Black and white dog breeds - TOP 15 most popular (with PHOTOS)

Black and white dog breeds - TOP 15 most popular (with PHOTOS)
Black and white dog breeds - TOP 15 most popular (with PHOTOS)
Black and White Dog Breeds
Black and White Dog Breeds

The FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale), known in Spanish as the International Cinological Federation, recognizes more than 300 dog breeds. In this way, in the world there are dog breeds of all colors and sizes.

Wondering what the black and white dog breeds are? In this article on our site we have compiled a complete list where you can find the 15 most popular. Keep reading!


The Dalmatian is a large dog popularly known for its peculiar black or brown spots on its short white coat. The International Cinological Federation (FCI) attributes the origin of the breed to the Croatian region of Dalmatia.

The Dalmatian is a breed elegant, calm and very loyal It is also a dog friendly and confident. In general, Dalmatians get along well with other canine friends and are very sociable with humans, they don't like being alone at all.

Black and white dog breeds - Dalmatian
Black and white dog breeds - Dalmatian

Border collie

The border collie, the Smartest dog in the world[1], is medium in size and officially recognized in the British Isles. As for the coat color , there is a wide variety of combinations:

  • Black and white border collie.
  • Border collie brown and white.
  • Border collie black, brown and white.
  • Border collie white and tan.

Also, this dog can have both short and long hair. This dog breed stands out for its high learning capacity On the other hand, the border collie dog breed is perfect for exercising. Its character is ideal for sharing time and space with the largest and smallest.

Black and white dog breeds - Border collie
Black and white dog breeds - Border collie


The Newfoundland dog is an impressive dog due to its imposing giant size. The origin of the Newfoundland dog is located on the Newfoundland Island, in Canada. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) recognizes a very similar breed called the Landseer.

In reference to hair color, it can be black, black and white, or brown. Hair is characterized by being thick and half measure. Although he is one of the largest dogs, he is one of the most kind, loving and affectionatethat exist. In addition, he gets along especially well with children.

Black and white dog breeds - Newfoundland
Black and white dog breeds - Newfoundland

French Bulldog

The French bulldog's coat is characterized by being short, fine and smooth. In addition, according to the International Cinological Federation (FCI), the coat can be fawn or brindle fawn with white patches.

This breed is characterized by being a small dog. It also highlights his peculiar physical appearance with the bat ears and flattened face, but also his affectionate naturewith people who need company.

Black and white dog breeds - French Bulldog
Black and white dog breeds - French Bulldog

Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is a large breed that comes from Asia, Europe and Russia. The coat of this dog is long and can be colored white, black, black and cinnamon, silver gray or black and white It is characterized by the ability to adapt to different climates and for its appearance similar to that of the wolf. As for the eyes, they are usually hazel brown or sky blue.

It is also a very active breed that needs a lot of physical exercise. They are generally affectionate and playful dogs Can become possessive and develop resource guarding if not properly educated and socialized. You may also be wary of strangers for the same reason.

Black and white dog breeds - Siberian Husky
Black and white dog breeds - Siberian Husky

Spanish Water Dog

The Spanish water dog is medium in size and physically resembles the French barbet. His fur stands out for being long and curly. As for color, there are unicolor, bicolor and tricolor Spanish Water Dogs:

  • Unicolor: white, black or brown.
  • Bicolor: black and white or white and brown.
  • Tricolor: black and tan or hazelnut and tan.

His character is usually very docile and he has many predispositions for learning. In addition, he is characterized by being a very faithful dog.

Black and white dog breeds - Spanish Water Dog
Black and white dog breeds - Spanish Water Dog

Breton Spaniel

Breton spaniels are medium-sized dogs of French origin. The Bretons' coat is very smooth, fine and they have a thick fringe. As for the colors, they can be: black and white, white and brown or white and orange.

The Breton is a breed that has a great capacity to adapt to the family environment. In addition, it is characterized by being a very active dog that needs to discharge energy through exercises or games. But that's not all, his behavior with the little ones is exemplary, since he behaves with special tenderness and delicacy.

Black and white dog breeds - Breton Spaniel
Black and white dog breeds - Breton Spaniel


The Papillon is a small dog and its origin comes from France and Belgium. We are faced with a dog of fine and elegant appearance. As for the hair, it is long white with black, brown, red or sable spots.

As far as character is concerned, the Papillon is a playful, intelligent and social dog It is a breed with a high capacity for relating with humans and other animals. In addition, they are very active, so it is very important for them to exercise.

Black and white dog breeds - Papillon
Black and white dog breeds - Papillon

Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a dog that comes from Europe and Switzerland. If you are thinking of adopting one, it is a large dog. The coat is long and smooth with a great characteristic of the breed due to the unmistakable colors. The base color is black with reddish-brown markings and white spots

As for character, it is a very docile, sociable and intelligent dog. It is a dog compatible with active families, since it needs to discharge energy through physical activity. In addition, it is very suitable for families with children.

Black and white dog breeds - Bernese Mountain Dog
Black and white dog breeds - Bernese Mountain Dog

Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland Sheepdog was first recognized in Scotland and is a small but very elegant dog. The colors of its long, smooth and thick fur can be of different combinations:

  • Cibelina, from light gold to dark mahogany.
  • Tricolor.
  • Blackbird blue.
  • Black and white.
  • Black and tan.

Shelties tend to have a affectionate character, although not so much with strangers, since they tend to behave shyly. They are also characterized by being loyal and intelligent If you are thinking of adopting a puppy, try to encourage socialization with other animals to reduce shyness.

Black and white dog breeds - Shetland Sheepdog
Black and white dog breeds - Shetland Sheepdog

Other black and white dogs

We must not forget the mestizo dogs that do not show specific physical characteristics, as occurs with the breeding of purebred dogs, since They are unique and unrepeatable dogs. That's why if you're thinking of adopting a puppy, keep these loyal friends in mind.

The above are the most popular black and white dog breeds, but the truth is that there are others that are also well known. Thus, other black and white breed dogs that we found are the following:

  • Landseer
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Beagle
  • Parson Russell terrier
  • Jack Russell terrier

And if you know more breeds of black and white dogs that are not here, don't forget to leave your comment.

Photos of black and white dog breeds
