Breeds of dogs that get along with cats - List and recommendations

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Breeds of dogs that get along with cats - List and recommendations
Breeds of dogs that get along with cats - List and recommendations
Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats
Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

Many times considered bitter enemies, the truth is that dogs and cats can live together in the home without any problem. In fact, many of them become close and inseparable friends. In general, all well-bred dogs and cats can live together, although it is true that it is possible to point out some breeds of dogs that get along well with cats usually.

In this article on our site we review which dogs tend to interact great with cats and what considerations must be taken into account for coexistence.

Prior tips for a good coexistence between dogs and cats

As we advance, the coexistence between dogs and cats is perfectly possible. Although throughout this article we will give names of dog breeds that get along with cats, the truth is that, rather than talking about breeds, it may be more accurate to talk about individuals. In other words, a well-trained and, above all, well-socialized dog is more likely to have no problem relating to cats in their own home.

At this point it is important to point out that all dogs, regardless of their breed, age or size, need us to cover their basic needs. It's not just about feeding them or taking them to the vet, you have to provide them with physical and mental stimulation, that is, teach them basic commands, spend time with them, exercise them and, above all, socialize them.

The most sensitive period for socialization is between 3 and 12-16 weeks of life of the puppy and it is a stage especially suitable for exposing the dog to all kinds of stimuli, scenarios, noises, vehicles, people or other animals, such as cats. It is because in these months the dog will integrate all these novelties from a positive perspective. The result is that, in the future, it will be more difficult for him to feel and react with fear to a stranger, a passing bicycle or the veterinary clinic. Even if we adopt an adult dog, we must still provide all these stimuli. And if you have any problem in this area, you should contact an expert in canine behavior or an ethologist.

In addition to having a balanced dog it is advisable to make a scheduled and progressive introduction between him and the cat so that they can get to know each other little by little. For example, they can exchange their beds to mix their scents, allow them to see each other through glass, use rewards when they are quiet together or calming pheromones to minimize the stress that can be generated. For more details, don't miss the article on How to introduce a dog and a cat correctly.

It is important to keep in mind that sometimes the problem for coexistence is caused by the cat, since they are animals that are especially sensitive to any change in their environment. It is also treatable by an expert, in this case in feline behavior.

In addition to the relationship between the two animals, we must be careful with logistical aspects that may go unnoticed. Thus, dogs often show an irresistible attraction to the litter box and cat food. We can't leave anything within their reach, not only because they might eat something, but also because they might disturb the cat while he tries to evacuate or eat.

Do puppies get along better with cats?

If rather than breeds of dogs that get along with cats we have talked about specific specimens, it should also be noted that it is more likely that a puppy will live without problems with a catPrecisely if it is in the stage of socialization that we have indicated, it is easier for it to accept the cat as another member of the family.

Of course, even if he grows up with him, still he will need education and rules of coexistence, since a very rough dog, very nervous or uncontrolled could stress or even hurt the cat as it increases in size. In any case, maintaining these cares, if we already have a cat at home and we want to introduce a dog, a puppy can be a good option.

Don't miss our article on How to train a puppy for a better coexistence.

Dog breeds that get along best with cats

Although a priori it may seem easier for a puppy to adapt to a cat, sometimes it is much better to opt for an adult dog. First, because he already has the character formed, with which we already know if he is going to respect the cat, is going to want to play or not, etc.; second, because a puppy can be too playful and stressful for a cat, especially if the cat is already old and demands peace of mind. Although, we insist, the relationship, good or bad, will depend a lot on the education and characteristics of each specimen.

Even so, if we are looking for an adult dog for a home with one or more cats, some breeds of dogs that get along with cats, in general, can be pointed out. Of course, mixed dogs can be just as great for this coexistence. Among the breed dogs we can point out the following:

  • Labrador retriever.
  • Golden retriever.
  • A good part of the breeds of spaniels.
  • Boxer.
  • M altese.
  • Lhasa apso.
  • Shih Tzu.
  • French Bulldog.
  • Cavalier king Charles.

All these dogs stand out for their balanced, playful, friendly, docile or calm nature, qualities that greatly facilitate coexistence with cats and other animals. Of course, each specimen must be valued, since a dog without its needs met can be problematic in all facets of its life.

Dog breeds that get along with cats - Dog breeds that get along best with cats
Dog breeds that get along with cats - Dog breeds that get along best with cats

Do hunting dogs get along badly with cats?

In this section we point out a widespread myth that excludes from among the breeds of dogs that get along with cats those specimens considered "hunting", for example the podenco type. It is true that some characteristics can make them incompatible with living with other animals smaller than them, cats included, but there are many that adapt perfectly to them

Thus, they are usually dogs that, well socialized, educated, exercised and cared for, remain very calm at home and do not show special problem for sharing housing with one or several cats. Therefore, they are not an adoption option that should be ruled out by system. In fact, unfortunately, the dogs classified in the group of "hunting dogs" are among the most abandoned, for this reason we emphasize that it is much more important to take into account the characteristics of the dog when adopting than its breed or physical appearance..

Dog breeds with cat problems

If you can point out certain breeds of dogs that get along better with cats, it is also possible to put an alert on others, although, we insist again, more than breeds we have to talk about concreteindividuals. However, in general, care should be taken with all those that can see the cat as prey, that have the instinct to launch themselves at everything that moves, are too rough or can cause serious damage with their jaws. Obviously, precautions must also be taken with any dog that has already attacked or tried to attack a cat.

We must remember that it would be advisable for cats with aggressive tendencies to be evaluated and treated by a professional, even if we do not plan for them to live with a cat. This way we will avoid scares on the street or if a feline sneaks into the garden.
