. Despite its enormous size, it usually gets along wonderfully with other dogs and children. No wonder he rescues them from the pool!

Dog breeds that smell the most - 2. Newfoundland
Dog breeds that smell the most - 2. Newfoundland

3. Great Vendean Griffon

The Great Griffon Vendeen is one of the dog breeds that smell the worst Due to the characteristics of its coat This is divided into a superior, which is rough, and another interior, thick and soft. This coat helps it to withstand inclement weather, such as rain, but it also requires frequent care to avoid the dog smell. This type of griffon weighs 35 kg and is an excellent dog for coexistence with children and other animals. It is also an excellent student, although it must be able to exercise, so it is not the most recommended breed to live in a small apartment.

Dog breeds that smell the most - 3. Great Vendean Griffon
Dog breeds that smell the most - 3. Great Vendean Griffon

4. Bourbonnais Pointer

The Bourbonnais is another breed of dog that smells bad because of the amount of fat on its thick coat It is a medium-sized hunting dog, about 20-25 kg, that can also perform this task in the water. It is not very widespread, in fact, it almost became extinct after the world wars, but it has excellent qualities for company, as it is very balanced, easy to train and gets along great with other dogs and children. As a curiosity, some specimens are born without a tail.

Dog breeds that smell the most - 4. Bourbonnais Pointer
Dog breeds that smell the most - 4. Bourbonnais Pointer

5. Italian spinone

It is considered one of the dog breeds with the most body odor due to the strong aroma it gives off. This forceful odor added to the fact that has a tendency to slobber are the main drawbacks of this breed which, on the other hand, is calm, tolerant and obedient. These dogs love to play, so they get on well with children. They adapt to urban life, but must be able to exercise. They have beards and long eyebrows that give them a friendly and kind appearance. They are large in size and can weigh more than 35 kg.

Dog breeds that smell the most - 5. Italian Spinone
Dog breeds that smell the most - 5. Italian Spinone

6. Basset hound

The Basset Hound is an unmistakable breed thanks to its elongated body and distinctive ears. It also stands out for its exceptional sense of smell. It is not a very large dog, but it is heavy, since it can weigh up to 30 kg.

Their peculiar anatomical conformation makes these dogs more prone to some problems, such as those that affect the spine. It is included among the breeds of dogs that smell bad because of its oily coat, which can lead to seborrhea, which produces a strong body odour. They are dogs, in general, balanced, suitable for living with children and that adapt to living in the city. Of course, they can be somewhat stubborn when it comes to learning education.

Dog breeds that smell the most - 6. Basset hound
Dog breeds that smell the most - 6. Basset hound

7. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds today. They are large dogs, reaching 35 kg in weight, which stand out for their balanced character and ease of learning. They can live in apartments and share a home with children and other animals without any problem. Their docility and intelligence have made them service dogs. They love the water and spending time with their family. The only inconveniences that could be put on him are those related to he alth problems that he may suffer from, such as osteoarthritis or eye disorders, and the characteristics of his coat, which they make it enter the list of dog breeds that smell the strongest because this is very greasy

Dog breeds that smell the most - 7. Labrador retriever
Dog breeds that smell the most - 7. Labrador retriever

8. Cocker spaniel

The cocker spaniel, both English and American, can be included in the breeds of dogs that smell bad due to their coat, with tendency to seborrheaThe more sebum, the greater the dog's body odour. To avoid problems you will need regular care. In addition, this type of dog has a tendency to suffer from otitis because their hanging ears make it difficult to ventilate the ear canals. This condition is also a source of bad body odour.

Cockers are well-known dogs that can be great company and live with children and other animals as long as we provide them with adequate socialization and proper education. Otherwise, they could be nervous and even aggressive. They are medium-sized dogs weighing about 15 kg.

Dog breeds that smell the most - 8. Cocker spaniel
Dog breeds that smell the most - 8. Cocker spaniel

9. Irish Setter

Another dog breed with a stronger body odor due to its oily coat is the Irish setter. They are good dogs for coexistence with children and suitable for sharing a home with other dogs, with whom they usually play. They can live in an apartment as long as they have enough opportunities to burn off their energy. They like to run and they have to do it to avoid excessive nervousness. They also need frequent care to maintain the he alth of their beautiful coat. They are lightly built, but can weigh more than 30 kg.

Dog breeds that smell the most - 9. Irish Setter
Dog breeds that smell the most - 9. Irish Setter

10. German shepherd

We end this list of dog breeds that smell bad, or that have a stronger body odour, with one of the most popular and well-known: the German shepherd. Their oily hair is what causes them to give off a stronger smell. In addition, they have a tendency to suffer from seborrhea, hip dysplasia, digestive problems, eye problems, etc. They are large dogs, which can exceed 40 kg, with great qualities for performing tasks such as assistance, security or police work. They are very good students when it comes to teaching them obedience education and it is necessary to do so, since they require stimulation both mentally and physically. Otherwise, we could get a nervous and even aggressive dog.

Dog breeds that smell the most - 10. German Shepherd
Dog breeds that smell the most - 10. German Shepherd

When is odor a symptom of illness?

To live with a dog that smells good, that is, smells like a dog, we must provide quality food, which is what guarantees he althy skin and coat. We also have to groom him according to the recommendations for his breed. In general, regular brushing and baths only when the dog is dirty guarantee proper hygiene. Having reviewed the breeds of dogs that smell bad or, rather, stronger, it is important to bear in mind that sometimes the smell given off by the dog is not normal, but a symptom of some pathology. If we follow all the recommendations but detect a bad smell, this may be due to causes such as the following, which are a reason to consult the veterinarian:

  • Problems in the mouth: for example, periodontal disease can cause a very bad smell. It is more common in small breed dogs.
  • Skin problems: acanthosis nigrans typical of dachshunds, atopic dermatitis, which is more frequently suffered by breeds such as the golden Labrador, Lhasa Apso, Wire Fox Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Dalmatian, Poodle, English or Irish Setter, Boxer or Bulldog, Seborrhea, Cocker Spaniel, Westie, Basset, Irish Setter, German Shepherd, Labrador or Shar Pei, fold infections, more common in Spaniels, Saint Bernards, Pekingese, Shar Pei, Bulldogs, Boston Terriers or Pugs, or sebaceous adenitis, more present in the Akita, the Samoyed or the Vizsla, are diseases that end up producing a bad smell in dogs.
  • Problems in the ears: otitis is the cause of a very bad smell and is more frequent in dogs such as the Shar Pei or in those with hanging ears.
  • Hypothyroidism: breeds such as Golden, Doberman, Irish Setter, Miniature Schnauzer, Dachshund are more prone to this disease, the cocker, the airedale terrier, the labrador, the greyhound or the scottish deerhound. Its symptoms include seborrhea, which can make the dog smell bad.
