The 10 most INTELLIGENT CAT breeds - With videos and photos

The 10 most INTELLIGENT CAT breeds - With videos and photos
The 10 most INTELLIGENT CAT breeds - With videos and photos
Top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds
Top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds

Cats share their lives with the people who care for them, establishing a very strong bond with them. They are able to communicate in an outstanding way, both through gestures and by emitting sounds. Furthermore, these animals have no problem surviving in the wild: they are good hunters and adapt to any kind of life.

All domestic cats share these characteristics and are highly intelligent. However, some breeds have been shown to have quite outstanding ingenuity. Do you want to know what they are? Don't miss this article on the 10 most intelligent cat breeds in the world

Maine coon

The Maine coon cat is the official feline breed of the state of Maine, in the United States. Despite their beauty, these felines were naturally selected as working cats. On the farms of Maine they looked for the best rodent hunters, also able to withstand the frigid winters of the north. They found it in this breed of large size, dense fur and intelligence.

Maine cats are one of the most intelligent cat breeds in the world. They have an extraordinary ability to learn all kinds of tricks and are as easy to train “like a dog” In addition, and despite their imposing size, they are extraordinarily gentle and They are sociable, so they make not only good housemates, but also great therapy cats.

If you want to know everything about cat breeds, you can't miss the Gatopedia project, the Wiki about cats It brings together all known information about felines, their history, characteristics, care and endless curiosities. Take a look and become a cat expert.

American Bobtail

Despite their wild appearance, American Bobtails are one of the most affectionate types of cats. They establish very strong bonds with their family and love to enjoy their company. They show great intelligence and empathy, having fun in good times and loving us when we've had a bad day.

They are known for being quiet, but also for enjoying interactive games, including house games and outdoor sports. As you read, these cats love to go for walks, as they are very outgoing and sociable with strangers, including other furry four-legged cats.

Top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds - American Bobtail
Top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds - American Bobtail


The Siamese cat is one of the oldest and most popular breeds. This feline stands out for being the most communicative and talkativeHe does not hesitate to answer us and tell us what he wants through numerous vocalizations and gestures. For this reason, he is often referred to as the “cat person”. He loves interacting with us and participating in all our activities

For many, the Siamese is the most intelligent cat breed in the world. In fact, it is the only breed that has a scientific memberIn 1975, the physicist Hetherington added his cat Chester as a co-author of a scientific paper under the pseudonym “F. D. C., Willard” [1]The feline even signed copies of the publication with his paw print.

The 10 most intelligent cat breeds - Siamese
The 10 most intelligent cat breeds - Siamese

Japanese Bobtail

In addition to its short tail, the Japanese bobtail is known for being one of the most intelligent cat breeds in the world. As you can see from their alert and attentive gaze, these felines are full of life They are very playful and love to climb, jump and solve puzzles. For this reason, they are easy to train and quickly become the kings of feline sports.

They also use their intelligence to be the center of family life. These cats are always aware of everything we do and do not hesitate to call our attention to be part of it. That's because this breed is one of the most social They love being around people, including our guests and other animals.

Top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds - Japanese Bobtail
Top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds - Japanese Bobtail

Bengali cat

The wild appearance of the Bengal cat has made it a very popular breed. Its appearance is due to the fact that is a hybrid cat, which comes from a cross between the domestic cat and the Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), one of the types of wild cats living in Asia.

In this way, a breed was achieved with the intelligence of wild cats and the loving nature of domestic cats. It is one of the most active and athletic breeds, conserving the energy of puppies throughout their lives. Despite this, they have no difficulty learning basic commands and house rules.

European Burmese

The European Burmese cat is the perfect companion at home. It is a feline calm, friendly and affectionateHe loves to snuggle up next to us on the sofa, but also to play and participate in our activities. They don't like being alone at all, so they follow us around the house, watching us carefully and calling our attention.

These cats quickly become the center of attention for our guests and their pets. It is their empathy and their ability to socialize that leads us to consider them one of the most intelligent cat breeds in the world.

The 10 most intelligent cat breeds - European Burmese
The 10 most intelligent cat breeds - European Burmese

Khao manee

Among the intelligent cat breeds, the Khao manee stands out, a breed native to Thailand. The roy alty of this country considers him a kind of lucky talisman It is not strange, because, at first glance, his clear and luminous eyes inform us about his intelligence.

The Khao manee cat is an excellent rodent hunter that was naturally selected, so he retains the typical curiosity of the older breeds. In addition, they are characterized by being devoted to his family, whom they accompany everywhere.

The 10 smartest cat breeds - Khao manee
The 10 smartest cat breeds - Khao manee


The lykoi or wolf cat is a fairly recent breed that comes from a colony of cats in the United States. Its most particular characteristic lies in its coat, which does not have an undercoat and is roan black, which gives it a rough and messy appearance.

Due to its lack of protective hair, this feline is considered very domestic. Therefore, it has a loving character and enjoys interactive games a lot. However, its lineage comes from stray cats, so it maintains the typical intelligence of those felines that are forced to survive without help.

The 10 smartest cat breeds - Lykoi
The 10 smartest cat breeds - Lykoi

European cat

The European is the common domestic cat. It comes from the domestication of the African wild cat (Felis lybica) and was distributed throughout the world giving rise to other cat breeds.

There is no doubt that these felines possess a natural intelligence that allowed them to coexist with humans and convince us to welcome them into our home. Due to the age of this breed, many of its members have been able to demonstrate their ingenuity. This is the case of Stubbs, the honorary mayor of Talkeetna (Alaska[2], and of astronaut Félicette, who returned to Earth by parachuting[3]

The 10 most intelligent cat breeds - European cat
The 10 most intelligent cat breeds - European cat

Turkish Angora

In Turkey they consider their angora cat a national treasure, something that is easy to agree on. Its beauty and intelligence are gradually making it one of the most popular cat breeds in the world. This feline is very versatile and easily adapts to different lifestyles.

The Turkish Angora cat enjoys all kinds of company, including children and dogs. Due to their outgoing and affectionate nature, they are considered one of the most intelligent cat breeds in the world. However, they can be quite bossy, quickly becoming the alpha cat of the house.
